2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit1(14)教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit1(14)教案 人教PEPTheme: GrandparentsFunction: Describing past activities with a relation to the present.Target Languages: Simple past tense. Simple present tense. She learnt English.Did she learn any foreign languages? He is learning English now.Vocabulary: learnlearnt, these, dancer, class, study, hard, retiredPronunciation: / / / / / /Poem: Who saw the wind?一、Warmer:1. On the board write the following:Make made study run went get up have had go teachRan got up taught studied read write wrote read miss missed cancould has cook watch lived cooked watched live2. Tell the Ss that you are going to call out the verb in the present tenseand they have to tell you the same verb in the past tense. Then choose onestudent to go to the board and draw a line between the two verb forms. E.g. getup got up二、Presentation:1. Listen and say.A. Start by introducing some languages. On the board write the name of somecountries and languages of that country.England English Korea Korean China Chinese Japan JapaneseFrance French Italy ItalianB. Tell the Ss that you are going to call out the name of a country and theSs have to say the language of this country.C. Listen to the tape and repeat the text and underline the languages that arementioned in the text.D. Divided the class into two groups. One group is Mr. Li and the other groupis Chen Hai. Then read the text in the roles.2. Look and say: Talking about the pictures in groups.A. Five years ago, he walked to school. Now he goes to school by school bus.B. Five years ago, he wrote letters. Now he sends email.C. Five years ago, he lived in a small house. Now he lives in a big house.3. Listen and repeat: / / / / / /draw saw chair hair class pass三、Activity book:1. Listen and tick:First read the text: Many years ago there were not lots of cars in Bingjing.People travelled by bike. I worked in a factory. I made bikes. Now Beijing isdifferent. Lots of people have got cars now. Now I am a driver. I drive a taxi.Lots of people go by taxi now. I love being a taxi driver.2. A. many years ago B. Now C. Now D. many years ago E. now F. many yearsago G. now H. many years ago I. now J. now3. Look and answer:A. Five years ago, did you go to school? No, I didnt. Now I go to school.B. Using these phrases: go to school/ speak English/ ride a bike/ write inChineseC. Do it in pairs.4. Listen and repeat:A. I saw that you could draw.B. There are hairs on my chair.C. Everyone in my class will pass the tests.四、Homework: 1. Write the news and read the text.2.Write the changes in your life.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit2 Lesson1-2教案 北师大版新课标体现: 本单元主要是要求学生能够用过去时表达过去发生的一些事情,能够用本单元主要句式询问对方或他人在过去时间在干什么。让学生对一般过去时有一个初步的认识。引导学生形成吃饭时的一些好习惯。Teaching Aims:知识技能:1.Listening:能够理解本单元的故事。2.Speaking:能用过去时简单的描述在过去发生的事情,能用本单元主要句式询问对方或他人在过去都干了什么。3.Reading:能正确、流利的朗读课文和一些辅音的读法。4.Writing:能正确、规范地拼写本单元要求掌握的生词和短语;能听写本单元功能句,并做出应答。过程方法:1.利用现有的教设备资源,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学习打下基础。 2.在教授对话的同时,把单词或重点句型出示给学生,这样可以使学生更方便于学习,掌握,和运用。3.在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情,还可以帮助班主任更好的完成思想道德教育工作。Teaching Emphasis:What did you do last night? 及回答.Where were you yesterday afternoon? I was at home.一般过去式行为动词规则与不规则的变化以及在肯定,否定句中的运用。Teaching Difficulty:去时的用法及表达。如何用过去时描述自己所做过的事情。一些单词的记忆。 The 1st periodTeaching Aims:1. The students can read the story.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can be listening the story.Teaching Emphasis:How to read the story and understand the story.Teaching Difficulty1. How to read the story.2. How to understand the story.Teaching process:Step1:Review the song.T: Play the tape and have the children try to sing.S: Listen and try to sing the song.Step2:Review the story.Ask some questions to the children.T: Where were Ann and Ken in her dream?S: Try to answer.T: Where were they in this picture?S: Try to answer the question.T: Where were you yesterday/last night?S: Try to answer the question. Step3: Set the sceneT: Ask the children if any of them have ever chocked on food while they were eating.S: Try to talk their experience in Chinese.T: Tell the children that in this units story Mocky eat something too quickly and then chocks on his food.S: Think and listen.Step4:Get preparedT: Have the children listen the story and order.S: Listen to the tape and try to order.T: Play the tape.S: Listen and order.T: Have the children open the book and check the answer.S: Open the book and check.T: Have the children read the story by themselves.S: Read the story.T: Play the tape again and have the children look at the picture.S: Listen to the tape and look at the picture.T: Play the tape and have the children repeat.S: Listen and repeat.Step5:Read the story and act. (Group work) Homework:Preview the story.课后反思:学生对句子都能理解,并能自己说出一些句子,只是个别学生不能完整地回答问题,应该多锻炼学生说完整的句子。The 2nd periodTeaching Aims:1. The students can retell the story.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can be listening the story.Teaching Emphasis:1. How to read the story and understand the story.Teaching Difficulty1. How to read the story.2. How to retell the story.Teaching process:Step1:Review the storyT: Tell the story to the children.S: Listen carefully.Step2: Tell the storyT: Have the children look at the bottom of the pages.S: Pay attention to the story.T: Have the children look at the picture and the teacher tell the story.S: Look at the pictures and listen.T: Have the children read the story by themselves and answer some questions.Where were Ann and Ken yesterday?Who visit their house?Where did Mocky sit? What did Mocky eat?Who came into the kitchen?What happened to Mocky? Why?How did Ken help him?Was he still sick?What happened next day?S: Read the story and try to answer the questions.T: Check the answer with the children.Step3:T: Show some words and their past words.Gowent sitsat eatate Dodid am/iswas arewere Havehad Visitvisited looklooked coughcoughed CleancleanedPutput hithit S: Read this words after the teacher.Blackboard writingGowent sitsat eatate Dodid am/iswas arewere Havehad Visitvisited looklooked coughcoughed CleancleanedPutput hithit Homework:Tell the story to the parents.教学反思:学生默写单词不好,大部分学生单词的错误率相对比较高,应加强练习。


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