2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 7(3)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 7(3)教案 湘少版 Teaching contents: 1. Part A : Lets listen and say Sentence pattern : I. Do you have any hobbies ?. II. I like 2. Part B : Lets learn Words: Roller-blading /a sticker album/ collecting stickers/making handicrafts 3. Part C: Lets read and write How to use Do you have a .? 4. Part E: Lets have fun Lets sing Teaching aims: 1. To get the students to grasp the dialogues. 2. To get the students to grasp the words and phrases. 3. To get the students to use Do you have any .? Teaching preparation: Some pictures, CAI, tap record Part 3 Step 1 Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls! S: Hello, Miss Hua! T: Glad to meet you! S: Glad to meet you, too! T: What day is today? S: Today is. T: Are you happy today? S: . Step 2 Warm-up activities Sing a song: Butterfly Step 3 Presentation 1. Create some situations to make students to use *Do you have any.? I like. 2. T shows the pictures of Part A Part 4 Step 1 Greetings T: Morning, bogs and girls. S: Morning, Miss Luo. T: How are you today ? S: Fine, thank you. T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its . . T: Are you happy today ? S : . .Step 2 Review 1. Review the words and phrases. 2. Review the dialogues.Step 3 Presentation Lets have a fun. T: Lets sing.(part E) Step 4 Do exercises Do the exercises in exercise book 课文内容:Unit 7 Do you have any hobbies?. Part A,B课 时:1 Period教学目标:Knowledge Aims:37. Learn to say : Do you have any hobbies?What hobbies do you have?38. Learn the new words and expressions:roller-blading/ a sticker album/ collecting stickers/ making handicrafts/reading storiesAbility Aims:1.Can use the words and sentences in daily life.重点难点:1.The new words and sentences. 2. Can use the sentences with the learned words in daily life.教学准备:A tape recorder /Some subjects/Courseware?Cards教学过程:Step Greetings and duty report Step Warming-up35. Ask Ss some questions about the sentences of Unit6 or Act the dialogue of Last period.Step Presentation58. Teach the new words and sentences.59. Teach the dialogue and read it.60. Listen to the tape and repeat, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Step37. Practise the sentences with the given words.38. Make a dialogue.Step Revision43. Read the words and sentences of this Unit.44. Do some exercises in Ebs. 课文内容:Unit 7 Do you have any hobbies?. Part A,C,D课 时:1 Period教学目标:Knowledge Aims:39. Revise to say : Do you have any hobbies?What hobbies do you have?40. Revise the words and expressions:roller-blading/ a sticker album/ collecting stickers/ making handicrafts/reading stories/hobbyAbility Aims:1.Can use the words and sentences in daily life.重点难点:1.The new words and sentences. 2. Can use the sentences with the learned words in daily life.教学准备:A tape recorder /Some subjects/Courseware?Cards教学过程:Step Greetings and duty report Step Warming-up36. Ask Ss some questions about the sentences of last period or Act the dialogue of Last period.Step Presentation61. Teach the new words and sentences.62. Teach the dialogue and read it.63. Listen to the tape and repeat, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Step39. Practise the sentences with the given words.40. Make a dialogue.Step Revision45. Read the words and sentences of this Unit.46. Do some exercises in Ebs.课文内容:Unit 7 Part E,F课 时:1 Period教学目标:Knowledge Aims:5. Listen, read and write the words.Ability Aims:1.Can use the words and sentences of Unit 7 in daily life.重点难点:1.Read the dialogue and write the words. 2.Use the sentences of Unit 7教学准备:A tape recorder/some cards教学过程:Step Greetings and duty report Step Warming-up 1.Have a dictation.2.Ask Ss some questions about the sentences of Unit62.Act the Dialogue of Last period. Step Presentation64. Do Part C65. Lets write66. Lets have fun Step Revision47. Read the words and sentences of this Unit.48. Do some exercises in Ebs.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 7教案 上海新世纪版 本课的教学内容主要是Grandtheatre 的板块教学。在新世纪英语教材中,Grandtheatre的教学内容是wonderland(单词板块)和Farmland(句型板块)内容的整合和运用。教师在这个板块中不仅要教授学生对语言的运用,也要从教学内容中挖掘一些文化和伦理道德现象,对学生进行教育。 一、教材分析: 本课的教学内容主要是Grandtheatre 的板块教学。在新世纪英语教材中,Grandtheatre的教学内容是wonderland(单词板块)和Farmland(句型板块)内容的整合和运用。教师在这个板块中不仅要教授学生对语言的运用,也要从教学内容中挖掘一些文化和伦理道德现象,对学生进行教育。本课的课题是Unit 7 A Story about the Wright Brothers, 主要是讲述的是世界上两个伟大的科学家怀特兄弟的成长经历,他们从小就有飞行的梦想,长大后凭着自己对科学探索的满腔热情,通过他们自身的刻苦学习,潜心钻研。终于在1903年第一架飞机在美国诞生了,虽然离开地面飞行了不到一分钟,但是这对于以后人类飞行史的发展起到决定性的作用。本课的基本教学目标是通过教学,掌握Grandtheatre中的基本词组,进一步巩固过去时态的应用,能理解Grandtheatre的内容,能回答课后的问题,并能复述故事。本课的发展要求是能熟练运用课文中的所学的语言知识点对身边的人进行采访,获取他们的故事,最终写成一个小故事。通过这样的训练可以锻炼学生的口语能力和写作能力。通过本课的教学,我们要让学生们去热爱科学,尊重为人类社会的进步做出积极贡献的人们,懂得通过今天勤奋的学习,努力实现自己的梦想。 二、教学目的:基本要求:1.学习Grandtheatre, 掌握和应用本课中基本词组,be interested in,have a dream of doing, e true, be interested in,at young age, have a dream of doing, e true, in the year。2.进一步巩固过去时态的应用。3.能阅读和理解Grandtheatre,并能复述故事。4.能根据音标识读单词。 发展要求:1.能根据所给的关键词用自己的语言复述莱特兄弟的故事。2.能根据所学的知识,组织语言,对他人进行采访,并通过获取的信息仿写成小故事。 三、技能目标:能整合已有的语言知识来复述、仿写小故事。 四、文化目标:教育学生热爱科学, 尊重为人类社会的进步做出积极贡献的人们,鼓励学生通过今天勤奋的学习努力实现自己的理想。 五、情感目标:能根据自己的实际情况表达自己的梦想。 六、学习策略:1培养学生合作学习的团队精神。2帮助学生运用所学的语言知识点进行交际,并能运用在实际生活中。 七、教学准备本单元的话题是人类第一次飞行,一个巨大梦想的实现,教师可以准备一些有关飞行的资料,如中国第一次外太空飞行的相关内容。Teaching ProcedurePre-task preparations:Task 1 Song: I have a dream (通过演唱这首英语歌曲,营造良好的课堂气氛,为今天的主题打下伏笔。Task 2 Talk about the big new happened in China, ShenZhou 6(通过谈论神洲六号,和杨立伟,中国第一太空人,联系到人类第一次飞上蓝天的怀特兄弟。) (由于我们谈论的是最近中国人引以为荣的大新闻,杨立伟作为第一个飞上太空的中国人,学生们对他都抱着非常敬仰的心情,当问到第一个飞上天空的人类时,就会引起学生的浓厚兴趣,他们究竟是什么人呢?这个环节不仅培养了学生的探究能力,而且又活跃了课堂氛围。)While-task procedures:Task 1 Show pictures of Wright Brothers picture, have the students read the names of Wright Brothers. (Orville ,Wilbur的发音有一定的难度,及时领读可降低学生的学习难度) Task 2 Listen to the whole story and answer the questions: What nationality is the Wright Brother? What do you think of them? (让学生带问题去整体感知语言材料,让他们谈谈对莱特兄弟的看法)(通过整篇的听怀特兄弟的故事,激发学生们对这两个科学家的兴趣,他们很好奇地去猜想在怀特兄弟到底做了什么事情让他们成为举世闻名的发明家,学生会非常好奇,想知道怀特兄弟的故事,这能够激发学生对知识的学习欲望,他们会带着问题去听,说,这更能帮助他们有效地学习。)Task 3 Learn the word phrases: be interested in Guessing game: What is the headmaster interested in? (对be interested in 进行操练,并为后面的环节group discussion打下语言基础)Group discussion: When I was a little child, I was interested in Now I am interested in (运用所学语言材料,培养学生的语用能力)(在这个环节里,我让学生谈论我们学校的校长的兴趣,平时学生就非常爱戴我们的校长,对他们眼中他是高大的,是崇高的。学生也很愿意知道校长的兴趣,通过这个环节让学生充分操练了be interested in的知识点。)Task 4: Teach Picture 2Read after tape , Guess the means of “When they were young” (让学生带着问题去听读第二部分,培养学生自身的阅读和探究能力)(先不告诉学生when they were young的意思,学生会饶有兴趣的去猜,会想方设法运用以前所学的知识,然后在让学生带着问题去听读课文,激发他们探究的潜在能力。)Task 5: Teach the phrase “have a dream of doing sth.”Guessing game: At young age, what dream did Stephen Chow have? (以小组形式讨论,操练所学的词组)Pair work: what dream did you have? (让学生联系自身,相互提问,培养学生的交际能力) (像周星驰这样的一个明星,是一个学生喜欢的大众人物,让学生去谈论他的梦想,而且在教授中先不出现have a dream of doing中的doing,大多数学生都会用原形,我就不停地纠正他们,一遍又一遍,学生会发现have a dream of doing的正确用法,然后我又安排了让学生相互提问对方的梦想的环节,去发现身边人的梦想更加激发了学生的兴趣。)Task 6: Teach Picture 3, 4, 5Teach “e true”. Did they dream e true? (通过提问的方式引出3,4,5段,同时教授新词组,让学生带着目的去听读文章。)(虽然在这个环节中的问题看似很简单,问的是怀特兄弟的梦想最后实现与否,从文章一开始的时候,大家就知道他们是第一个飞上天空的人类,但是作为学生就算有很多暗示,并通过搜索一系列文中的线索,猜测到他们的梦想已经实现,但是还是会非常有兴趣地去听,因为他们更有兴趣的是去证明他们探知后结果是否正确。)Task 7: Answer the questions: When did Wright brothers dream e true? When did Yang Liweis dream e true? (通过一系列关于年代的问题,学习年份的新读法。) (大多数学生在通过跟读课文后,都能回答出第一个关于怀特兄弟实现梦想的年份,所以我在这里还放入了杨立伟,北京奥运会,上海世博,神六发射等一系列贴近学生生活的事情,让学生带着探知的心情去学习,操练所学的语言点。)Task 8: Group discuss: have the students say sth. about their dreams. (将今天所学的知识整合,由句的呈现过渡到段的呈现,由易到难,由简到繁,一步一步地培养学生的口语及语言的应用能力) (学生们在相互提问并回答,告诉他们朋友自己的爱好,梦想的时候,其实就是在不断地进行提问和回答,为了探询他人世界和介绍自己的天地,学生们会不听的听和说,这样激发学生用所学的英语和别人交流的欲望,还可以将所学的知识窜联在一起。学生会很有兴趣地去介绍自己的爱好和梦想,当学生们很自豪的说出他们的梦想时,我会抱以羡慕的眼光,并加以鼓励他们努力学习,将来他们的梦想一定会成真。)Post-task activityTask 1: Pair work: Retell the story based on the main phrases. (鼓励学生复述课文,进一步巩固对课文的理解,提高学生的口头表达能力) Task 2. Interview a teacher, and write a story about him/her. (鼓励学生利用所学的知识进行提问,再将结果写成短文形式,既培养学生提问的能力,又能培养学生写作的能力。) (利用了学生对教师的好奇心,我在这个环节上特地安排了一个他们不熟悉的老师,学生会抱着强烈的好奇心,想去了解他,会问出各种各样不同的古灵精怪的问题,让我也大吃一惊,孩子们在探究过程中冒出的火花,那是思维撞击后的产物,同时在学生们连番的问题后,我又要求学生们将所探究到的知识写成小故事,这样有锻炼了学生的写作能力。)

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