2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit6 lesson11教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit6 lesson11教案 闽教版Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak and read these words correctly : vegetables , carrots ,grapes , oranges , a chicken , fruit ,tomatoes , potatoes , beef .To demand Ss to hear and speak the sentences correctly :What do we need ? Please line up here .Heres the change.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cardsTeaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ ReviewWhats the time, please?( 6:00 12:00 4:00 10:00)Game: Lets go to the supermarket .Whats this in English ?How many Can you see ? (to review the numbers)What would you like ? Color it Step 2 Presentation .Study the new sentences : Can I help you ? What color ? The red one .(1) T: What would you like ?Ss: A dress /coat ,please / Id like a please .(2) T: Can I help you ? S: Id like a coat /, please.T: What color ? S: Red /(3) Introduce the fruits or vegetables and their prices one by one. There is a/an / Its yuan. Then invite a quick pupil to be the shop assistant . Teacher go to be the guest ,show the whole class how to buy something . After that ,invite several group of pupils to go shopping .Step 3 Pattern drill Study the new sentences : the red one .How much is it ? yuan ,please .T:Can I help you ? Ss: a cap ,please .T: What about the red one ? Ss: sounds good /Oh ,Its nice /How pretty .Step 4 Play a guessing game Courseware shows several kinds of food without prize. Ask the pupils to guess the price according to their own experience Step 4 Homework :Listen to the tape & repeat for some times .Finish off the activity book of Lesson 11.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit6 lesson12(1)教案 闽教版教学目的与要求词汇:line up, money, change.句型:How much is it? Ninety-five yuan.Heres the money. Heres the change.功能:用英语购物。情感:教育学生要遵守公共秩序,从小养成排队礼让的好习惯。教具准备1卡片:supermarket, fish, egg.2超市挂图一张,装实物或卡片的篮子一个。教学步骤和方法建议一 热身活动教师和全体学生一起念课本第52页的韵文:To the Supermarket,边念边做动作。二 复习导入1复习单词与句型教师出示supermarket等单词卡片,进行复习操练。游戏四面开花:教师出示supermarket卡片,请一位学生读:supermarket,supermarket,该学生四周的同学起立说:Im going to the supermarket. 以同样的方式复习fish, egg,句型可以是We need. .或I like. .2导入新课教师出示自己的购物单说:Im going to the supermarket. This is my shopping list. I need a chicken, some tea and fruits. 接着请几位学生上台展示、介绍他们在家自制的购物单。3揭示课题教师说:今天我们将继续学习shopping(购物)。板书课题:Unit 6 Shopping Lesson 12三 教授新课1教学Please line up here.1)教师提起篮子,把卡片或实物一件件拿起来,让学生读出英文名称后放入篮子,模拟购物,然后提着篮子起到排队的挂图前说:Please line up here。这样操练数遍,帮助学生理解后,板书并教学:Please line up here.2)活动:教师请六位学生上台,教师模仿体育教师的排队手势说:Please line up here! 六位学生依次排成队,如个别不理解,教师可为他指出位置,让全班的学生明白。接着教师走到不同的位置说:Group1, please line up here! Group 2, please line up here! Boys, please line up here! Girls, please line up here!2教学How much is it? .yuan.当每位学生模拟排队排到时,教师从篮子里将物品一件件拿出,每拿一件,学生都必须读出英文名称,教师模拟电服刷卡的动作,结束后,教师自问自答:How much is it? Ooo, .yuan. 板书并学习:How much is it? .yuan.3教学Heres the money. Heres the change.教师播放课本第53页的课文录音一遍,学生不看书,听完后回答:How much is it?教师再次播放课文录音一遍,学生边听边看书,听完后理解Heres the money. Heres the change。板书并教学这两个句子。最后再以不同的形式进行听音模仿训练。四 巩固提高1全班学生分成四人一小组进行合作,扮演角色,一人扮Mom,一人扮Sally,一人扮顾客排队,一人扮售货员。小组活动结束后,请几个小组上台表演。2完成课本第54页的Look, think and ask.(看一看,相一想,问一问)看图思考两分钟,请学生口头回答。请三位学生在黑板上书写答案,其余学生将自己的答案写在书上,然后与老师一起订正。3做课本第56页的listen and mumber.(听音标号)录音内容:Woman: Can I help you, Sir? Man: Yes, I need some bananas. Moman: These bananas are very good.Man: Look at these shoes. I like the color. Woman: Me too. My shoes are very old. I need new shoes.Mother: This is a nice doll. Do you like it, Fangfang? Girl: Yes, I like it very much.Chen Ling: Lets boy a present for Sally. Mother: What about a story book? Chen Ling: Good idea.Chen Ling: I need a pencil-box. Mother: Do you like this one? Chen Ling: Yes. Its pink, Pink is my favorite color.Man: Can I help you, Madam? Woman: Yes, I need some tea. How much is it? Man: Eighty-six yuan.五 语音教学1听课本第55页的录音,请学生圈出含有字母组合igh的单词light, right,night,让学生猜igh的读音。板书igh/at/,让学生跟读例词,跟读对话。2听课本第55页的录音,让学生自己发现ea的共同读音,教师领读,学生跟读。六 课后作业1听录音,熟读本课内容。2完成活动手册上本课的练习。3完成课本第57页的自我评价。4四人一小组编一段购物小品。


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