2019年三年级英语上册 Unit2 Friends and Colours Lesson 10 Red, Yellow, Blue,Green教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit2 Friends and Colours Lesson 10 Red, Yellow, Blue,Green教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit2 Friends and Colours Lesson 10 Red, Yellow, Blue,Green教案 冀教版 一课时一、教学目标:1掌握Mm Nn Oo Pp red yellow blue.green2学生能够运用、认识、:mouth nose orange pencil How many_? What colour is it?二、教学重点难点:重点:字母Mm Nn Oo Pp 单词red yellow blue.难点:Pp的写法 复数(s)三、教具学具:教室内的物体,录音机、字母卡片四、教学过程:一 Class opening and review:1.Greeting2Play a game: (Clap their hands)3. Listen and do.Open the window.Show me your book. (pen, the letter Ee)由此引出新知二New concepts:1. T: Show me the letter MmLets learn the new letter: Mm(出示字母卡片)T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me: Mm(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? 谁能用手指或身体来表示出T: Look at my mouth.( 板书)This is my mouth. Read after me:T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can remember any words that start with letter “m”? 强调字母m在单词中的读音。T:提示学生Mm去掉一笔是什么?( 板书Nn)T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me: Nn(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? 谁能用手指或身体来表示出T: Look at my nose.( 板书)This is my nose. Read after me:T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can remember any words that start with letter “n”?强调字母n在单词中的读音。T: Next letters are in these words.Who can tell me? Oo Pp和上面的教法一样,但要注意Pp的写法以避免和q混淆单词orange和上面的教法一样注意的板书T: Play a game: “Murmur”T:(手指黑板上的铅笔)How many pencils do you have?由此引出新知(二、三两部分)2. T: What colour is it? ( 板书)T: Red.(在黑板上画铅笔并涂色、板书。)T: one red pencilT: (在黑板上画铅笔并涂色。)How many pencils?T: What colour?T: Who can say?T: (在黑板上画铅笔并涂色。)How many pencils?T: What colour?T: Who can say?T: Now I colour this marker.What colour?Blue板书、领读(在黑板上画四个彩笔并涂色。)T: How many markers?T: What colour?T: Who can say?T:手拿钥匙What colour?引出yellow和上面的教法一样3. T: Lets play a game Listen and draw.(听第三部分)4.教授彩虹儿歌三Class Closing.Sing a song.Homework: Do the activity books.板书设计:Mm Nn Oo Pp mouth nose orange pencilthree red penciltwo blue keys four yellow markers课后反思:附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Unit2 Friends and Colours Lesson 10 Red, Yellow, Blue,Green教案 冀教版(三起) 一课时一、教学目标:1掌握Mm Nn Oo Pp red yellow blue.green2学生能够运用、认识、:mouth nose orange pencil How many_? What colour is it?二、教学重点难点:重点:字母Mm Nn Oo Pp 单词red yellow blue.难点:Pp的写法 复数(s)三、教具学具:教室内的物体,录音机、字母卡片四、教学过程:一 Class opening and review:1.Greeting2Play a game: (Clap their hands)3. Listen and do.Open the window.Show me your book. (pen, the letter Ee)由此引出新知二New concepts:1. T: Show me the letter MmLets learn the new letter: Mm(出示字母卡片)T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me: Mm(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? 谁能用手指或身体来表示出T: Look at my mouth.( 板书)This is my mouth. Read after me:T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can remember any words that start with letter “m”? 强调字母m在单词中的读音。T:提示学生Mm去掉一笔是什么?( 板书Nn)T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me: Nn(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? 谁能用手指或身体来表示出T: Look at my nose.( 板书)This is my nose. Read after me:T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can remember any words that start with letter “n”?强调字母n在单词中的读音。T: Next letters are in these words.Who can tell me? Oo Pp和上面的教法一样,但要注意Pp的写法以避免和q混淆单词orange和上面的教法一样注意的板书T: Play a game: “Murmur”T:(手指黑板上的铅笔)How many pencils do you have?由此引出新知(二、三两部分)2. T: What colour is it? ( 板书)T: Red.(在黑板上画铅笔并涂色、板书。)T: one red pencilT: (在黑板上画铅笔并涂色。)How many pencils?T: What colour?T: Who can say?T: (在黑板上画铅笔并涂色。)How many pencils?T: What colour?T: Who can say?T: Now I colour this marker.What colour?Blue板书、领读(在黑板上画四个彩笔并涂色。)T: How many markers?T: What colour?T: Who can say?T:手拿钥匙What colour?引出yellow和上面的教法一样3. T: Lets play a game Listen and draw.(听第三部分)4.教授彩虹儿歌三Class Closing.Sing a song.Homework: Do the activity books.板书设计:Mm Nn Oo Pp mouth nose orange pencilthree red penciltwo blue keys four yellow markers课后反思:

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