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2019-2020年四年级英语第一学期期末测试听力部分(50%)一、 听写单词(20个单词,每行写5个,共20分)二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将标号写在括号里(10分)( ) 1、A、 mum B、 mother C、 father( ) 2、A、 pencil B、 pen C、 purple( )3、A、 look B、 book C、 sick( ) 4、A、 above B、 five C、 seven( ) 5、A、 seventy B、 sixty C、 fifty( ) 6、A、 Monday B、 Saturday C、 Sunday( ) 7、A、 sock B、 skirt C、 shirt( ) 8、A、ball B、 doll C、 below( ) 9、A、 gym B、 classroom C、 arm( ) 10、A、 old B、 cold C、 coat三、圈出你所听到的数字。(10分)100 86 73 18 24 56 98 27 47 3950 80 33 72 60 14 8 12 20 68四、听音,选出所听到句子。(10分)( )1. A. Where does a bird live? B. Where does a panda live?( ) 2. A. Li Ming is in front of the tree. B. Li Ming is behind the tree.( ) 3. A. A tiger has stripes. B. A tiger has a porch.( ) 4. A. Walk backward. B. Walk forward.( ) 5. A. Lets go shopping. B. Lets go to the tea shop.笔试部分(50%)一、默写26个字母。(10分)二、将下列单词翻译成汉语。(10分)Zebra _ trunk _turn around_ tail _wing _ different _pond _ September _drive a car _ stay home _三、选择正确的单词填入括号中并在下面的横线上写出算式。(10分)two fifty-eight twelve forty one hundred1. Thirteen plus _ equals twenty-five._2._ plus eight equals forty-eight._3. Forty five plus fifty-five equals _._4. Twenty-four plus _ equals eight-two._5. Eight plus two equals _._四、选择填空。(15分) ( )1.Is this a cab?_.A、 Yes, it is. B、 Yes, it isnt. C、 No, it is. ( )2.Tigers eat _.A. bananas B. grass C. meat( )3. Where does a _ live? In a hole.A. snake B. panda C. fish( )4. What has fur?A. An elephant has fur. B. A bird has fur.C. A lion has fur.( )5. Can a cat swim? _A. Yes, it can B. No, it cant. C. No, I cant. ( )6._ is the gym?I can show you.A、 What B、 How C、 Where ( )7.Its June. The weather is _.A、 cold and snowy B、windy and cloudy C、 hot and sunny ( )8.Lets go _.A、 shop B、shopping C、 city( )9. A bird has _.A. feathers and wings B. paws and fur C. fingers and feet.( )10. _ is the animal on the farm.A. Elephant B. Kangaroo C. Cow四、情景对话。(15分)( )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:A、I want to play ping-pong. B、Lets play ping-pong.C、You can play ping-pong.()、当你想告诉同学李明在学校,你可以说:A. Li Ming is in front of the school. B. Li Ming is inside the school.C. Li Ming is outside the school.( )3、当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:A、Turn left. B、Turn right. C、Go straight.( )4、当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:A、Red is stop. B、Yellow is wait. C、Yellow is go.( )5、当你不想买裙子时,你应该说:A、I want to buy a dress. B、I dont want to buy a shirt.C、I dont want to buy a dress.( )6、当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:A、I can show you. B、I can see you. C、I can work.()、当你看到一只戴着红色帽子的山羊,你可以说:A. I see a dog in a purple hat.B. I see a goat in a purple hat.C. I see a goat in a red hat.()、当你想打扑克,但不知道好朋友会不会玩,你可以说:A. Can you fly?B. Ca you play cards?C. Can you swim?()、当你看到笼子中的狮子很孤独,你可以说:A. The elephant is dreaming.B. The monkeys are hugging.C. The lion is lonely.()10、当你想知道猴子什么,你可以问?A. What do monkey eat?B. What do they eat?C. Monkeys eat bananas.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语第一学期期末测试模拟试题听音,选择你听到的单词:(10点)( )1 A e B came C home( )2 A cut B but C put( )3 A knife B knee C know( )4 A thin B three C thirsty( )5 A mountain B matter C monster( )6 A cap B cat C cup( )7 A biscuit B black C break( )8 A win B won C with( )9 A goal B good C gold( )10 A fall B fell C tall听问句,选答句:(10点)( )1 A I had a new book. B I bumped my leg. C I ate a banana.( )2 A The monster had lots of fingers. B I have ten long fingers. C I cut my finger.( )3 A Yes ,I did. B Yes, I do. C Yes, I can.( )4 A I played football. B They played basketball. C He played the flute.( )5 A I can speak English. B I saw a monster. C I have a good friend. 听音,填空:(10点)Monster had heads three children wanted eat ran away criedThere was a big _. It _ three _ .There were _ _. The monster _to _the children.The children_ _. Then I _.第二部分 笔试(70点)选择:(15点)( ) 1 How many children _in your class? There are twenty-one.A are there B is there C were there( ) 2 Look!The baby _. A cries B is crying C cried( ) 3 The boy say a monster _ the TV. A in B on C to( ) 4 _ the monster have two heads? A does B Does C Did( ) 5 This boy _ a gold cup in the petition. A win B wins C won( ) 6 We went to _ Great Wall. A the B The C /( ) 7 This old woman didnt _ food. A has B have C had( ) 8 This man _ this bicycle in 1839 . A invents B invent C invented( ) 9 Whats the _ ? I have got a stomache ache . A matter B wrong C happened( ) 10 What _to you? I hurt my leg . A happens B happened C happening 按要求写出下列单词的对应形式:(15点)1 go过去式_ 2 break过去式_3 cut过去式_ 4 win过去式_5 put过去式_ 6 fall过去式_7 child复数_ 8 runt过去式_9 hurt过去式_ 10 woman复数_ 连线:(10点) A B( )1 What happened to you ? The baby is crying.( )2 What did she play? She played the flute.( )3 When did they e? I hurt my knee.( )4 Did you fall off the bike? They came last Sunday.( )5 Who is crying ? Yes, I did. 连词成句:(10点)1 happened you to what _?2 my cut I finger _ .3 yesterday eat what you did _ ?4 a got Amy has headache _ .5 last Wednesday they came_ . 阅读判断,与短文相符写T,不相符的写F。(10点)Yesday was a holiday . Daming went to the zoo with his parents . They saw lions and tigers . He ate some ice-cream , hamburgers , bananas and apples . He had got a stomach ache . He went to see the doctor and took some medicine . He is well now .1 Yesday Daming went to the zoo . ( )2 He saw tigers and monkeys there . ( )3 He ate too much . ( )4 He had got a headache . ( )5 He went to see the doctor and took some medicine . ( ) 作文:写一次旅行,50个词。(10点)_第一部分 听力材料听音,选择你听到的单词:(10点)BCBCA CABCB听问句,选答句:(10点)1 What happened to you ?2 What did the monster have ?3 Did you have a good time ?4 What did he play in the petition ?5 What did you see on the TV ? BAACB 听音,填空:(10点)Monster had heads three children wanted eat ran away criedThere was a big monster. It had three heads .There were three children. The monster wanted to eat the children.The children ran away. Then I cried.

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