2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9 lesson52-54教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9 lesson52-54教案 人教新起点2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9 lesson52-54教案 人教新起点Lesson52教学目标:1. 情感目标:能够通过设计活动发展创造性思维能力,增强环境保护意识。2. 知识目标:(1) 能够使用祈使句对他人的某些行为进行建议和劝阻。(2) 能够了解生活中常见的标志的含义,并尝试用英文表达。(3) 能够了解字母组合oa, ow在单词中的发音。3. 能力目标:能够使用祈使句对他人的某些行为进行建议和劝阻。教学重点:了解社区中常见标志的含义及其英文表达。教学难点:(1)运用所学语言用英语表述常见标志的含义。 (2) 设计个性化的标志。教具准备:磁带 挂图 标志牌学具准备:自制标志牌教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCDERevision Show some pictures and use Dont to make some sentences. Look at the book. What do you see in the picture? Where are they? Who is in the street? What is she doing? There is a sign in each picture. Can you find them?Please discuss with your partner, what does each sign mean?Show some other signs. Ask them to make some others. Then ask them to say each sign mean.Listen to the tape. Teach them how to read these words.Dont swim in the river.Dont climb the tree. I can seeThey are in theShe/He isPlease go on the right.Please park your car here.Please be quiet.Please let the pupils go first.Please let the animals go first.Please clean up after your dog.Discuss with partner. And say: Dont walk on the grass.Light is red, please stop.Use the crosswalk.Listen and try to read.Lesson 53教学目标:1.情感目标:能够和同学一起学习小故事,培养积极合作,共同完成学习任务的意识。2.知识目标:通过学习小故事,进一步复习、巩固、应用有关指路问路的交际用语和场所的名称。3.能力目标:能够表演复述小故事。教学重点:配图故事的阅读理解。教学难点:正确画出David的行走路线。简单表述、表演故事。教具准备:磁带 挂图教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCDEReview some words and sentences in Unit 9.Look at the picture and listen to the tape. Where do David and Bob want to go?How can David get to the museum?Then listen it again and to do the exercise.Listen to the tape and read after it.Ask the student to draw the route and to repeat the dialogue.Answer the questions.Listen to the tape and answer the questions.David and Bob want to go the museum. They are on foot.Listen to the teacher.And do the exerciseRead one sentence by one sentence.Draw the route and repeat the dialogue.Go straight. Turn left at the second crossing.Go straight See the cinema. Its across from the drugstore Lesson 54教学目标:1. 情感目标:能够通过辨认街区图和指认防伪等活动发展空间思维能力。2. 知识目标:(1) 能够听懂材料,在简易地图上正确写出场所名称。(2) 能够运用所学语言,说出去同一目的的三条路线。(3) 能够读懂对话,在平面图上描画出图中人物的行进路线。3.能力目标:通过听说读写思想联系培养学生综合运用语言的能力。教学重点:(1) 对学生的学习进行检测与评估。 (2) 通过听说读写思想联系培养学生综合运用语言的能力。教学难点:较为准确地运用所学语言知识进行问路指路。教具准备:磁带 卡片教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCDERevisionReview the words and phrase in Unit 10.Listen to the tape and to do the exercise.This is Lily. She wants to buy some bread. She is in front of the post office. How can she get to the bakery? How many route can you find?Ask the students to read the dialogue. Then talk about the picture with their neighbors.To read the sentences and write down them.Read and spell the word and phrases. Listen to the tape and write down the words in the blanks. Discuss with partner and report.Read the dialogue by self, discuss with partner and then draw the routes.Pair work.Then write these sentences on the books.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit9 Lesson53-54教案 人教新起点教学内容: Lesson 53 A、B。教学目标与要求:1 能够通过学习小故事,进一步复习,巩固,应用有关“问路指路”的交际用语和场所的名称。2 能够在教室的帮助下,借助图片、词典阅读、理解本课故事,并能在简易地图上正确画出David的行进路线。3 能够在教师的帮助下简单复述、表演本课小故事。4 能够和同学一起学习小故事,培养积极合作,共同完成学习任务的意识。教学重点与难点:1 本课的教学重点:配图故事的阅读理解。2 本课的教学难点:(1) 正确画出David的行进路线。(2) 简单复述、表演故事。课前准备:1 教学录音磁带。2 教学挂图。3 学生准备英汉词典。4 学生准备词汇积累本。5 教师自制的相关教具(如:自制课件,小奖品等)。教学过程:Step1:Greetings: Hello ,everyone. Hello ,Miss Step2:Revision:1 Play a Bingo Game to review the words and phrases of Unit9。2 Show a map of a munity to ask and answer in order to consolidate the sentence patterns about asking the way。Step3:Presentation:1 Stick the teaching pictures on the Bb。Ask them perceive the whole story。2 Show some pictures about places。 Listen to the tape and order the pictures according to the tape。The right order should be:bookstore/supermarket/drugstore/cinema/museum。3 Ask the pupils to read the story and circle the new words。4 Learn the story in groups。Cultivate the pupils skills of using reference book。5 Report the result。 Teacher explains the difficult points。6 Listen to the tape and repeat。7 Look at Part B and act the story。At the same time ,teacher draw the route on the Bb。Step4:Practice:1 Retell the story in groups。2 Show their activities in public。Step5:Summary:Sum up the main points of this class。 (1)New words。 (2)Sentence patternStep6:Homework:1 Listen to Lesson53 five times。2 Copy the new words four times。3 Retell the story。4 Prepare for Lesson54Step7:The design of the writing:Lesson 53Pictures:New words:directions /follow/in front of.Sentence pattern:How can I get to the museum? Go straight.Lesson54教学内容: Lesson 54A、B 、C and D。教学目标和要求:1能够听懂录音材料,抓住关键词,在简易地图上正确写出场所名称。2能够运用所学语言,说出去同一目的地的三条路线。3能够读懂对话,在平面图上描画出人物的行进路线。4能够利用所学知识,仿照范例完成书写练习。教学重点与难点:1 本课的教学重点:(1) 对学生的学习进行检测与评估。(2) 通过听、说、读 、写四项练习培养学生综合运用语言的能力。2 本课的教学难点:(1) 较为准确的运用语言指示进行“问路指路”。(2) 正确书写相关与句。教学过程:Step1:Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls。 Good morning, MissStep2:Revision:1 Review the words and phrases of Unit 9。2 Do an oral practice:(1) Group work: Show a map of my munity to ask and answer。(2) Show their activities。Step3:Presentation:1 Look at Part A and read the words and phrases in it。2 Play the tape three times。 Write the missing words on the blanks。 At last,check together。3 Lets talk:(1) Create some situations to talk:This is Lily。She wants to buy some bread。 She is in front of the post office。How can she get to the bakery?(2) Work in pairs:Encourage them to say three routes。(3) Show their activities and access。(4) Lets read and draw。Read the dialogue .Draw the route by the dialogue. At last, read the dialogue again in order to improve the pupils speaking skills.Step4:Practice:1. Read Part D.2. Look at Part C and say the routes like this:A: Where is the library/hospital?B: Its across from the drugstore/library.A: How can I get there?B: Go straight.3. Ask them to copy the sentences on their books.Step5: Summary:Sum up the main points of this class.1. Words and Phrases.2. Sentence patterns:Step6: Homework:1. Listen to Lesson54 five times.2. Make a dialogue about asking the way.3. Prepare for Lesson56.Step7: The design of the writing: Lesson54:1. Words and Phrases:2. Sentence patterns about asking the way.3.Sounds: o a/ o w


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