2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(6)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(6)教案 广东版开心课题Unit3 Im washing the car教 学目 的Enable to master the new sounds /k/ and learn the new words. 教材分析重点Master the new sounds /k/难点Pronounce the new sounds /k/ correctly and skilled. 教具及电化教学手段Pictures and Tape教学步骤、内容与方法个性化设计一、 Warming-up. Free talk.二、Presentation1. Look, ask and answer Activity.2. Sounds and words. 1). Show the pictures of black and lake on the board and underline -ck and -ke. 2). Teach Ss to pronounce /k/. 3). Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it. After that, play the tape again and let Ss repeat. 4). After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. 5). Play the tape for the chant. Read out the lyrics sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat. 6). Play the tape again and have Ss chant along. 三、Sum up. 四、Homework. 1. Read the new sounds and the new words.2. Finish the exercises of Unit Three in WB. 板书设计Unit3Im washing the carblack, check, lake, clock, neck, bake /k/布置作业1. Read the new sounds and the new words.2Finish the exercises of Unit Three in WB.教学后记Students enable to master the new sounds /k/ and learn the new words.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(6)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:B Look, read and learn. C Ask and answer二、教学目标:1. 会询问他人的年龄: 句子: How old are you / is he/ she ? I m / He s / She s .2. 复习日常交际用语What s his/her job? He s /She s a 能听懂、会说、会读 What are their jobs? They re3. 能把本课句型用到恰当的情景中,根据情景进行自由会话。4. 听懂、会说、会读单词:they, their,可以熟练运用职业类单词。三、教学重点:1. 运用本课问答职业的几个句型,并能把职业类单词熟练地替换进去。2. 能分清his job和 her job,能用 He s a She s a正确回答;3. 能正确运用名词的单复数。四、教学准备:1. 教具准备:单词图片及单词卡片,人物图片,录音机、磁带和转盘;2. 学生准备:自己设计的名片五、教学过程:Step 1 Free talk1.T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?T: Now please take out the name card of your parents. First of all: please tell me: What is your fathers or mothers name? Whats his or her name? ( 先把你给爸爸或妈妈设计的名片拿出来, 首先: 请你告诉我,你爸爸或妈妈名字。) Are you ready now? OK. Now lets try to talk about them. Please take them out.Ss: My father s / mother s name is .His / Her name is .He s /She s a teacher. He s /She s T: What s his/ her father s/ mother s name? S: T: What s his / her/ job? S: He s / She s a T: How old is he/ she? S: He s /She s 学生介绍,老师提问,学生回答。2OK, now please take out the name card of yourself, let s talk about you after twenty years.(我们来说说二十年后的自己。)T:Hello, everybody. I m Miss Wu. I m 46. I m still an English teacher here. How are you? How old are you? How old is he/she? What s your job?Step 2 Presentation1. 教学新句子: How old are you (in your card)? I m .(新授) T: Now tell me: How old are you? Ss: I m . T: How old is he/ she? ( 同桌或周围同学) Ss: He s / She s .2. T: OK, let s go on. What do you want to be in the future? Would you tell me please: Whats your job (in your card)? (你将来打算做什么呢? 你能告诉我们你的名片上写的工作吗?) 复习操练: What s your job ? I m a / an 3灵活掌握上述句型, 在适当的时机复习单词: a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker,a farmer, a cook (大量的操练,一大组之内连锁式问答,男女生之间互问互答,问好朋友。)4转盘游戏:给书本上长大了的五个人物找工作。5在学生们对表示职业类的词汇较熟悉的基础上,新授句型: What are their jobs? They re .例如: 让学生各自拿着自己将来的名片, 在进行了关于各自职业的练习之后, 让选择相同职业的学生站在一起, 来引出句型: What are their jobs?安排丰富而有效的各种方法来巩固新句型.例如: 可以安排一些学生做各种不同的动作,让其他学生来猜他们的职业.T: Look carefully and try to guess: What are their jobs? Are they waiters? . Ss: .回到课本,模仿练习. Step 3 Homework1. Read and act the dialogue in pairs.2. Copy the structures four times each.3. Fill in the blanks: What s your father s job? He s a What s your mother s job? She s a What s your grandfather s job? He s a What s your grandmothers job? She s a . 板书设计Unit 3 What s your job?How old are you / is he/ she? I m / Hes / She s What s his/her job? He s /Shes aWhat are their jobs? They re教后记:


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