2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit8 Lesson45-46教案1 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit8 Lesson45-46教案1 人教新起点2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit8 Lesson45-46教案1 人教新起点Lesson 45教学目标:情感目标:培养学生的自我防范意识、安全意识。培养学生形成正确的人生观和价值观。知识目标:(1)练习第七单元学到的有关职业的词汇和句子。(2)练习用所学的词汇和句子描述自己喜欢的职业。(3)练习用第七单元所学到的词汇和句子就职业和身份问题与他人进行交流,介绍家庭成员的更多情况。能力目标:能够综合运用第七单元所学到的词汇和句子就职业和身份问题与他人进行交流,介绍家庭成员的更多情况。教学重点:(1)能够根据提供的相应情景,帮助学生综合使用语言,培养和训练学生描述自己喜欢的职业。(2)能通过前两单元所学的有关职业的单词和句子来描述自己喜欢的职业。教学难点:描述自己喜欢的职业。教具准备:教学挂图、录音磁带、活动手册学具准备:体育图片 教学过程:教师活动学生活动反思Revision.First listen to the tape.Then ask the pupils to read the text with their partner.Think of the pictures, discuss with two pictures should be matched.Listen to the tape and match the pictures .Listen to the tape again, check the answer.Discuss what they want to be in the future.Look at the pictures and finish Part DReview the words and expressions of jobs. Read the text with their partner.Look and discuss it.Read and match.Discuss and report.Discuss in groups and fill in the blanks. Lesson 46教学目标:情感目标:培养学生的自我防范意识、安全意识。培养学生形成正确的人生观和价值观。知识目标:(1) 能够通过阅读短文,了解日常生活中的一些安全隐患,提高阅读能力。 (2)能够根据短文内容做出正确的判断。能力目标: 能够书写与安全、求助有关的主要词汇和功能句。教学重点:(1) 能够通过阅读短文,了解日常生活中的一些安全隐患,提高阅读能力。 (2)能够书写与安全、求助有关的主要词汇和功能句。教学难点:能够根据短文内容做出正确的判断。教具准备:磁带,挂图学具准备:图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动反思Free talk:What shouldnt we do in our daily life?Write down some phrases.Be carefulDont play football in the street.Dont open the door for the stranger.Dont run downstairs.Listen to the tape. What will happen next?Listen to the tape again, then check the answers.Play a game.Write down some safety rules.Word game:Discuss.Discuss and answerDiscuss in groups.Listen and check the answers.Answer the questions. Who get more points, who is the winner.Discuss and write.Try to find the words according to the numbers.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit8 lesson47-48教案 人教新起点课前准备:1. 教学挂图 2. 录音磁带教学重点:训练学生的阅读理解能力教学难点:生词较多不易掌握教学过程:一复习1有关安全的词汇和句型2有关求助的词汇和句型二Fun time 1注意出示挂图,提出问题请学生讨论回答2根据大家讨论的结果对画面进行描述3放录音,逐句跟读,纠正发音4小组分角色表演练习5全班表演展示三Think and tick小组讨论完成1. The ice is safe. F2. The dog can help the boy. T3. The man calls to the hospital. F4. A picture of the dog is in the newspaper.T四Homework五课后小记 Lesson48课前准备:教学挂图、录音磁带教学重点:全面掌握本单元所学内容教学难点:查漏补缺教学过程:一复习1复习有关安全的词汇和句型2复习有关求助的词汇和句型。二Look、listen and tick1. 理解每幅图,用自己的话说明意思2. 放录音完成练习三. I can say 1. 示范:Can you use your dictionary? Can you pass me your dictionary? Words: fence、fire、store、doctor、mate、problem、Mailman、 hotel、scissors、salesclerk、CD play2小组练习四Read and tick1学生自己读课文,理解意思(1) Bills father works in a hospital. He likes his job very much because it is very interesting. He can help people.(2) Joy wants to make an invitation. She has no scissors, so she says to Lily. “Can I use your scissors?”(3) Andy gets up late. He runs to school. He want to climb over the fence. The policeman stops him. “Dont climb over the fence, Please use the underpass.”2听录音选择正确答案3小组练习用自己的话说图意五Fins say and write1看图用英语描述图片2参考B项练习写句子六Homework课后小记

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