2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Unit 8《Summer Vacation》(Part B)教案 (新版)闽教版.doc

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2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Unit 8《Summer Vacation》(Part B)教案 (新版)闽教版.doc_第1页
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2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Unit 8Summer Vacation(Part B)教案 (新版)闽教版学习目标:1. 我会听说读写单词:the Great Wall,homework,basketball。2. 我会理解并能再实际生活中运用句子:Will you play basketball in summer? Yes,I will.3. 我会认读以s,x结尾的可数名字变成复数时,在词尾加es的发音,时时间预设(Time table):复习5 自学,群学20 展示10 达标测评5 教学用具1. 单词卡片:the Great Wall,homework,basketball,ride a bike,play football,play the violin.2. 中国地图。3. 教学光盘。课前准备:1. 同学们,暑假快要到了。在这两个月的假期中,你们有没有计划好要做什么呢?请你们把你们的计划写一写,下节课和同学们一起分享。 _2.通过预习,我知道了_ 学习导航:Step1 Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song:What Will You Do in Summer?Step2 Revision 1.头脑风暴:根据所给图片快速说出所学动词短语。 2.Ask and answer.(出示中国地图)Typhoon Game: What will you/your father/your mother do in summer?go to .play basketballplay the violingo swimmingI+5-5 He+10 She +5-10 Peter-5+10Step3 Presentation 1.学习句子:Will you_ in summer?/ Yes, I will. (1)Lead in. Well done.All of you have good plans.And I will go to Beijing in summer.(地图圈出北京的位置,简要介绍北京)I will visit the Great Wall(出示图片). 学习新单词the Great Wall (2)There are so many places of interesting.Will you go to Beijing in summer?引导学生进行回答。 Will you go to _ in summer?/ Yes, I will.2.单词和课文教学(1)教师:Sally will go to the UK in summer.She will go to see her grandma and grandpa.She will visit Big Ben.What about Julia and Wang Tao? What will they do in summer? (2)Play the CD-Rom.Let the students ask the questions. 引导学生说:Wang Tao will go to Beijing.He will visit the Great Wall. Julia will play the violin and do her homework. (3)学习单词homework。Step 4 Cooperation1. 小组内“兵教兵”操练所学单词。2. 听录音,整体感知课文,理解课文。 3. 再次播放录音,然后采用全班跟读、师生领读、小组跟读的形式学习对话内容。4.课本60页。Ask and answer。操练句型,小组根据所学知识合作编创对话,上台展示对话。Step 5语音教学1.教师出示单词卡片bus,pencil-box,class,让学生快速认读。2.教师出示单词卡片buses,pencil-boxes,classes的单词卡片并朗读,让学生认真听,从中发现其相同发音/iz/。 3.教师告诉学生,以s,x结尾的可数名词变成复数时,在其末尾要加es,读为/iz/。Step 6 Consolidation1. Practice 达标检测2. Summary 这节课你学到了哪些知识?3. Evaluation评价学生的学习情况,给表现优秀的小组和个人给予奖励。4. Homework 家庭作业 熟读课文,并识记重要单词和词组,完成本课的活动手册练习。 课堂检测:1. 正确抄写下列短语,并写出中文意思。 the Great Wall play basketball do homework play the violin ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. 把正确的答案填入括号中。( )1.What will you do in summer?I will go to Beijing.I will visit_.A. the Great Wall B. Big Ben C.the White House ( )2._ you play basketball? Yes, I will. A. Will B.Do C.Does 自我评价: 1.在本课的学习过程中,你认为自己最大的收获是什么呢?把它写下来与小伙伴一起分享吧!如果有疑问也写下来吧。 2.通过本课的学习,给自己评价一下,赶紧用五彩笔点亮属于你自己的星星吧!(我很棒哦!)(继续努力!)附送:2019年(春)四年级英语下册Unit 1 Its on your head教案 湘少版课题 第(1)课时Unit 1 Its on your head.教学目标(三维 目标)Basic aims of this lesson:1. Can listen and say: Where s my blue shirt?2. Finish the task the teacher given in the lessons.3. Can understand the conversation the text given.4. Can speak and say Part A and Part B.5. Can art with others with part C.重点难点Teaching difficulties: Wheres ? Where are ? Teaching points:Wheres my blue shirt? Your blue shirt is in your drawer.Where are my brown shoes?Your brown shoes are in the cupboard.教学准备Teaching aids: Type-recorder, picture, puter 教法情景教学教学步骤师生双边活动个体设计教学过程(复习、导入、新知识讲解、总结、布置作业等)Step 1 Warming up:Listen to songs: Good morning to you. How are you?Step 2 Presentation and drill Greeting with the students. Task 1:Teacher let the children introduce their dress.Speak: My cap is on my head./ My tie is in my hand./ Task 2: Guess: Where is it? (With the given picture on the text.) Good morning, How are you? Good afternoon. Good evening. Where is my blue shirt? / Where are my brown shoes? Cultivate their openness thinking. The more sentence they can speak, the higher points the teacher give the group. Task 3: Matching game on dress:shirt, shoes, coat, cap.Step 3. Practice Listen to the tape. Retell the text A、B according to what they hear. Read after the tape Read in different role. Read in different group.Step 4. Consolidation Do the act according to Part C. Teacher give the assessments. Do the Part A、B in the Exercise. Homework: Listening to the tape, recite the text.板书设计Blackboard drawings: Wheres my blue shirt, Mummy?Your blue shirt is in your drawer Where are my brown shoes, Mummy? Your brown are in the cupboard.教学反思课题 第(2)课时Unit 1 Its on your head.教学目标(三维 目标)Basic aims of this lesson:1. Finish the task the teacher given in the lessons. 2. The ability to read Part D with the given picture. 3. Retell the story on Part D. 4. The ability to know the sound in “all-”.5.The ability to read the sentence.6.The ability to write the word in correct form7.The ability to say the sentence, P4.8.The ability to identify “wheres ? Where are ?”重点难点Teaching difficulties: Find the ruler of the sound in “all-”. Help the student cultivate their reading ability in Part D. 教学准备Teaching aids: Type-recorder, picture, puterStudents aids: Everyone make a picture of dinosaur , Tim and a book.教法情景教学教学步骤师生双边活动个体设计教学过程(复习、导入、新知识讲解、总结、布置作业等) Step 1 Warming up: Sing the song “who is wearing red today?”Step 2 ReadingTask 1: Everybody listen the tape and arrange the picture.Task 2: Retell the story in groups. Retell in class. Step 3 Practice Task 3: Read the words aloud ball, wall, fall, tall, call. Then find the ruler, who will find it will be the winner. Task 4: Read the sentence. Its a small, small, stall after all. Who read it right and quick who gets the blue ribbon.Step 4. Consolidation Do the writing part. Do the role-play on tongue twist.Teacher give the assessments.Do the Part C、D in the Exercise. Homework: 1. Listening to the tape, recite the text. 2. act the story with the partents. 板书设计 Blackboard drawings: Wheres my new cap? ball, wall, fall, tall, callIts a small, small, stall after all. 教学反思


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