2019年(春)一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2 How many green birds教案 外研版.doc

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2019年(春)一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2 How many green birds教案 外研版课题Module3 UNIT2 How many green birds?课型New teaching教学目标知识与技能:How many blue birds? hello good morning过程与方法:book, tape, cards, pictures情感态度与价值观:One two three four five six .重点能熟练认读以下单词:bed Look. where in on under教(学)具、资料CD-Rom难点One two three four five six .关键能熟练认读以下单词:bed Look. where in on under教 学 内 容主导调控主体活动时间Step 1. Warming-up1. GreetingHello boys and girlsPleased to meet you!Sing the song:I can sing the rainbow.3. Listen and sing,Step 2. Presentation1. Show some cards:Look at the . in on under bed Kite. pencil, eraserWay: 1) look my mouse and guess, which word ;green/yellow.2) Ask two groups to read,3) where s the red bird /Way :where s the.?Its on/in/under.2 Play game;high and low voice : It is on/in/undrer .?Yes it is.No it isnt.3.listen to the tape and read book.4.do the A exercise. check it with their classmates.Step 3. Practice it.1. ask one boy Wheres my pen.?One girl The pen is on/in/under.2 Together: Wheres my pen.?The pen is on/in/under.(boys ask the girls)2. learn this chantthe hat, hat, hat,Is in my hand, hand ,handboys an girls to plete4. do the newspaper. New wordsStep 4. Homework.Listen the tape ,read it page4-5Warming upRevision: Leading-in: Listening & reading Activies: Homework32282板书设计Module3 UNIT2 How many green birds?One two three four five six .课后小结检查意见签字: 月 日附送:2019年(春)一年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head教案 外研版课题Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head.课型New teaching教学目标知识与技能:掌握单词: head eye nose mouth face ear过程与方法:book, tape, cards, pictures情感态度与价值观:重点This is my This is your教(学)具、资料CD-Rom难点重点:单词: head eye nose mouth face ear关键This is my This is your教 学 内 容主导调控主体活动时间Step 1 Warm up.1Greeting: Morning, everyone. 2Sing the song: The doctor on the bussing and do the actions3Review:Point and say。Sing and find out the card what they sang.有选择的找同学进行,对于中等以下的学生能说出单词,指出来即可。At last, the teacher show the picture of Panpan.T: Look, The panda on the bus sings,lalala.This is my frend, PanpanStep 2 PresentationDeclare the new teaching of this lessona.T: Today,lets follow my friend to have the new lesson. Module 4 Unit 1:This is my head.板书并找优秀的学生领读b. Put on the card of Panpan.(它的五官是活动的,为本课的新授做铺垫The teacher draw a big circle on the blackboard, then the pupils listen and draw, when they finish. 4.Listen and draw. they should say: This is his.Step 3 Practice1.Listen to the new dialogue of Module 4 Unit 1,find out the new word.(Turn to page 14)2.Teaching of the new words: Let one of pupils read the dialogue of Picture 1,then the teacher shows the card of head by using the picture of Panpan. T: head headT: my head(pointing the head of the teachers),your head(pointing the head of pupils)then teach the words of face 、ear、 eye by using the same way.(copy the words on the blackboard: face 、ear、 eye head mouth nose)3.listen to the dialogue again, and repeat.( pay attention to correct the mistake made by the pupils.)Let the pupils correct the mistakes by themselves.Step 4 Production1、Touch your head: listen and point, follow me.(对于反应快的学生和小组给以sticker奖励)2Find out the organ : yours and your neighbors by using _This is my /your eye./ear/head(In groups)3.Point and say: Pupils e to the front, point the organ of the friend -Panpan,and show the organ to the pupils, read it loudly, then the pupils repeat._This is his .Warming up: Presentation: reading Activies:Further Development322082板书设计This is my headhead face mouth ear eye noseThis is my This is hisThis is your This is her 课后小结检查意见签字: 月 日

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