2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 5教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 5教案 人教PEPSpecific vocabulary: 能够听、说、认读get up , go to school , go home , go to bedSpecific target sentences: 听懂、会说主要句型:Its oclock. Its time for/to .Specific functional exponents: 掌握单词和句型在情景中的正确使用。Source of material: 单词卡,挂图,录音带 Assumptions and Anticipated problems : 学生之前已经掌握一些有关时间表达的词汇和句型, 本课时要引导学生在此基础上巩固新内容,在教学中要保证落实好活动,突破难点。Step 1:Warm-up 1. Oral worksT: What time is it? (复习整点与非整点时间)(设计意图: 不断重现,滚雪球式的复习学过的知识以求学生掌握并会运用。活动类型R)2. Lets check P23 (设计意图:让学生上一节课听过录音的基础上再看,检测学生的听力并掌握句子的正确读音。活动类型C) Step 2:Presentation1. Show the pictures one by one , ask Ss to guess what sentenses they used2. T write the sentences on Bb, then watch cartoons to check the answers3. Listen to the tapes and read together(设计意图:对学生布置不一样的任务,逐步递进,让每个学生都跳一跳就能摘到苹果。活动类型C)Step 3 :Practice 1. Read in roles2. Please write down your timetable!(请用英语写出你自己的时间表。)My Timetable (设计意图:动手的活动集中学生注意力,趣味性游戏让较弱的学生也参与进来,帮助他们掌握。活动类型C)3. Act the dialogue with the timetableStep 4: Drill1. Lets find out (Pay attention to “a.m.” and “p.m.”)2. 同步3. 活动手册Step 5:Sum-up:今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step6:Homework 1 Read the text2 Test paper34 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 6教案 人教PEPSpecific vocabulary: 能够四会掌握music, math, Chinese, English, P.E.五个单词和Its 9:45. Its time for math class.两个句子。Specific target sentences: 听懂、会说主要句型:Its oclock. Its time for .Specific functional exponents: 掌握单词和句型在情景中的正确使用以及元音字母e的发音规则。Source of material: 单词卡,挂图,录音带,纸碟,硬纸,彩笔Assumptions and Anticipated problems : 学生之前已经掌握一些有关时间表达的词汇和句型, 本课时要引导学生在此基础上书写内容,在教学中要保证落实好活动,突破难点。Step 1:Warm-up 1. Lets sing2. Look at the timetable, Ask and answer with actionsMy Timetable8:30Have music class9:45Have math class2:50Have Chinese class11:05Have English class4:20Have P.E. class5:00Go home(设计意图:趣味游戏操练句型,自然过渡到真实情景中,学生更易理解、掌握,解决重点句子。活动类型R) T: Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.S: Its 7:30.Ss: Its time to .3. Write the sentences out_ (设计意图:让学生在课堂上动手写,做到现学现用,巩固所学内容。活动类型C)Step 2:Presentation1. Read the text and underline the key sentenses2. Watch Cartoon3. pare and find the differences, T write on the Bb4. Read after the tapeStep 3 :Practice 1. T make a demo how to write2. Give Ss time to write the words and sentencesStep 4: Drill1. 同步2. 活动手册3. PronunciationT先示范分析一个例子,再让学生仔细听录音后分组讨论。各组派代表向全班汇报讨论的结果,T评价并指正。Step 5:Sum-up:今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step6:Homework 1 Copy the words and sentences2 Make dialogue with the partner

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