2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7(12)教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7(12)教案 北师大版Teaching Aims:1. The students can understand the grammar and use them.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can read the story and do some exercise.Teaching Emphasis:1. Review the grammar.2. Do some reading and do some exercise. Teaching Difficulty1. How understand the grammar and how to use them.2. How to read the story and do some exercise.Teaching process:Step1:Review the words.T: Ask a question “Do you remember the rules on the mountain bike race?” have the children answer the question.S: Try to answer the question.T: Ask another question “Do you know other rules in the school?” Have the children answer the question.S: Try to answer the question and review the phrases.Step2:Focus the grammarT: Tell the students how to use the grammar and have them do some exercise.S: Try to understand and do them.T: Have the children check the answer with the partner.S: Talk about the answer.T: Ask some students speak out their answers and check them.S: Check the answer correctly.T: Have the children read them loudly. S: Read the sentences.Step3:Read and answerT: Ask students “Do you know the baseball?”S: Try to answer the question in Chinese.T: Ask another question “Can you play baseball?”S: Try to answer the question.T: Have the students read the questions.S: Try to read and understand them.T: Have the children read the text and try to find the answer.S: Read the story and do exercise.T: Check the answer; ask some students answer the question.S: Check the answer.T: Have the children read the text again and find some words that they dont understand.S: Read again and find them. T: Explain these words.Homework:Have the children read the text again and tell their friends what they know. 反思:学生已经掌握了一定的阅读技巧,能够根据短文的内容回答问题。 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7(12)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:6BUnit 7 A. Listen read and say(第三部分)二、教学目标:1 听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词penfriend, also2 听懂、会说、会读词汇subject, e-mail address3 听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语I hope so. What should I do?4 正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。5 运用本课所学知识,鼓励学生大胆用英文与国外友人沟通。三、教学重、难点:1正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。2运用本课所学知识,鼓励学生大胆用英文与国外友人沟通。四、课前准备:1 教具准备:A部分教学挂图,写好问题的卡片,自录Peter自我介绍的录音带。2 学生准备:课前预习A部分对话,准备好上课要问的问题。3 板书准备:写好课题Unit 7A letter to a penfriend一、 教学过程:A. Greeting.B. Revision.1 根据英语掌握程度,分层次请学生朗读、背诵、表演已学的对话。2 上节课已布置学生准备问题,教师可事先检查,找出较好的问题,请该学生提问。问题大致如下:Question 1:Does Liu Tao want to have a postcard?2. What does Liu Tao want to have?3. What does Liu Tao want to do?C. Presentation and practice.本节课教学内容为对话的第三部分,Liu Tao与妈妈谈论他的新笔友Peter以及如何给Peter回信,是本篇对话的重要内容。 1. 教师在课前自录一段 Peter自我介绍的录音,将Peter的有关情况直观、形象地展示给学生,让学生们和对话中的Liu Tao一起了解Peter,再帮助Liu Tao一同向妈妈介绍Peter的情况,并和Liu Tao的妈妈一起建议Liu Tao如何回信。通过这些设计,将学生由对话情景的旁观者变为参与者,让学生置身于对话情景之中主动学习。录音内容如下:Dear Friend:Im Peter. Im from the UK. I want a penfriend in China.Please listen to my self-introduction.I live in London. I have a brother and a sister. I like listening to music and making model planes. Waiting for your letter in reply.With best wishesPeter2 学生听完两遍录音后,教师将准备好的问题卡片贴于黑板上,将全班学生分为四大组,每一组派出一名代表上台选择问题进行回答。问题如下: Question 1. Whos Peter? 2. Where does he live? 3. Does he have any brothers or sisters? 4. What are his hobbies?3.“Liu Tao的妈妈建议如何回信”这一部分可让学生直接打开书,4人为一组合作自学:一学生读对话, D. Consolidation.1 听录音,跟读本节课所学对话。2 活动自我介绍。为增强此项活动的趣味性,可以要求学生在写自我介绍时不提到自己的名字;再将全班分为6-8组,把收上来的个人简介打乱发给每个学生,让学生通过阅读猜出作者是谁。EAssigning homework.1 听录音,熟读并背诵、表演A部分对话。2 写一篇自我介绍。


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