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2019-2020年六年级分数(百分数)问题专题练习4套1、六年级(3)班有学生45人,已达到国家体育炼标准的有36人。六年级学生的达标率是多少? 2、榨油厂的李叔叔告诉小静:“2吨油菜籽能榨出菜油油840kg。”这些油菜籽的出油率是多少? 3、小飞家原来每月用水约12吨,更换了节水龙头后每月用水节约1.2吨,每月用水比原来节约了百分之几?4、西藏境内藏羚羊的数量xx年是7万只左右,到xx年9月增加到10.5万只左右。藏羚羊的数量比xx年增加了百分之几?5、小红放假坐车从家里到外婆家用了8小时,沿原路返回坐车用了10小时。去的速度比返回的速度快了百分之几?6、学校图书室现有图书1500册,比原来增加了300册。增加了百分之几?7、兴平镇今年有小学生1970人,比去年减少了1.5%。今年有小学生多少人?8、为了缓解交通拥挤的状况,某市正在进行道路拓宽。红星路的路宽由原来的12m拓宽了15m,拓宽了百分之几?9、新城市中小学校开展回收废纸活,共回收废纸87.5吨。这些回收的废纸能生产70吨再生纸。这些废纸的再生率是百分之几?10、百花小学参加意外事故保险有470人,只有6%的学生没有参加意外事故保险。没参加保险的学生有多少人?分数(百分数)问题练习2班别: 姓名: 1、李平家用600kg稻谷碾出450kg大米。他家稻谷的出米率是多少?2、一个长方体木块的长、宽、高分别是5厘米、4厘米、3厘米,把它锯成最大的正方体,体积减少了百分之几?3、爸爸给小雨买了一辆自行车,原价360元,现在商店打八五折出售。买这辆车用了多少钱?买这辆车少用了多少钱?4、小明家前年收入4.5万元,去年收入比前年增加。去年比前年多收入多少元?5、爸爸花279元买了一个打九折的随身听,比原价便宜了多少钱?6、一家饭店十月份缴营业税1.5万元。营业税率是5%,这家饭店十月份的营业额是多少万元?7、李老师为某杂志社审稿,审稿费为200元。为此她需要按3%的税率缴纳个人所得税,她实际所得多少元?8、一列火车的速度是180km时。一辆小汽车的速度是这列火车的,是一架喷气式飞机的。这架喷气式飞机的速度是多少?9、王叔叔xx年买了3000元国债,定期三年,年利率为5.74%。国债免交5%的利息税。王叔叔可以免交利息税多少元?到期时,王叔叔可以取回多少钱?10、装配车间原有女职工30人,占车间总人数的25%,后来又增加女职工15人,这时女职工的人数占车间总人数的百分之几?分数(百分数)问题练习3班别: 姓名: 1、蒋叶青同学解答分数问题,得分率为65%,她共错了7题。她一共解答了多少题?2、玩具厂计划6月生产玩具2500件,结果前10天就完成了计划的40%,照这样计算,这个月(按30天)生产的玩具将超过计划的百分之几?3、一班中,男生人数比全班人数的多2人,男生有26人,女生人数占全班人数的百分之几?4、幼儿园新买进一批图书,分给大班90本,再把余下的分给中班,还剩下44本,剩下的是这批图书的百分之几?5、小李爸爸到银行贷款,月利率为5.4%。两个月后他去还贷,共付出利息2160元。小李爸爸贷款多少元?6、某件商品2500元,商店先提价10%,后又降价10%,现价是多少元?7、取浓度为30%的糖水400克与浓度为20%的糖水200克,混合后糖水的浓度是多少?(浓度就是含糖量或含糖率)8、生产小组用一批种子做发芽实验,第一次种下90粒种子,结果有80粒发芽,第二次种下60粒种子,只有2粒没有发芽,求这批种子的发芽率?9、五年级一班由10名同学组成代表队参加学校组织的速算竞赛,每人做50道口算,每对一道给2分,错题不给分,结果共得938分。求五年级一班代表队的答题正确率?10、王师傅上午做了150个零件,合格率为98%,下午又做了200个,合格率为99%,求全天产品的合格率?分数(百分数)问题练习4班别: 姓名: 1、在100克含糖5%的糖水中,再加入5克糖,这时糖水的浓度是多少?2、有浓度为12%的盐水80克,若再加水400克,新盐水的浓度是多少?3、加工360个零件,张师傅6天加工了这批零件的。照这样计算,剩下的零件还要多少天完成?4、瓶内盛有960克水,加入30克盐搅匀后,倒出盐水的50%,然后再往瓶里加5克盐,这时瓶内盐水含盐百分之几?5、20克糖放入200克水中,放置3天后,糖水重量只有200克,这时糖水的浓度是多少?6、有含盐5%的盐水200克,如果再加入盐和水各10克,盐水含盐百分之几?7、农具厂计划全年生产农具4320件,实际10个月就完成了全年计划,每月实际产量超过计划百分之几?8、解放军进行野营训练,原计划每天行42千米,15天走完全程,实际提前1天到达目的地,行进速度比计划快百分之几?9、工程队修一条长300米的路,第一天修的米数如果再加上9米,正好是全长的,工程队第一天修了这条路的百分之几?10、装配车间原有职工120人,女职工占车间总人数的25%,后来又增加女职工15人,这时女职工的人数占车间总人数的百分之几?附送:English Exercise Name_ Fill in the blank with “have,has”or “there is , there are”1.I_ a nice puppet. He_a good friend. They_ some masks. We_some flowers. She_ a duck. My father_ a new bike. Her mother_a vase. Our teacher_ an English book. Our teachers_a basketball. Nancy_many skirts.Their parents_some blankets David_some jackets. My friends_a football. What do you_? What does Mike_? What do your friends_? What does Helen_? His brother_a basketball. Her sister_a nice doll. Miss Li_an English book. I_a good father and a good mother. _a telescope on the desk. He_a tape-recorder. _a basketball in the playground. She_some dresses. They_a nice garden. What do you_? What does Mike_?_a reading-room in the building? _any books in the bookcase? My father_a story-book. _some maps on the wall._a story-book on the table. _any flowers in the vase? How many students_in the classroom? My parents_some nice pictures. _a map of the world on the wall. David_a telescope. Davids friends_some tents. _many children on the hill用所给词的适当形式填空I often _to school at seven every morning. My sister often_to school with me.I_to school now. But I_to school late yesterday. (go)Mike_ a lot of good friends. Last Sunday, he_a birthday party. They_a big birthday cake. Look, now he _his birthday cake. (have)Ben usually _his homework in the afternoon. We often_our homework in the afternoon, too. But yesterday, we_our homework in the evening. (do)My younger brother _a lot of ice-cream last night. So he cant_anything today. The doctor says to him: dont_too much. So he _a little today. (eat)My father can_model planes. He likes_models. Look he _a model plane now. Last term he _one for me.(make)Last week, I _ a Beijing opera show. It was interesting. I am going to _ it again next week. (see)My cousin and I all like _ TV. He usually _ it on Saturday. Last Saturday, he _ a cartoon on TV.(watch)根据所给的词写出正确的的句子Name_ 1.I , have a picnic , ( yesterday ) 2.He, watch a cartoon film, ( last Sunday ) 3. My mother, wash clothes, (often) 4.She, give us, some photos,(now) 5.Li Lei, take part in, a sports meeting, (last month) 6.They, visit the museum, (last weekend) 7. Her sister, have an Art lesson, (now) 8.The students, have a party, (this Childrens Day) 9.Mike,go to the park,(every Sunday) 10.My father, go to the countryside, (last week) 11. I, write a letter, to my uncle, (now) 12. David, see a Beijing opera show, (yesterday afternoon) 13. We, listen to music, ( tomorrow morning ) 14. His cousin, study Maths well, at school,(usually) 15.They, run on the playground (now)中文意思现在分词过去式第三人称单数后 1.have ()_ _ _ 2.write()_ _ _3.read ()_ _ _4.close()_ _ _ 5.open ()_ _ _6.live ()_ _ _7.sing ( )_ _8.dance ()_ _ _9.play ( )_ _ _10.look ()_ _ _11.learn ()_ _ _12.listen ()_ _13.swim ()_14.ride ()_ _15.put ()_16.work ( )_ _17.ring ()_ _18.sweep () _ _ 19.sleep ( ) _ _20.jump ( ) _21.run ()_ _22.walk ( )_ _23.help () _24.wash()_25.say()_26.show ()_27.teach ()_28.fly () _ _29.speak ()_30.get () _ _ _31.feel ()_ _ _32.collect ()_ _ _33.cook()_34.take ()_ _35.go ()_ _36.stop () _ _37.buy() _ _ _38.make( )_ _ _用所给词的适当形式填空1. I_to school from Monday to Friday. My brother often_to school with me. Yesterday we_to school together. We like_to school very much.( go )2.They usually_lunch at home. But last week, they _lunch at school. ( have )3.That_my English book. It_new. But now it_not here.It_there a moment ago.( be )4.My sister likes_very much. She often _at our school festival. Last term, she_a lot of songs in the school hall. She_beautifully.( sing )5.What _ he usually_on Sunday?He usually_his homework. Look! He_his homework now._he _his homework last Sunday?Yes, he_.( do )6. Do people usually_ moon cakes at Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, they do. Did you _moom cakes last Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, I did. I _a lot of delicious moom cakes. ( eat )7. -How_you?-I_fine. Thank you. -Where_youyesterday? -I_at home with my family -_your father at home,too? - Yes, he_.( be ) 8.Jane is a dancer. She _every day. Look! She _now. ( dance ) 9. National Day is_. A lot of people_to Beijing two weeks ago. ( e ) 10.She often_shopping with her nother. She likes_shopping in the shop. She _shopping yesterday. ( go ) 11.My brother_a new wallet. I_a waalet,too. Our wallets are from our parents.We_them at a party yesterday. (have ) 12.Where_my CD? It_not on the desk now. It_there just now. It _my favourite present from my good friends. They_my classmates. ( be )用所给词的适当形式填空(1) Name_ 1. Where _ you just now?I _ in the zoo. (be) 2. Listen, the birds _ (sing) in the tree. 3. _ Miss Li _ (have) a long holiday? 4. My mother usually _ (cook) at 5 oclock. 5. What _ the twins _on Sundays? (do) They often _ (go) to the library. 6. _ Helen like _ (swim)? Yes, she _. Look, she _ (swim) now. 7. The room is dirty. What _ you _ (do) just now? I _ (throw) the paper on the floor. 8._ (not) kick the ball. 9. Its the _ of May. There are _ students in the playground. (twelve) 10.Last week we _ (have) a _ (run) race at school. 1. _ (who) b is this?Its _ (she), I think. 2. Its 2:00 in the afternoon. The children _ (make) a kite. 3. _ you often fly a kite?No, we _. (did) 4. Let _ (we) go and join _ (they). 5. That girl can _ (sing) French songs. 6. What _ (will) you like as a birthday present? 7. What _ in the basket?There _ some apples in it. (be) 8. How many _ (read) rooms are there in this building? 9. Many _ (child) like ice creams. 10.My sister likes _ (run) very much. 1. Miss Li lives on the _ (two) floor in this building. 2. Is that _ (her) bike? Yes, its _ (her). 3. Ma Ming wants to take some _ (photo). 4. She _ (study) English well. 5. He _ (fly) a kite last Saturday. 6. Mr Green is very _ (excite). 7. These _ (people) are looking at the moon now. 8. Youre _ (watch) a match in your school now. 9. Mr _ is in the _ car. (black) 10._ you _ (play) the violin? No, I cant.1. _ the girl like _ (sit) quietly?Yes, she does. 2. How many _ (foot) does a monkey have? 3. My sister _ (have) a lot of beautiful stamps. 4. After school he _ (help) an old man. 5. Who can help _ (them) with their English? 6. Yang Ling is a _ (China) girl. 7. Here are some flowers _ (four) you. 8. Mary is _ (write) am e-mail to her friend. 9. He _ (have) many _ (strawberry) on the plate. 10._ he usually have a party at weekends?No, he _. (do) 1. We often _ (by) fruit in the supermarket. 2. We are now _ (live) in the town. 3. I _ (visit) the farm last Sunday. 4. Helen _ (pick) many apples on the farm last week. 5. Did you like _ (milk) cows, Nancy? 6. What _ you _ yesterday?We _ our homework. (do) 7. He _ (want)to go to the park this week end, but I have no time. 8. Helen often _ (go) to school by bus. 9. What _ the students _ (do) now? They _ (play) football in the football field. 10.Where _ you a moment ago? I _ in the reading room. (be) 1. _ (not draw) on the wall. 2. We _ (make) lots of delicious food. And we _ (eat) them in the dining-room yesterday evening. 3. Jim is from _. He speaks _. (France) 4. My birthday is on the _ (three) of July. 5. This is _ (I) wallet, not _ (he). 6. _ (who) mirror is it? Is it _ (your)? No, its not _ (I). I think it is _ (she) mirror. Its _ (she). 7. There _ (be) some orange juice in the bottle. 8. Pass the newspaper to _ (he). _ (he) wants to find a job on it. 9. Miss White asks _ (we) to sing the song. _ (we) must follow _ (she). 10._ (it) a cat. And these are _ (it) food. Give _ (they) to _(it).2019-2020年六年级分类复习汇总之综合一、根据句意或汉字提示完成下列句子。 1. do you want to go shopping?-After school. 2. I have (许多) (礼物). 3. There are (许多) things on the table (像)pens、books and rulers. 4. Short、blouse、coat and skirt are all . 5. We a good time, every one has fun at her party. 6. My birthday is my day of the year. 7. Some students (谈论) interesting film. 8. Today is Tuesday tomorrow is . 9. Would you like some orange (果汁). 10. Dont forget to some my party. 11. Would you like some new books your party? 12. Today is my birthday and tomorrow is. 13. Where can we buy these presents? the toy shop near our school. 14. Would you like to do me? 15. can we play football? You can play football there. 16. What does he today? He wears a red shirt. 17. We have a good time his birthday party. 18. Dont forget to go to school tomorrow. No, I . 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.(not) forget to e her early. 2. I want(buy) her a new book. 3. Where can he (do) his homework. 4. Her grandfather(want) (buy) her a new pencil box. 5. Where does he want (go)? 6. Would you like to buy (he) a birthday present? 7. Id like(play) tennis on the play ground. 8. I often forget (help) my mother with the homework. 9. He is glad (visit) the museum. 10. One of his friends (enjoy) (chat) on the Internet. 11. My mother (wear) a pink skirt today. 12. Every one (have) fun at her party. 13. Thank you for(invite) me. 14. My mother often (wash) clothes for (we). 15. What do you want(buy). 四、连词成句 1. pink, wears, a, T-shirt, new, She 2. me, would, to, with, you, like, go 3. birthday, what, for, do, get, usually, your, you 4. buy, you, what, to, do, want 5. shopping, do, want, when, go, to, you 五、改错(画出句中错误的地方改在后面横线上) 1. How many peoples are there in your family? 2. She cannt play basketball. 3. Would you like going with me. 4. She look very cool. 5. I want to buy she a cake. 6. Do you happy today? 7. I always forget do my homework. 8. Millies mother name is Zhang Qingqing. 9. You can park your toy car here. 10.Nancy have a good time at Millies party. 六、根据中文完成下列句子 1.我想要给她买一些香蕉。 Ito some bananas. 2.你想要和我一起去吗? you to go ? 3.你必须先做家庭作业,再玩电脑游戏。 You must do your homework, play puter games. 4.米莉过了个快乐的生日,她所有的朋友玩得很开心。 Millie has a and her friends have time. 5.你在哪儿举行聚会? do you have ? 6.我的生日是我一年中最快乐的一天。 My birthday is my of . 七、写出下列单词相应形式。 1. buy(同音词) 2. party(复数) 3. wear(同音词) 4.get(现在分词) 5. invite(名词) 6.happy(近义词) 7.invite(现在分词) 8. run(现在分词) 9. cut(现在分词) 10. happy(副词) 11.8th(完成形式) 12. 1st(完成形式) 13. 2nd(完成形式) 14. 3rd(完成形式) 八、句型转换,每空一格。 1. I usually do my homework for half an hour.(对划线部分提问) do you do your homework? 2. He has his party at a restaurant.(对划线部分提问) he his party? 3. My sister often gets many presents at her birthday party like clothes, books and snacks.(对划线部分提问) your sister get at her birthday party. 4. Some of my classmates es to my party.(对划线部分提问) To your party? 5. We want to buy him a present.(改为一般疑问句) you to buy him a present? 6. Tom wears a pair of blue jeans.(对划线部分提问) Tom ? 7. My parents have a lot of presents for me.(改为一般疑问句) your parents a lot of presents for ? 8. Mike wants to go home after school.(对划线部分提问) Mike want to go home?


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