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2019-2020年小学二年级英语期末复习试题一、 单词填空1.There are some _(西红柿)in the basket. 2. We should eat lots of _(蔬菜) 3. The little girl likes _(草莓)a lot.4. F_ is also good for our health. 5. Give him two _. (汉堡)6. Tomorrow is Toms b_. 7.I want to know about your eating h_.8. _(健康的)food is important. 9. Its a r_ hard question. 10. The music s_ good. 11. I like _ (看) English books.12. I have noodles for b_. 13. Zhou Jielun is a singing s_.14. What do you have for d_? 15. He doesnt like _ (面包)二、词组翻译1. 下星期_ 2. 考虑 _ 3. 运动明星 _4. 吃得好 _ 5. 询问 _ 6. 饮食习惯 _7. 午饭喜欢吃鸡肉 _ 8. 最后一个问题 _9. 想变胖 _ 10. 健康的食物 _三、句型转换1.Linda likes French fries. (改成否定句)_2.Does Tom like eggs for breakfast? (否定回答)_3.My teacher plays basketball well . (改一般疑问句)_4.We play volleyball. (变成由Let开头的祈使句)_5. She likes eggs for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)_四、阅读理解 A.Tom: Good evening, Mum.Mum: Good evening, Tom.Tom: Do we eat chicken for dinner, Mum? Mum: No, we eat fish and carrots, dear.Tom: Mum, I dont like carrots. I like chicken.Mum: But we need more vegetables, not only meat. Its not healthy to eat chicken every day. Tom: OK. But dad likes chicken, too.Mum: Well, lets eat chicken and broccoli tomorrow. (明天)Tom: That sounds great!( ) 1. What do they eat for dinner? A. chicken B. Carrots C. Carrots and fish( ) 2. what does Tom want to eat for dinner? A. fish B. chicken C. broccoli( ) 3. What do they need to eat more? A. chicken B. meat C. vegetables( ) 4. Does Toms father like chicken? A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he does. C. We dont know.( ) 5. what will they eat tomorrow? A. fish and carrots B. chicken and fish C. broccoli and chicken B Frank,Colin and kate are my good friends. I know them and I know what they like.Frank likes bananas very much. He doesnt like oranges. Colin likes eggs very much. He doesnt like broccoli. What does Kate like?.She likes strawberries ,but she doesnt like bananas. Does she like oranges? Sorry, I dont know.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Frank and Colin are brothers.( ) 2. I dont know Kate.( ) 3. Frank likes bananas.( ) 4. Colin likes broccoli.( ) 5. Kate doesnt like bananas.五、书面表达写一篇句的短文,介绍你的家人以及他们的饮食习惯(包括他们喜欢或不喜欢吃的食物、饮料、水果等)。_附送:2019-2020年小学五年级英语My new room教案课 题:Unit5 My new room第一课时教学内容:Lets start. A: Lets learn. Lets play. Lets sing. 教学目标:1、能够听、说、读、写本课主要单词:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin。 2、能够听、说、认读单词air-conditioner以及句型:Is this your? I have 并能在情景中运用。 3、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Small Bedroom”。 重点难点:重点:掌握Lets learn部分的五个四会单词,并能进行简单问答、介绍。难点:单词air-conditioner的发音。 教具准备:word cards, pictures, recorder and tape. 理论依据教学过程 Step1.Warm-up 1、Daily talk. 2、做“低声传句子”活动:教师低声把句子:“I have a study,a bathroom,a bedroom,a living room and a kitchen.”告诉每组的第一名学生,这名学生低声向后传句子,每组的最后一名学生大声说出句子,看哪组做得又快又正确。 Step2.Preview 1、Listen and do (BOOK3 B.Lets do)2、快速拼词Step3.Presentation 1、展示房间图片,教师说:“Look! This is my new room. I have a bed and a shelf. What else do I have? ”,教师拿出一面镜子,示范朗读mirror,学生跟读。教师手拿着镜子分别问几名学生:“Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? ”如果学生的回答是肯定的,教师则再次重复一下“mirror”一词,说:“Oh,you have a mirror in your bedroom.”,如果学生的回答是否定的,教师可以说:“Oh,sorry. You dont have a mirror in your bedroom. Where is the mirror? ”(Is the mirror in the bathroom?),学生回答。 教学其它curtain,closet,end table,trash bin,air-conditioner五词,方法同mirror, 2、Lets chant. 学生随着音乐边做边说: Closet,closet,open the closet! Curtain,curtain,close the curtain! Mirror,mirror,clean the mirror! Trash bin,trash bin,empty the trash bin! End table,end table,move the end table! Air-conditioner,air-conditioner,make me cool! 3、做“排卡片”游戏:教师快速报词卡名称,学生按次序在桌面上排列自己的词卡。4、出示对话“Is this your bedroom? Yes,it is. e and look at my new curtains.”,学生进行模仿后,出示图片(先可以仍是bedroom,把东西做替换,然后可以是其它房间,其它的东西),让学生同桌表演对话,或是同桌自由练习,但以同桌表演为主。例如:“Is this your living room? Yes,it is. e and look at my new sofa.”。 5、教师在黑板上示范书写单词:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin,让学生在词卡反面或练习本上拼写、记忆单词。 Step4.Consolidation and extension 1、Lets play:学生分组做句型接龙。如:学生A说:“In my room I have a trash bin. ”学生B在学生A的句子基础上加上一个词,如:“In my room I have a trash bin and a mirror.” 2、做“找同伴”活动:学生每人在六张词卡中任选3张,然后寻找持有相同卡片的同学。3、Learn to sing.4、完成本单元A Lets learn 部分活动手册配套练习。教学反思总的来说本节课的单词较难,如air-conditioner在用chant.的时候,chant.本身就比较难,学生难以学会。需平时多读多听,学会了chant.,单词就容易掌握了。


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