2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 3 A lovely musical instrument(3)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 3 A lovely musical instrument(3)教案 新世纪版单元教学目标课题Unit 3教学目标及策略一、教育目标:教育学生,除了认真学习文化知识以外还应该有一定的艺术修养,和丰富的兴趣爱好。二、知识目标:(一)基础目标:1.学习表示名词:chance, band, music, violin, piano 动词(词组):be interested in, 形容词:next, silly2 能与学过的词整合起来表达一定的意义。3 听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题 “My hobby”写6-8句话。听懂、读懂Q and A, 做书面、口头回答。练习朗读Music Box中内容,复习/ a:/, / u:/ 的读音,能正确区分。诵读Rhyme: e for a Swim,语音语调基本正确。(二) 发展目标:1. 能熟练使用动词词组,并能造句。2. 能用Grand Theatre的内容重新组织成语篇表达自己的想法,描述自己的生日。能力目标: 1. 句型:would like to2. 时态:熟练掌握一般现在时(esp. the third person)情感、策略、文化目标:情感态度目标:通过学习,使学生知道自己要有丰富的课余生活,并积极参加体育锻炼。学习策略目标:培养热爱艺术,热爱生活的品质。文化目标:知道体育是西方国家重要的人文财富。教学重点基本句型:What does? Can? 的问答及相关语法知识。 教学难点区分play+球类和play the +乐器。教学准备tape recorder pictures cards 课时安排Wonderland Farmland Grand Theatre + Language Lab ( Q and A )Review words and sentences + Language Lab ( On your own and Pair work)Music Box and review Disneyland and Work Book 7. 一课一练第一课 时课 时 目 标1.掌握单词: next be interested in violin piano silly chance band music ,知道含义,能正确朗读、拼写以上单词。知道单词在句子中的用法,并会造句。能口头、书面默出单词,能与学过的词整合起来表达一定的意义。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1.Review the rhyme: The clock2. Daily talk.While-task procedures:1. Review the words learned:1) next: adj. next week/ month/ year/ Sunday(the general future tense)prep. next to/ beside2) violin, pianoplay the violin/ piano3) music: a) subject (adj. musical)b) TV programmerc) phrases: listen to the music; pop/ classic music4) be interested in= have interest in (n. interest adj. interesting)e.g. I am/ was interested in music. She is/ was interested in reading cartoons when I was young. When you were young, what were you interested in? (Make sentences) This book is interesting enough for me to read.2. Learn the new words:1) silly= stupid, foolish (clever, smart)2) chance e.g. have a (good) chance; give sb. a chance to do sth.3) band: a) 乐队b) 绷带3. Students read the words and sentences by themselves.4. Listen to the tape and read after the tape sentence by sentence.Post-task activities1. Make some sentences with the new words.2. Rewrite the sentences as required.Next week well have a sports meet. A B2) Orville was interested in flying.3) Can Yang Minging play the violin? (a. the general present tense b. the present progressive tense)4) Our music teacher is playing the piano in the music room.5) What a good chance! (How) 板 书设计 Unit 3 Wonderlandnext next week/day/Sunday/Mondaybe interested in Be interested in sth. /doing sth.violin play the violinpiano play the pianosilly foolish=stupidchance bandmusic musical (a.)课 内练 习设 计 1. Listen and read the words or sentences.2. Make sentences.3. Listening prehension.课后练习设计Listen and read the Wonderland.Copy these words and learn them by heart.Rewrite the sentences as required.第二课 时课 时 目 标1.知道各种性情爱好和活动的英语表述方法。What like to do? like(s) to 2.掌握语段中一般现在事态的表示方法。3.能复述Farmland中的语言材料。4.能按照主题利用所给的词组写对话。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:Warming up: Daily talk.Ask and answer the questions with the words.Do dictation.While-task procedures:Discuss: 1) What do you like to do? I like to do?2) What does he/ she like to do?Oral presentation.Students read the Mini Dialogue by themselves.Students act out the mini dialogue in pairs.Make the dialogues with the substitutions. (play the piano/ the violin; play tennis/ table tennis/ basketball/ volleyball/ football; listen to music)Encourage students to summarize the usage of PLAY.Students act out other dialogues with different phrases.Post-task activities:Review and practice the general present tense (not, Q. Wh-Qs)pare the present tense with the past tense.Review the usage of CAN. (not, Q. Wh-Qs)Finish the exercises: Workbook P 板 书设计 Unit 3 Farmland一般现在时三单一:主语+动词的三单一形式+其他。情态动词can:主语+can+动词原形+其他。课内练习设计 1. Dication.2. Act the dialogue in pairs.3. Do some exercises on the workbook.4. Listening prehension.课后练习设计1. Read the mini-dialogue and repeat it.2. Rewrite the sentences as required.3. Recite the word groups of Farmland.第三课 时课 时 目 标听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料。能根据主话题“ My hobby”写6-8句话。(注意过去时和一般现在时时的使用)能正确流利的复述课文。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation: Daily talk:Whats your hobby?What do you like to do?2. Review: Read the F and phrasesWhile-task procedures:1. T shows a form: Its Sandy Clarks form then asks the questions.a. Which school?b. Which musical instrument will Sandy learn?c. Which class?d. Who is Sam Clark?2. Ask the students to read the text by themselves then answer the quest-tions: a. When does father think that Sandy can play in the school band?b. What was his father interested in when he was little?c. What does Sandy want to learn?d. Does his father agree with him?3. Explain the key phrases:a. form / / fill in the form/ plete the formb. would like to(d like to)= want to doe.g. I should/ would like to drink some water. What would you like to do?c. study learnd. signaturee. Heres/ Herere for sb.f. have a good chancef. I thinke.g. I think the movie Harry Potter is very interesting.g. nicer (nice) talltaller beautifulmore beautiful4. Read the phrases after the teacher.5. Listen to the tape and repeat the text sentence by sentence.6. Q&A on P21 (Oral Written)Post-task activitiesAsk the students to make more sentences by “would like sth/ to do ”2. Oral discussion: My Hobby.板 书设计 a. form / / b. would like to(d like to)= want to doc. study learnd. signaturee. Heres/ Herere for sb.f. have a good chanceg. I thinkh. nicer (nice) 课内练习设计 1. Read the phrases and text.2. Finish Q&A3. Listening prehension.4. Oral discussion: My Hobby.课后练习设计1. Read and recite the Grand Theatre.2. Copy the text. 3. Write down “My Hobby” on Workbook.4. Recite the word groups of this text.第四课 时课 时 目 标1.复习巩固Grand Theatre知识点。2.完成On your own及Pair work3.学会区分元音音标 /a:/, / u: / 。并能看音标读出单词。4.学习Rhyme: e for a Swim课 型复习课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme: e for a Swim (New learning)a. have a swimb. as happy/ warm asc. splashd. invitee. join the fun 2. Daily talk.While-task procedure:1. Review the words and the phrases, and then take a dictation.2. Review the text and Q&A 3. Review the sentences: can; do/ does; would like to do/ sth. 3. Ask and answer: On your own (Oral Written) a. Whats your hobby? b. Which hobby group are you in? c. Whats your favourite subject? d. What musical instrument can you play? 4. Learn: Pair work 1) Explain the phrases:a. Where are you going? Im going to (Make sentences)b. the piano group( the model plane group)c. difficult=hard (easy)d. make model ships 2) Read the dialogue. 5. Make a dialogue in pairs at the last.Post-task activities: 1. Do exercises. Work book on P 2. Read the music box. /a: / /u: / 板 书设计 Pair Work:Where are you going?hobby groupmake model shipsMusic Box/a: / /u: /fast foodfork poolcar coolsharp shootshark shoesbarn boots课内练习设计 1. Act a dialogue.2. Do exercises. Workbook P3. Read the music box.课后练习设计1. Read the music box.2. Recite the pair work.3.找一找含有/a:/ 和/u: /发音的单词,并把它们写在书上P22。4.Finish workbook on P。5. Rewrite the sentences as required.第五课 时课 时 目 标The total revision of Unit 3课 型复习课生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme 2. Ask and answer in pairsWhile-task procedure:Review some words and phrases.Music BoxReview the phonetics: / a: /,/ u: /Read them loudly.Show the words with them to read. 说一说含有/a:/和/ u: /发音的单词。Post-task activities:Analyze the Workbook.Do exercises. (一课一练)课内练习设计 1 Listening prehension.2. T or F on P3. 一课一练。课后练习设计Review Unit 3.一课一练。课后反思附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 3 A Lovely Musical Instrument第一课时 Wonderland(4)教案 新世纪版教学目标 学习本单元单词:next, be interested in, violin, piano, silly, chance, band, music. 掌握一般将来时, 一般现在时的句型结构及其功能。写68句话。朗读Rhyme,语音、语调、节奏基本正确。能力目标能用第三人称单数来表述一般现在时。情感目标 学会一种乐器。培养学生正确的审美观。 了解中国和西方国家伟大的音乐家的故事。教学目标:基础目标:1.听懂、理解、拼读、默写本课单词、词组:pen pal, English, manager, fly, work, hard, look like, make friends.2.能用以上单词组词造句,语法基本正确。 发展目标:1.能根据国际音标读出单词。 2.能阅读理解单词在句子中的作用。预习:听Unit 2 Wonderland的录音。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作、歌曲下载、文字录音、家庭照。课型:单词教学课堂活动活动过程教师活动学生活动教案调整Pre-task preparationSing a song Ask the students talk about the sports stars,pop singer.: Listen to a story about a famous poser in the world.Sing a song Answer questions.Ask and answer each other.While-task procedure活动一Learn the new wordsT: Today we are going to have a music lesson, and we are going to learn a kind of musical instrument. There are many kinds of musical instruments in the world, such as the piano, the violin, the guitar and so on.T: Would you like to learn one of them?T: Whats your wish?T: What do you want to be in the future?活动二Write the phonetic symbols of the new words on the board.Ask the students to read them out.活动三Play the cassette: 活动四Let the studentsask questions about the new words.Talk about favourite musicListen and answer Learn the new words.Learn the new wordsLook and listen.Pronounce:Listen and followTalk about this new wordsLet me try.Listen and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation and try to remember the meaning of the new words.Post-task activitiesAsk the students to remember the new words in two minutes.Listen and fill in the blanks.Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.Invite individuals to say the sentences they have made.Page20, Students Work Book . Listen and fill in the blanks.Make sentences with new words.mu_ _cp_ _ no_ i_l _ nn_ x _si_ _y_ _ anceb_ _ d。


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