2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module3 unit2(4)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module3 unit2(4)教案 外研版Module 3 English FoodUnit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers.Teaching aimsDescribling eating habits and favourate food.Difficult pointsSam ate six hamburgers.He likes hamburgers very much.What did you eat last night?What did you drink last night?What are you going to to eat?What are you going to to drink?Teaching aidsradio tapes cards picturesTeaching methodteaching pratice playing gamesTeaching stepsStep 1 Warm up1. Make a dialogue with the students at random.2. Review Unit 1.Step 2 Review3.Play a game: You draw and I guess.The teacher draw a part of a food .let a student to say the food.If he or she cant not say the name of the food ,the teacher goes on to draw it .Step3PresatationT:How many hamburgers can you eat?The students answers.4.Tell the class Sam likes to eat the hamburgers too.Daming receives an email.Sam eat the hamburgers at school.Watch VCD.Ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and ask: What did you eat/drink last night?5. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings.6. Teach the new words in different ways.7. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.8. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out.Step 4 PracticeSam ate six hamburgers.He likes hamburgers very much.What did you eat last night?What did you drink last night?What are you going to to eat?What are you going to to drink?Step 5 ActingsAct out the email.Step 6 ReviewThe emailHomework1. Read the text and say the chant.2. Finish activity 4.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module3 unit2(2)教案 外研版一、 教学准备与分析1教学内容学生用书:第三模块第二单元活动1、4、活动用书:第三模块第二单元活动 1,22教学目标21技能与知识目标A基本要求基本能听懂会说、会读、会写ate, gave, drank, tonight基本能听懂、会说、会读句型:What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank. I gave.to.B初步要求初步掌握 Chant中的toast, jam。C巩固复习复习词汇: hamburgers, sandwich, cook, miss。复习句型:He likes hamburgers very much. Mum is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling。2.2运用能力目的运用句型What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank.来询问他人曾经吃过什么,喝过什么,并能够通过书信与他人交流。2.3素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的培养学生主动用英语与他人交流,能积极与他人合作,共同参与,合作完成学习任务。通过对本课的学习,让学生学会关心他人了解他人的生活状态。并且了解各种饮食文化。3教学重点词汇:ate, gave, drank, tonight句型:What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank.I gave.to.4教学难点 drank, gave 的发音5教学任务 A学习任务:学习词汇:ate, gave, drank, tonight学习句型:What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank.I gave.to.B运用任务:运用任务:小邮箱6教学用具教学用书、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、多媒体课件二、 教学程序1热身复习活动1、教师语言:Lets sing a song together.“ How many apples?” 2. 导入 教师语言:What are you going to eat tonight? 出示tonight的单词卡并且教授其发音。(全体,大组操练)“What does this mean?”指向tonight 的单词卡。学生语言:今晚教师语言:What are you going to eat tonight?学生语言:Im going to eat hamburgers/noodles/ice cream.教师语言: What are you going to drink tonight?学生语言:Im going to drink milk/orange juice/apple juice/water.3. 任务呈现: Today well write a letter to your good friend to tell him or her what you ate and what you drank .4操练与指导1)教师语言:I like hamburgers very much. Yesterday I ate two hamburgers. What did you eat yesterday? 出示ate单词卡帮助学生回答“I ate.”2) 学生语言:Yesterday I ate some rice/ sausages/a banana/hot dog/ cake.3) 教师语言: Lets practice in pairs. 学生两人一组练习并展示。4)教师语言: Yesterday I drank some milk. What did you drink last night? 出示drank单词卡帮助学生回答“I drank.”5)学生语言:Yesterday I drank some orange juice/cola/ milk/ .6)教师语言: Lets practice in pairs. 学生两人一组练习并展示。7)教师语言: Do you like apples? (问一位学生)8)学生语言:Yes, I like.9)教师语言:Here you are. JiaoYang likes apples. I gave an apple to JiaoYang. What did you give to your friend?10) 学生语言: I gave a pear/some milk. to XXX.11) 教师语言: Lets practice in pairs. 学生两人一组练习并展示。12) 小游戏:四个大组的每位同学分别根据每组选择的时间、地点、人物、动作写出内容,当听到音乐响起各组内开始传小旗,音乐停止时各组拿到小旗的同学站起依次说出自己所写的内容。要求时间、动作必须过去发生的事情。13)教师语言: Do you remember Amy ? She es back to London. She misses Daming very much. So she wrote a letter to him. Lets listen to the tape. 14) 教师语言: Lets listen to the tape again and plete this letter.(用实物投影仪出示未完成的信,听完录音之后请同学来补充。)15) 听录音跟读课文。16)全班朗读。5完成运用任务: 小信箱请同学仿照本课Amy的信给自己的好朋友写一封信,然后投递到小信箱内,由“小信使”选择信箱内的信件,邀请收信人来阅读信件。

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