2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 13(3)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 13(3)教案 广州版一、教学目标1.Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary词汇:prefer, full, inside(四会); hamburger, pizza(三会)Sentences句型:Which do you prefer, or ? I prefer ; are more delicious than ; I like best. I dont like and I dont like , either.Grammar语法:双音节或多音节形容词和副词的比较级的表达方法;either/too的区别和正确使用;2.Language skill语言技能:能在情景中用所学句型询问别人喜爱什么食物及回答3.Affect 情感态度:联系课文,要求学生要有均衡的饮食,要养成良好的饮食习惯4.Learning Strategies学习策略:让学生运用所学知识积极地与他人进行交际二、教学重、难点重点:学会运用本课句型谈论自己和别人的饮食爱好难点:长句“Which do you prefer, hamburgers or pizzas?, is/ are more delicious than I dont likeand I dont like, either. 的理解和运用。三、教学媒体 自制课件、 图片等四、教学过程(一)Warming up & Revision1. Sing a song:Pizza and Chip;2. Free talk: Whats your favorite food? My favorite food is I like best. 3. Guessing game: 老师说出食物的大概特征,让学生猜。比如:Its yellow. Monkeys like them.Its shape is circle. You can eat it in the Pizza Hut. 4. 接上个游戏引出新词并操练:hamburger, pizza(二)Presentation and Practice1. Show the topic: I prefer hamburgers2. 由上一个活动自然引出句型Which do you prefer, .or.? I prefer. (用Which do you like better, noodles or rice? 帮助学生理解;板书并带读;教生词prefer; 利用课件进行替换操练)4. Ask one pupil to ask the teacher: “Which do you prefer, or?” The teacher answers: “I prefer I like best are more delicious than ”;And another pupil asks the same question . The teacher answers: “I dont like and I dont like , either. I like best.”(此时引出“ are more delicious than ; I like best;I dont like and I dont like , either.”让学生理解、板书并带读, 教生词either; 在老师的引导下利用图片进行机械操练,让学生上口)4. Pupils in two practice the dialogue with the pictures (学生看图说话进行自主操练,老师用课件呈现挖空的对话,降低中下生学习难度)P1: Which do you prefer, or.? P2: I prefer. are more delicious than What about you?P1: I prefer. are more delicious than I dont like and I dont like , either. I like best.5. Pupils show their dialogue6. Present the text(Show the first picture on P58)T: Today Ben, Janet and their mother eat at Jimmys. Please find out which food do they prefer.namefooddrinkBenJanetMrs. Webb7. Play the tape and ask the pupils to find out the answers8. Check the answers.(三)Consolidation1. Read the text after the tape.2. Read the text in groups and learn it together. 学生找出自己不太理解的地方,教师解答:1)新单词的发音:inside, full, (教单词要注重情景,象inside 就要go inside一起记,不要分开教;教full时可以让学生表演:Im so full. I cant walk back home. 同时可引出其反义词empty-full; hungry-full; outside-inside 以旧引新,帮助学生理解和记忆)2) 意义理解:eat at Jimmys (在Unit5学过 Janet goes to the doctors 可进行知识迁移帮助学生理解)3)可数名词与不可数名词:hamburgers / pizza, coffee.4)I dont like pizza and I dont like hamburgers ,either. (either和too及also的用法。)教师可出几道练习题,看看学生的掌握情况。3. Read the text together. (分角色朗读,注意语音语调和表演读)4. Find the errors ( 阅读小短文,找出与课文不一致的地方 )(四)Development1Talk about their favourite food and drinks in groups.2. Write a short dialogue about their favourite food and drinks. (老师给模板,让学生填空)(五)Homework1. Copy the new words and try to remember them2. Listen and read the text after the tape3. Draw your favourite food and drinks, then talk about them. You can use: Which do you prefer, or ? I prefer ; Are more delicious than ; I like best. I dont like and I dont like , either.”附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 13(4)教案 广州版Objectives:教学目标1.Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary词汇:prefer, full, inside ;(三会)hamburger, pizzaSentences句型:Which do you prefer, or? I prefer 长句::is/ are more delicious than I dont likeand I dont like, either.Grammar语法:比较级、选择疑问句的运用课文的熟练朗读2.Language skill语言技能:学生能用谈论“食物”和“用餐”的用语进行对话3.Affect 情感态度:学生能用本课的交际用语进行交际性的对话。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:让学生运用所学知识积极地与他人进行交际,积极与他人合作共同完成任务。Difficulties Analysis教学难点分析:重点:1)理解并掌握本课的新单词2)学会用谈论“食物”和“用餐”进行对话。2难点:长句“Which do you prefer, hamburgers or pizzas?, is/ are more delicious than I dont likeand I dont like, either.TeachingAids/Media教学媒体 1.自制课件,使用于导入、呈现和操练环节。2.自制食物图片适用于单词,句型的引出Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activity & Steps 教学活动及操作步骤Learning strategies学生学习策略Purpose设计意图1.Leading-in 2.Pre-task3.While-task 4.Post-taskSing the songs: Peas Pudding Hota)利用游戏结合旧句型my favourite food is复习关于食物的单词b)由上一任务回答活动自然引出句型Which do you prefer, .or? I prefer 利用课件进行操练。c)Chant: I preferd)运用食物图片学习hamburger, pizzae) 教师结合图片课件引出长句::is/ are more delicious thanf)通过课文人物Mrs. Webb 引出另一长句I dont likeand I dont like, either.g) Chant: What do you need? h)通过课件学习单词full, inside;运用生动的对比引出其反义词empty-full; hungry-full; outside-inside a)CAI呈现课文,看完回答老师问题。b)全班跟读课件朗读课文(强调模仿语音语调)c)小组读课文d)师生分角色读课文a)阅读小短文,找出与课文不一致的地方学生们在愉悦的音乐氛围中接触今天的学习主题。a)通过游戏复习相关单词,激起学生学习的兴趣,为下面学习作铺垫,学生根据老师示范引导使用新短语进行表达,理解意思并运用。 通过儿诗复习巩固句型d)在操练中把图片奖给学生e) 通过图片替换,课件学习、操练长句f)学生通过课件、图片、同桌互问互答等不同方式,对句型进行操练。g) 学生通过chant复习关于选择个人喜爱的食物的句型h)通过guessing game.让学生更深刻理解词义a) 学生看、听课文,并回答相关问题。b)学生跟读课文c)学生分小组朗读课文。d)师生分角色读课文a)阅读小短文,找出与课文不一致的地方通过歌曲营造轻松的课堂气氛。a)学生在复习旧知识的基础上,为下面的新知识作铺垫b)感知新句型,并进行情景运用。 c)运用学生感兴趣的形式强化输入。d)刺激学生多说多练e)操练长句型,为课文的流利朗读做准备f) 操练长句型,为课文的流利朗读做准备通过游戏激发学习兴趣,有效突破难点。a)学生在掌握单词句型的基础上理解课文。b)让学生运用所学进行有效输出,运用于真实交际。a)结合课文内容,培养学生的阅读兴趣Homework 抄新单词,读三次,背(堂听)听录音读课文三次,背(家签)(堂上本)写25句关于食物的句子。 可用I prefer I like I dont like My favourite food is等句型.


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