2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson28教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson28教案 冀教版一、教学目标a、知识目标:重点句型:I have我有I like我喜欢 I dont like我不喜欢b、能力目标:能够熟练运用句型I have(我有) I like(我喜欢)I dont like(我不喜欢)c、情感目标:让学生感受成功的喜悦,激发他们学习英语的热情,使他们具有更积极的情感态度。二、教学准备录音机、录音带,图片三、教学过程(一)、Greeting.T: Hello,everyone!C: Hello!(二)、New ConceptesT: Lets sing a song!T: What desserts are there in this song?C:_T: Yes,you are right. Look here,together.Whats this?(教师拿出事先准备好的甜点图片对学生进行提问,来复习以前学过的甜点的单词)S1: Its _.T: Is it a dount?S2:Yes/No,its_(在学生认识了这些甜品之后让学生听录音,并回答问题)T: What desserts are there in the tape? Please listen!T: Who wants to answer my question? What?S3:_.S4:_.S5:_.S6:_.(在学生回答完后教师先拿出一些复数甜点,再拿出一些其他物品的复数图片来进行提问,用这个问答练习来复习规则名词的复数形式)T: What are they?S7: They are_T: What are they?S8: They are_T: Why we say “they are ”but not say “it is ” ?C:因为这些是复数,所以我们说they are而不说it is。T: Whats your favourite dessert?S1: I like_.T: Whats your favourite dessert?S2: I like_.(让学生根据图片内容来回答问题。因为这个问答学生都很熟悉了,因此他们回答起来是比较容易的。而教师在这个环节中要做的就是及时发现他们在回答过程中的问题,及时纠正。提醒学生注意单、复数,虽然这不是本节课的重点,但却是容易出错的地方,因此,教师还是应该作为重点来看。)T: Ok, lets have a race. There are many cards , please fill in the blank in the group. Then show your fruit. (教师出示需要填空的句子,填的多的并且正确的为获胜组)I like_.(任何一种颜色)I like_s.(任何衣服)I like a _.(任何衣服)I like_s(任何一种食物)(给学生一段时间填空)T: Which group has finished? Who wants to try?(通过这个游戏看看学生对单词单、复数的掌握情况,并且在总结的时候向同学们展示句中进行单词替换的方法。之后请每个小组的同学读出自己小组的成果)T: Please read it.T: Ok,good! Please ears up! Listen to the tape, and answer my question. Whats Dannys favourite dessert? What desserts do they have?(先放一遍录音让学生听,并试着让学生回答问题。如果不行,可再放一遍,然后订正。)T: Answer my question.S:_.T: Great! Listen to the tape and read after it.Then please make a dialogue in group, then show your fruit.(这个环节是训练学生的说的能力,说是学好英语的重要环节,因此我们要注重培养学生说英语的能力。)(三)、Practice T: Divide the class into pairs. Please make some sentences with I like a/an_and you like a/an_. I like _s and you like _s. and I like (a/an)_(s) but you like (a/an)_(s).Let me see who the first one is.(利用以前学过的词,比如:最喜欢的颜色、衣服、午餐和甜点等造句。比较哪对同学最快、最好。)(四)、Class closingT: Are you happy ?C: Yes, we are happy!T: Im happy too. Ok,now this class is over. Please say goodbye to me!C: Goodbye!T: Bye-bye!(五)、板书设计I have我有I like我喜欢 I dont like我不喜欢附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson29(3)教案 冀教版一、教学目标知识目标:重点句型:What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?I like to do 我喜欢做能力目标:能够熟练运用句型What do you like to do?(你喜欢做什么?) I like to do (我喜欢做)情感目标:让学生感受愉悦和民主的课堂气氛,使学生的学习兴趣高涨,真正成为学习的主人。二、教学准备:录音机、录音带,卡片,一个容器三、教学过程(一) Greeting.T: Hello,everyone!C: Hello!(二) New ConceptesT: Im glad to meet you. I want to play a game with you. Do you want to play with me?C: Yes ,we do.T: Ok, please look here,guess!(将一些动词短语的卡片放进一个容器中,再让一名学生从容器中抽出一张卡片,看完后根据短语作出相应的动作,请其他同学猜出短语)S: play basketball / play ping-pang / play football / play on the puter(利用这个游戏来复习以前学过的这些动词短语,并使学生了解它们的含义为下边的内容打基础。然后把这些卡片贴在黑板上做为板书的一部分)T: What do you like to do ? I like to _ _.(教师指着黑板上的短语卡片,以自问自答的方式,来展示回答的方法,强调I like to _ _,如果学生不是很明白,教师可适当再进行12组)T: What do you like to do ? I like to _ _.(边说边做动作)T: What do you like to do ?S1: I like to _ _.T: What do you like to do ?S2: I like to _ _.T: What does he like to do ?S2: He likes to _ _.(教师边问边用手指着第一个同学,让这个同学说出他的爱好。然后再指着另外一个人进行提问。)T: What does she like to do ?S3: She likes to _ _.T: please make a dialogue in group with these sentences, then show your fruit.I like to_(play)_(game).I like to_(play with)_(a toy / toys).I like to_(play on)_(the puter).(在这个过程中教师要提醒学生注意不同的说法。)T: Ok,good! Please ears up! Listen to the tape, and answer my question. What does Danny like to do? What does Steven like to do? What does Kim like to do? What does Jenny like to do?(请同学们边听边写出正确答案,放两遍录音。这个环节不仅是在训练学生的听力,也是在训练学生的写的能力)T: Who wants to show your fruit? Who is the first one? S:_.(三) Practice T: Ok, its time to rest. Play a game Smile, Frown with “He/She likes to_(play/play with)_(game/toys)”(在这个游戏中我们可以分成两次来做,一次是有关运动项目的如:basketballand ping-pang,另一次是有关玩具的如:doll and skipping rope。这样有助于学生正确地进行替换练习:用play或play with。)(四) Class closingT: Are you happy C: Yes, we are happy!T: Im happy too. Ok,now this class is over. Please say goodbye to me! C: Goodbye! T: Bye-bye!板书设计What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么? I like to do 我喜欢做课后反思:


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