2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4(1)教学反思 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4(1)教学反思 广州版我这一节课的教学内容是一篇情景型的课文对话Module 2 Unit 4 的Dialogue,涉及到的语法是一般现在时的第三人称单数的运用。本节课的内容与日常生活息息相关,各知识点也不难,只是相对来说所涉及的知识点较零散,因而在教学中,我创设接近生活的情景,运用各种练习、游戏去突出重点,让学生在练习中习得语言。我觉得我这一节课的亮点有:1创设逼真的生活情景,让学生在情景中体验语言、感受语言。首先,在 “Its time to和Its time for”的区别上,通过一幅幅生动的图片创设情景,让学生在情景中理解句子。然后,因为课文对话里出现的新单词较零散,而且不在同一词域内,为此,我通过一首具有一定情节的小诗,结合教师与学生的表演,让学生在情景中理解新词汇。另外在课文的理解上,根据课文对话情景性很强的特点,我特地运用金太阳播放整个对话给学生观看,通过对话人物在情景中的语言感染力,让学生体验语言在生活中的运用。2强调学生学习的过程,倡导学生体验参与,注重学生综合英语能力的培养。在呈现了“Its time to和Its time for”句型后,进而引导学生根据图片信息提示运用这两个句子进行信息的口头描述,目的是让学生对两个句子理解更清晰、透彻。紧接着的这两个句子的口头互换练习,既能有效地帮助学生强化语言知识的运用,同时还能培养学生对知识互换的思维,锻炼学生灵活运用知识的能力。通过小诗结合情景理解了新词汇后,我设计了“比比谁穿衣服快”的游戏,让学生在参与活动的过程中充分体验新词汇的运用。而在课文的学习上,也一步步地引导学生在充分理解了课文的基础上表演课文,让学生在表演的过程中体验、实践和参与,从而提高学生的综合英语能力。3注重培养学生良好的学习习惯,发挥小组互助合作的学习精神,力求学生的全面提高。在单词的教学上渗透音标的教学,逐步培养学生看音标写单词的能力。在根据课文对话完成小短文的练习中,发扬小组互助的精神,让学生在小组内讨论答案,养成自纠错误的好习惯。整体来说,我这一节课的各个环节清晰、有条理,所设计的各项活动与练习的课堂有效性较高,学生充满学习热情。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4(1)教案 广州版.ObjectivesLanguage skill(1) Can talk about the names of mon illness in English.(2) Can express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor.Language knowledge(1) Vocabulary4 skills:feel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, whats the matter? quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, bath, have a bath, pale, first, medicine, take medicine, time, headache, tooth-ache, fever, pain, youd better= you had better3 skills:plenty, plenty of, checkups, stomachache(2) DrillsI feel ill.You should drink plenty of water.You shouldnt go to bed late.Youd better stay in bed.(3) Daily expressions in municationsIts time to get up.I dont want to be late for school.Whats the matter?Take the medicine three times a day.I have a cold.Dont eat too much chocolate.(4) To raise awareness of the letter-sound and sound-spelling correspondence.(5) Sub-topicUnit 4: Janet Fells IllUnit 5: Janet Goes to the DoctorsUnit 6: Lets Go FurtherAffectsTo raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits.To practise giving advice like “You should” and “You shouldnt”To cultivate pupils creativity.Learning strategy(1) Cognitive strategy.(2) Regulating strategy.(3) municative resource strategy.Cultural ConsciousnessTo provide pupils with more information about childrens school life in other countries.To provide pupils a chance to think about their own school life. To suggest more ways of getting healthy.Difficult pointsTo express different fellings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor.Materials:Textbook, Activity book, tape, Teachers book, cards, puter, TVUnit 4 Janet Feels Ill 第一课时ObjectivesVocabulary: cold, have a cold, headache, tooth-ache, fever, stomachache, bad, hot, cold, painDrills: Whats the matter with? I fell She fells I have She hasTo learn the names of mon illness in English.ProceduresGreetingsT: I feel ill. I want to see the doctor.Present: Module 2 Seeing a DoctorPresentationShow pictures one by one:Whats the matter with the lady?She has a cold. Teach: cold, have a coldWhats the matter with the man?He has a headache. Teach: head+ache-headache, have a headacheWhats the matter with the young lady?She has a tooth-ache. Teach: tooth+ache-tooth-ache, have a tooth-acheWhats the matter with the boy?He has a stomachache. Teach: stomach+ache-stomachache, have a stomachacheWhats the matter with the man?He has a fever. Teach: feverWhats the matter with man?He has a sore throat. Teach: sore, throatWork with Language P24Match the speech bubbles with the pictures in pairs.Teach: painI have He/ She hasAct out the sentences in groups.P: I have a cold.T: He has a cold. Look, he feels cold.Teach: feelTeach asks the pupils to do the actions, the others guess.She feels bad. He feels hot. Work with Language P19Listen and stick the pictures above the sentences.Ask ps to show their pictures.Summing up: mon illness in EnglishExpress ones feelingHomework:Copy the new words.Read the phrases and do the actions with your classmates.Layout: Module 2 Seeing a DoctorWhats the matter with? illHe / She has a have a cold old headacheHe/ She feels bad. tooth-ache hot stomachache fever never sore throat painUnit 4 Janet Feels Ill 第一课时ObjectivesVocabulary: wake, wake up, get dressed, quicklyDrills:I feel tired/ ill.Its time to/ for I dont feel well.I dont want to Get dressed, quickly.ProceduresWarming upGame: fill in the blank and their Chinese meaningLook, ask and answer: Whats the matter with? (电脑呈现)He/ She has a Guessing game: He feels Presentation:(1) Lazy Carfield has a good friend Nemo. They live together. Its Monday morning.N: Wake up! Wake up! Its time to get up, Carfield.C: I feel tired. I feel ill. I dont want to go to school.N: Wake up! Wake up! Its time for breakfast.C: I dont want to go to school.N: Whats the matter?C: I dont feel well. Can I go back to sleep?N: Get up! I dont want to be late for school. Get dressed, quickly. Eat your breakfast quickly.C: But I dont feel well.N: Ok. Get dressed. Were going to see the doctor.(2) Tell the story again and write the key works on the blackboard.(3) Whole class try to retell the story by the key words and learn the new words: wake up, get dressed, quickly(4) Janet also doesnt want to go to school today. Whats the matter with her? (电脑呈现)(5) Watch again and try to remember the main sentences.(6) Read the dialogue Unit 4 Janet Feels Ill after the tape.(7) Read the dialogue in groups.Summing upNew words and sentences.Take notes.Repeat the story after the VCD.Homework: Copy the new words and dialogue.Listen, read and act out the dialogue.Layout: Unit 4 Janet Feels IllWake up! Get up!Its time to/ for quickly / slowlyWhats the matter? get dressedI feel tired/ ill.I dont feel well. / I dont want toCan I ?Get dressed, quickly.Unit 4 Janet Feels Ill 第三课时ObjectivesUnit 4, Work with Language,Fun with LanguageVocabulary: sweet, plenty of, bath, have a bath, youd better,ProceduresWarming upWhole class read Unit 4 DialogueAct out the dialogueLook at the pictures and discuss in groups (电脑呈现)Whats the matter with ?He / She has a He / She feels Fun with Language Unit 4: Play a guessing game as followA: He feels ill.B: What should we do?A: Lets send him to the clinic.C: Shes hungry.D: What should we do?C: Lets give her some food.Ask some groups to act out.Work with Language Unit 4Present a picture: Pupils are having a special class. A nurse a telling what we should do and what we shouldnt do in daily life.Nurse: You shouldnt eat too many sweets. You should eat plenty of fruit.Teach: sweet, sweets, plenty of, have a bathYou shouldnt watch TV too much. You should go to bed early.Distinguish “too many +n.” and “too much + u.n.”.Listen to the tape and say what we should do and shouldnt do.Development: Game: See a doctor (Whats the matter? I dont feel good.)Homework: Copy the new words, phrases and sentences.Act out See a Doctor with your friends.Layout too many sweet meettoo much plenty of lots ofhave a bathyoud better = you had better


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