2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5(4)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5(4)教案 湘少版教学目标:1. Able to understand and read new words: last, a metre, a race, sports, first, second, third.tenth;2. Able to describe the picture3. Able to use correctly cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.教学重点及难点;重点;Grasp the new words难点:Describe the text contents; the usage of ordinal numbers.教学方法:情景法,教学准备:mathematics cards, wall clock, pictures, tape etc.教学步骤:Step 1. Warming up:1. Greetings2. Sing a song “ Ten little Indian boys”.3. Revise the cardinal numbers from 1to 10Step 2. Presentation and drill Game-Quick response Teacher shows word cards ( play football, play basketball, jump, run, swim), students read the words loudly, choose five students at the front to do the actions according to the word. The student who does the action most quickly and correctly can go forward for one step.T: Great! He/ She is No.1, the first.After the game, teacher draw the conclusion and write on the Bb.S1S2S3S4S5No.1No.2No.3No.4No.5firstsecondthirdfourthfifth1. Teach new words, and lead students to observe the form of words and explain the features of ordinal numbers.2. Help students to say out the ordinal number from 1to 103. Listen to part B, and repeat.Step 3. Practice1. Listen to Part A, understand the main idea.T: Yesterday was Sports Day at Peters school. There was a one hundred metre race. Listen to the tape and find out who was first.2. Listen to the tape, and repeat.3. Talk about it freely.Step 4. Consolidation1. Group activity. Show the picture Part A, talk about the picture, and continue to play “ quick response”2. Give assessment. 板书; S1S2S3S4S5No.1No.2No.3No.4No.5firstsecondthirdfourthfifthNo.6No.7No.8No.9No.10sixthseventhEighthninthtenth课后记:Period 2教学目标:1. Use the new words well.2. Able to understand Part D, and finish the exercise3. Able to use ordinal numbers to describe the orders 教学重点及难点;重点:Part D难点:Describe the orders well.教学方法:游戏法教学准备;word cards, pictures etc.教学步骤;Step1. Warming up:1. Greetings2. Sing English song3. Report the homework of last lessonStep 2. Presentation and drill1. Group activity. Finish Part C.2. Show part DT: How many squares are there in the picture? Whats on the second square?S: There is a school on the second square.Step 3. Practice1. Talk about Part D, discuss in groups2. Finish Part D, fill the blanks.Step 4. Consolidation Game-Guess, guess, guess Play the game by teams. One student describe another one about his/ her appearance, wearing, hobby and order of seats and so on, others guess who is student.1. Give assessment.2. practice3. homework.板书: Who was first?I/ He/ She Was first.Period 3教学目标: 1. Able to understand the new words; wave, swish, float, swell, shell教学重点及难点:重点:Use the knowledge in the unit难点:read the English poem教学方法:游戏法教学准备:word cards, cassette教学步骤:Step 1. Warming up1. Greetings2. Sing English song3. Revise “ Who was first/?” Play a game-BingoT: There is “metre” on the fifth squareStep 2 Presentation and drill1. Draw five waves, explain the word “ wave” and I, 2. listen to part E, and repeatStep 3. Practice English poem Game-Making friendsStep 4. Consolidation1. expand your memory, let students try to say ordinal numbers from “ 25” to “ 100”.2. Give assessment.板书: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday First second third fourth fifth sixth seventh附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5(4)教案 苏教牛津版课题5B Unit5,C部分 (第三课时)教学目标1.复习,学生进一步掌握第三单元的四会单词和句型。2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第三单元日常交际用语。3.完成本单元C部分内容。养成课前预习、复习的习惯。引导学生建立自信,用于表达。预习作业1.第三单元的四会单词和句型。2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第三单元日常交际用语。教学重、难点教学资源教学准备:图片、小黑板。学 程 预 设导 航 策 略调整反思A.复习导入 Warmup1.生齐唱英文歌曲Hobbies。2.Freetalk。Doyouhaveanyhobbies?Doyoulikekeepinggoldfish?Doesyourfriend,Tom,likegrowingflowers?Whatdayisittoday?Whatlessonsdoyouhaveinthemorning/afternoon?WhyisHelenabsenttoday?Whatswrongwithher?Whocancallandaskher?Whatdayisittoday?Whatsubjectdoyoulike?Doesyourmotherlikegrowingflowers?Howareyou?Whatswrongwithyou?Areyoutakinganymedicine?Howdoyoufeelnow?3. Talk about your hobbies.B.自学展示1.学生复习所学的动词和动词词组He is taking photos. Do you like taking photos? What do you like?(同法复习巩固动词词组go shopping, collect stamps, collect coins, grow flowers, keep goldfish, make model ships, make clothes)2.接龙游戏复习四会句型:学生小组内互相问答复习所学的动词和动词词组、认读和指正,读得好的做小老师。C.合作探究1 a)Jun is ill at home. Hes now calling Miss Chen. Now letssee what they are talking. b)学生根据图意填入所缺的单词。 c)学生两人一组根据图片内容句型交谈。 d)学生在熟练交谈的基础上进行对话表演,并鼓励学生就对话内容进行扩展练习。2利用自做图片看图说话I have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoonb)打开书看图理解图意填入单词。c)学生两人一组根据图片内容句型交谈。d)对话表演。D.布置作业: 明确作业要求复习歌曲Hobbies。师请个别学生说,集体交流。师出示词汇图片师出示图片教师示范:Ilikegoingshopping.接着问A同学:Whatdoyoulike?A同学回答:Iliketakingphotos.然后再问B同学,以此类推,达到复习巩固的目的。(其他词组方法同上)(规则:小组之内不能重复。这样可以让全体学生集中注意力听其他学生的回答,并积极的开动脑筋去想别人没说过的词组。)教师出示图,引导学生仔细看图读句,整体把握对话内容。鼓励学生就对话内容进行扩展练习。1必做:同桌之间做“Listenandact”游戏。2 必做:抄写第三单元四会单词四遍和句型一遍。3 选做:课后自由交际。


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