2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson 27 The forest教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson 27 The forest教案 冀教版一、教学目标:知识目标: 1、让学生掌握单词forest, mountain, rock, tree2、让学生掌握词组 in front of, behind并运用 The_ is in front of/ behind the_.这个句式。能力目标:通过图片等教学方法,让学生不但掌握单词而且能运用两个方位单词造简单的句子!情感目标:帮助学生建立起热爱自然、保护环境的意识。二、教学重难点:教学重点 :1、让学生学习单词和词组 in front of, behind 2、让学生学习并运用 A _ in front of _.和A_behind _.这两个句式!教学难点 :让学生不但掌握单词,而且能运用in front of, behind两个词组造简单的句子!三、教具准备:录音机,磁带,单词卡片五、教学过程:一、 Greetings:T: Hello, Boys and girls!S:Hello, Miss Tian.T: How are you ?S: Fine, thanks.T:Before our new lesson, we will say some sentences about oral English! Whats this ? Do you know the Rocky Mountain? S: 学生回答!(通过著名的风景来出示本课的单词卡片) T: You have done very well. Now ,look! I have a beautiful picture for you . What can you in the picture ?(出示图片,让同学们观察图片!适当可以说汉语。) T: Now , This lesson ,We will study some words about our nature!The teacher show some pictures about the natural things.二、 New concepts:Learn to say the new words forest, mountain, rock, treeT: The teacher show some pictures!T: In the pictures , What can you see?S: 大山,树木T: Yes! You are right! We will learn them.(教师领读这些单词forest, mountain, rock, tree)(教师通过各种方法让学生多多练习这些单词,可以运用到句子中去。)For exampleT: Danny is inside the school!S: The rock is inside the forest! 根据单词和句子的联系,适当的引出和复习以前学习过的有关方位知识in on under(通过动作来复习)T: The book is on the desk ! The pencil is in the book !教师说,同学们来做。2、学习课本的第二部分!两个方位名词in front of, behindT:Then next , We will study two new team-words! (in front of, behind) The teacher can lead the volunteer in front of the chair .T:Now she or he is in front of the chair ! Please say in front of .(板书)S: In front of the chair !T: Where is he oe she? (教师可以帮助学生理解)S: He or she is in front of the chair !T:那么“在前面”学习过了,那后面呢?T:Behind!T: I am behind the desk!(教师边说边做动作)S: I am behind the desk !教师可以和大家用问答形式互动3、游戏简单的说就是通过用教室里的座位来进行练习,让学生把“in front of, behind”练习的更加淋漓尽致。)(设计意图:通过这个游戏,让学生对于“in front of, behind”这两个方位名词学习和记忆的比较牢靠,在游戏中的运用能让学生最大限度的进行练习。)六、板书设计:Lesson 27: The forestforestmountain in front ofrock behindtree课后反思:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson 3 Bicycles教案 冀教版 教学目标:1、 知识目标:掌握本课重点概念: bicycle, tire,seat,wheel,chain,bell near,far from2.能力目标:使学生能够熟练运用本课对话。3.情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点:创编对话教具、学具:1. bicycle,near,far的图片.2.录音机及磁带3.单词卡片教学过程:1.Greetings2.Demonstrate:Part1:Show a picture of “bicycle”.Explain that most English speakers shorten this word to “bike”.Hold up the large picture of the bicycle ,teach the name of each part and students say them a few times.Drill the students on the new vocabulary as you point to the bicycle and its parts.Listen to part 1 and students try to follow it. Play a game: Whats missing? Part2: The seat is (near) the bell. The chain is( far from )the bell.(通过自行车部件的演示使学生理解near ,far from的含义。) Listen to the part2 and follow it. Part3: Play the tape as students follow in their books.discuss the questions:a:Where does LiMing want to go?b:Is the library far or near? Listen to part 3 again and students try to follow it.3.Practice:Place an object close to or far from another object.Ask “Isthenear or far from the?” 4.Homework:创编对话板书设计:Lesson3:BicyclesBicycle的简笔画farnear 课后反思:


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