2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 29(1)教案 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 29(1)教案 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 29(1)教案 冀教版(一起)一、教学设计思路紧张了一周的学习,学生要彻底地放松一下,或者要去同学家玩,或者去动物园、公园等娱乐场所,必定要过马路,这就要求学生要遵守交通规则,这时教授一些遵守交通规则的用语。同时又要大家互相帮忙,引入may这个单词。全文都靠在路上发生的事来体现。因此教师要引导学生进入真实的情景。二、教学目标(一)知识过马路时用到的术语:Be careful. We cross the streets carefully. Dont play on the road.互相帮助的用语:May I help you? Let me help you. Could you help me? We help each other.情态动词May的用法:May I go and play with my friends? May I help you?(二)能力1掌握祈使句的肯定和否定形式。2能用情态动词may表达互相帮助的习语。注意情态动词后跟动词原形。(三)情感遵守交通规则,过马路要小心。不要在马路上玩耍。要帮助小朋友和老人过马路。坐公交车要主动让座。三、教学重点1过马路警告用语:Be careful. We cross the streets carefully. Dont play on the road.2有关情态动词may的用语: May I go and play with my friends? May I help you?四、教学媒体录音机、图片五、教学过程(一)导入周末,紧张了一周的学习,很想出去找朋友和同学玩,这时会征求父母的意见: May I go and play with my friends? 父母同意会说: Yes. Be careful.(二)呈现新课1走到十字路口,要看交通灯:Red light, stop. Green light, go. Yellow light, wait.2 如果遇见不小心摔倒的,或者老人、盲人过马路,我们都要帮助他们: Let me help you. May I help you?(三)趣味操练1.创设真实的情景,让几个学生表演这些对话,把学生分成几个小组,看哪一个小组表演的最好,还可以在此基础上拓展延伸。2.让其中的一个学生每次拿出红、黄、绿中的一种颜色,让其他的学生说:Red light, stop. Green light, go. Yellow light, wait. 比较看谁反应最快。(四)课堂评价1教师指导学生做活动手册的练习。2让学生在课堂上表演对话。(五)学以致用六、板书设计Be careful! We cross the streets carefully.Dont play on the road.Let me help you. May I help you? We help each other.May I go and play with my friends?附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 29(2)教案 冀教版(一起)教学目标:知识目标:单词短语:cross, street, each other句型:May I go and play withBe careful. Let me help you. We help each other.技能目标:能听、说、认读单词及短语cross, street和each other. 听懂,会说,理解并能运用Be careful提醒他人。情感目标:引发学生学习英语的兴趣。 培养关心他人,互相帮助,以及遵守交通规则的情感。学习策略与方法:小组合作交流、歌曲游戏表演、全身反应法。教学重难点:Be careful.We help each other.教具、学具准备:多媒体课件、卡片、录音机。教学过程:时间步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图调整预设2minsClass Opening 1. Greeting and review.T: Hello. Good morning.Nice to see you.How are you today?Are you happy? May I have a ?Today, well learn Lesson 29 Be careful!1.Send greetingFollow the teacher.简单而亲切的问候,可以使学生快速进入学英语的状态。既复习了旧知识,也自然过渡到新知识。5minsNew conceptspresentation1. 教授may I go and play with my friend? 并版说2. Be careful!Follow the teacher. Read together, boys or girls. Or individually and touch the card.通过复习引入,直观形象,便于学生理解。3minsPractice Dialogue.Make sentences with May I go and play with? Give the contentsListen Act with partners.Make sentences with May I go and play with?通过造句使学生及时巩固所学新词,并进行拓展学习。3minsNew conceptspresentationDo you want to go and play with your friend? Go!1. 教授单词 cross and street.2. Help each other.Yes!Follow the teacher. Read together, boys or girls. Or individually and touch the card.通过动作的提示帮助学生理解句意。4minsPractice. Make sentences with each otherlistenMake sentences with each other通过造句使学生及时巩固所学新词,并进行拓展学习。5minsListen and imitate.Answer questions.Read text together.Ok, Li Ming and Danny are on the road. Lets look, what do they see on the road. Open your English book, Listen and say. Play the tape. And give the questions.What does Li Ming Danny see?Follow and imitate.Answer questions.Lets read again. Read text in groups.通过听读模仿练习,让学生受到纯正英语的熏陶,理解课文意思。5minsPractice. Make dialogue.explain the meaning Make the dialogue with partners.对话表演,提高学生口语交际能力。2minsActivity booksDo the exercises on the activity book.Homework Read L29.Preview :30


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