2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit9(2)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit9(2)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:B. Look, read and learn(Country & Nationationalities )C. Ask and answer教学目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇China , Chinese, the UK, British, the USA, American , France, French, 2. 能正确地听、说、读、写句型Where are you from? Im fromIm Where is he/she from? He/She is from3. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,运用本课所学语言进行以“询问国籍,语言”为内容的对话交际。4. 使学生了解各个国家的一些标志性建筑以及人物,拓展学生的知识面,培养其学习英语的兴趣。教学重点、难点:1. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话.2. 对应掌握国家名称与国籍的单词.教学准备:1. 教师准备好单词卡片,国家图片,多媒体课件,实物玩具,信息表等。 2. 学生准备好各个国家的旗子。并且在课前收集一些关于各个国家的资料“建筑和人物等”教学过程:Step 1 Revisions1) 以Good morning! Glad to see you! 等跟学生问好。2) Free talk. T: Excuse me, do you have any hobbies?S: Yes, I do. I like T: What about you?S: I like 3) Guess: Whats my hobby? (猜教师爱好) T: Do you know my hobbies? Guess!S: You like T: Yes. My hobby is taking photos.4) Sing a song:HobbiesStep 2 Prensentation 1) T: My hobby is taking photos. I usually take photos here and there. Now look at my pictures. T: What do you think so?S: Theyre T: Do you know their names? You can speak Chinese?S:上海东方明珠/美国自由女神T: Oh , theyre from different countries.Teach: country & different countriesT: Lets look at these pictures one by one.China & Chinese1) T: Its in shanghai , its in China .Teach : China T: Boys and girls, we are all from China. Look, this is our national flag. Were Chinese. We speak Chinese. Teach: ChineseT: I have a friend. Whos he? S: Hes Liu xiang. T: Do you want to talk to him ?(让学生问,Where are you from ? (板书出示)Teach: Chinese3) T: Follow me. Im from China. Im Chinese. I speak Chinese and English.学生跟说。 开火车操练。(其中教师插入问句“Where are you from?” T ask, S answer)4) Chain drill T-S1-S2-S3-S(小组竞赛,看哪一排最先问答完毕)the USA & American1) T: Do you know him? Ask him and listen to what he say .课件出示布什,并请学生where are you from?音频回答Im from the UK. Im British. I speak English.Teach : the USA & American 2)Chant: American, American, where are you from? The UK ,the UK ,Im from British.I speak English.the UK &British1)T: whos he?/Is he from china?让学生问:where are you from ?T:让我们来听一下他的介绍: Im from the UK. Im British.I speak English.T: Follow me. Im from the UK. Im British .I speak English学生跟说.开火车操练。Teach: the UK & British学生跟说。个别读。开火车操练。2) Pair work (教师先与一学生示范)A: Where are you from? B: Im from China. Im Chinese A: Where is he from?(手指着课件上图) B: He is from the UK. He is British. He speaks English 3) Lets chant:British, British where is he from?The UK ,the UK ,He is British. he speaks English.France & French 1) T: Where is it? Do you know?Its in FranceTeach: France & French2) Pair work (教师先与一学生示范)A: Where are you from? B: Im from China. Im Chinese A: Where is he from?(手指着课件上图) B: She is from France. She is French . She speaks French . 3) Lets chant:French, French, where is she from?France , France, she is British.she speaks French.并且师生问答Where is she from? / She is from France. She is French. she speaks French.Step 3 Read and Practice1)Read 2) A game(快速反应)教师说一国家,学生迅速举相应的旗子,并说出句子“Im from . Im”3) Pairwork学生分组练习C部分对话,并校对。Step 4 Prensentation1) Read and say 2) Lets guessA: Whos he/she?B: Hes/Shes .A: Wheres he/ she from?B: He/she is from .He/ she is .He/She speaks .3) Listen and judge4) 观看各个国家著名的图片板书设计:Unit 9 The English Club What are you from? Im from. Im What is he from? Hes from. Hes . What is she from? Shes from. Shes .作业设计:1 Copy the words of Part B 4 times.2 Preview Part A , listen to the tape five times.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit9(3)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:牛津小学英语5 B Unit 9 A部分二、教学目标、要求:1. 四会单词、词组: visit, visitor, travel, go around, the Great Wall, New York.2. 三会交际用语: I like traveling. Id like to go around I want to visit 3. 四会句型: Where is he/she from? He/Shes fromWhere are they from? Theyre fromDoes he/she speak ? Do they speak? 三、教学重点: New words and drills.四、教学难点: Can use the following sentences: Id like to go around I want to visit 五、教学准备:单词卡片、图片、多媒体六、教学过程:Step 1 Review1.T: There are a lot of countries in the world. What country do you know?Ss: I know Australia / America /JapanT: Where are you from? Ss: Im fromT: Do you speak 2. Show the pictures of different countries. Ask and answer:Where are they from? Do they speakWhere is he/she from? Does he/she speakStep 2 New lesson teaching1. T: We are all from China. Its very beautiful and great. I like traveling. Id like to go around China.( Teach: travel 旅行 go around 环游,走遍)How about you?Ss: Id like to go around the USA/2. Show the picture.T: I want to visit the Great Wall in Beijing and the gardens in Suzhou.( Teach: visit 参观 the Great Wall 长城)Where do you want to visit?Ss: I want to visit T: Now I am a visitor. We are visitors. ( Teach: visitor 参观者)3. Lead to new dialogue of Part A.T: Now the English Club has a visitor today. His name is Mr White.The children are talking to Mr White. What are they talking about? Look at the screen.Ss: (Look at the screen.)4.Talk about the dialogue.Show the questions: Who is the visitor? Where is he from?Where are the Children from?What do they like to do? Ss answer the questions.5. T: (Show a form) Here is a form about the dialogue.Listen to the tape and finish the form.Ss: ( Listen and finish the form.) Talk about the form.6. Open the books, turn to Page 68. Read the dialogue after the tape.Read after the teacher.7Talk about Mr White. (Mr White is a He likes He would like to )Step 3 Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Read the dialogue of Part A.

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