2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 5 教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 5 教案 广州版 Teaching aims:1.To introduce adjectives for describing personally.2.To expose the pupils to expressions for describing people.Teaching Main Points:Learning how to use more adjectives to describe people.Teaching Difficult Points:Using the adjectives well.Teaching procedure:Preparation:1.Sing English song2.Greeting3.Free talking4.Show the topic: Our heroes and heroine (CAI)Show the pictures and revise “hero” “heroine” Today, lets talk about 5.(CAI)Revise the words of Unit 5.Presentation:1.(Play the CD Rom) Show the story about rabbit and tortoise. Answer: Who is the winner? What do you think of rabbit and tortoise.2.Talk about rabbit and tortoise. For example: Rabbit is clever, but its proud.3.(CAI) Show the piggy and listen what it says: So tortoise is my hero. And can you tell me “Who is your hero/heroine?”4.Teacher gives an example: (CAI) Show the picture of Lei Feng and talk about him.5.Talk about hero and heroine in groups and say out it one by one. “My hero/heroine is He/She is”6.Guess who Miss Zhans heroine is.7.(CAI) Listen to the song , and then talk their mothers.8.Open the book (Play the King Sun) Look and listen the dialogue.9.Read the dialogue in groups.10.Act out the dialogues in groups.Summing upHomework:1.Copy the words.2.Write 4-8 sentences about my heroes and heroines附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 5(2)教案 广州版Module 2 PeopleI. Objectives 1. Language skill (1) Can describe my friend (2) Know the words to describe people 2. Language knowledge (1) Vocabulary 4 skills: cap, hat, wear, be wearing, thin, heavy, young, today, talk, about, kind, funny, both, great, cook, well, everyone, true, friendly, round3 skills: mean, hero, heroine, hardworking, patient, handsome, movie, star, homiest, parents, feed, ugly, weak (2) Drills * You mean the short boy? * Shes wearing a pair of black shoes. * The woman is very thin. * Whos your hero? * She kind and hardworking3. Affect: (1) To arise the pupils awareness of the three structures for describing peoples appearance. (2) To reinforce, in a fun way, pupils understanding of adjectives that describe people. (3) To develop creativity and imagination by drawing. (4) To raise awareness of how friends can help each other than to pete.4. Learning strategy (1) Cognitive strategy (2) Regulation strategy (3) municative Resource strategy5. Cultural Consciousness To introduce some great person who are considered as heroes or heroines. e.g. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lai feng, Zhang HaidiII. Focal points:be wearingThe three structures for describing peoples appearance (Noun + Verb + Adjeetive)e.g. The man is very heavy.(Noun + has + Noun)e.g. the woman has white short hair.(Noun + verb + wearing)e.g. The man is wearing a cap. 3. Whos your hero / heroine?III. Difficult pointsbe wearingadjective for describe person alitIV. Materials:Text book, Activity book, Tapes, Teachers book, word cardsUnit 5 Our Heroes And Heroines 第一课时I. Objective1. Vocabulary: hero (heroes) heroine (heroines) today talk, about, kind, hardworking, patient2. Who is your hero? My hero is my father. He is kind and hardworking3. Usage of who & whose.II. Processes 1. Warming up (1) Song: My friend (2) Review the words kind, honest, funny, hardworking, handsome 2. Presentation (1) show a pictureT: whose is the picture? Guess! Its Miss Zhous. This is my father and this is my mother. My father is my hero. “hero” heroesMy mother is my heroine heroine heroines (2) A. My father is kind and hardworking My mother is patient and shes kind too. B. Read the sentences after the teacher. (3) T: Who is your hero? My hero is. Hes T: Who is your heroine? My heroine is . Shes. (4) Listen to the tape teach: today, talk about (5) read after the tape (6) whole class read the dialogueHomework:copy the new wordslisten read recede the dialogue家听U2单词(名),准备堂听补活P9 Ex.1 Ex.2Layout Unit 5Our Heroes and HeroinesWhose? Who is your hero? Hero heroes谁的 谁是 heroine heroinesmy hero is patienttodaywho is your heroine? Tall talkmy heroine is. aboutUnit 5 Our Heroes And Heroines 第二课时I. Objective 1. Vocabulary: handsome, movie star, parents, both, great, cooks, feed, well, everyone, true 2. My hero and heroine are my parents! Theyre both great cooks and feed me well! 3. Difficult points: (1) VocabularyII. Processes 1. Revision (1) Dictation (2) Whole class read P21 (3) Ask students to recede the dialogue 2. Presentation (1) show the pictures one by one (2) Try to explain the dialogue and teach the new words. Handsome (read remember feedback) star Movie star Parents (father & mother) Both, great, cook; feed, well, everyone, true (3) whole class read the new words and phrases after the teacher (4) listen to the dialogue (5) read after the tape (6) read the difficult words again (7) whole class read the dialogue (8) take notes 3. Summing up (1) Read the new words and phrases (2) Look at the pictures and try to retell them 4. P24 Lets learn together Ex.2 T read from A to D Students write the letter.Homework:copy the new words. Read for dictation活P10-12. 15Recide U5改.活Layout handsome both Star great Movie star cook cooks Father feet feed Wall well Mother very everyone Tree trueUnit 5 Our Heroes And Heroines 第二课时I. Objectives 1. Review U4-U6 2. Lets learn together 3. Vocabulary: round, ugly, weak, friendly 4. Difficult point Describe a person in one or two sentences.II. Processes 1. Revision (1) Dictation (2) Whole class read: P2. U1, P7. U2, P10, P16. U4, P19, P21. U52. Presentation (1) P25 opposite words A. Read after the teacher B. Read by themselves. (2) P24. Lets learn together 1 A. teach: friendly friend friendly B. fill in the form C. Tell their friends their answers (3) Lets learn together 2 A. show pictures one by one B. Read the description according to the picture C. teach: round ugly weak D. whole class read A. B. C. D (4) Exercise A: Describe the picture in one or two sentences B: Exercise paper * You mean the short mean with a red hat? She is wearing a yellow skirt Are you an honest man? He has short black hairHomework:Copy P24. Ex.2改活练习纸认真复习,准备测验Layout Friend friendly Pound round round face Square face Baby face Long face weak

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