2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson1(5)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson1(5)教案 冀教版年 级四年级科 目英 语课 题Lesson 1 :Wheres the library?学习目标知识目标:1.learn the new words: classroom gym library 2.New sentences Excuse me. Where is the library?能力目标:理解本课课文的大意,并尝试使用课文中的语句进行口语交流。 重点 New words教 具Flashcards、tape难点Say and use the sentences自 学 指 导 与 思 考 题1.Do you remember the letters ?26个字母的复习2.where的用法3.日常用语的复习Thanks ,Here you are!等授课教师修改或补充 导 学 过 程Step1 Warm-up1. Greeting each other.2.Review the English song.(字母歌)Step2 Study the new lesson.Show the flashcards and learn the new words:classroom gym libraryListen to the tape , learn the words. 3. Group work or act (make sure everyone can read the words correctly)Pay attention to the pronunciation of the library.导 学 过 程 4.Open the books,and explain the sentences Excuse me. 与别人搭讪时、问路时的礼貌用语。I can show you. 我领给你看。Here it is. 它在这。5.Read the text in different ways.6.Pairwork (在教室中张贴表示场所的图画,同学们结组练习对话。)挑选自告奋勇的学生上讲台表演对话,并给予适当的表扬或纠正其中的错误。Step3 Summary and do some exercises.Step4 Homework 资源与学案 12页1.Look and circle2.Choose the right answers. 3.Read and choose. 训 练 检 测 题 一、填空: cl_ssroom g_m lib_ry sh_w二、连词成句1.is where the apple _ ?2.I show you can _.3.it is here_ . 教 后 反 思 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson2(3)教案 冀教版教学目标:1.学习turn right, turn left, office , stairs ,Where are you going ? To the _ . go straight , go up the stairs 2.练习说和写,并能口头应答office , stairs , turn right , turn left , go straight , go up the stairs Where are you going ? To the _ .3.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养运用语言进行交际的能力。鼓励学生之间的合作并能互相帮助。教学重、难点:1.Where are you going ? To the _.2.turn right, turn left, go straight , go up the stairs教具、学具:挂图、卡片、录音机教学过程:一、 Class Opening and Review.1. Greeting.2. Game: 根据老师的要求做动作:Touch your eyes.Touch your nose .Touch your ears .Touch your left / right eye .Touch your left / right ear . Teacher : Read the words after me . Left Right Students: Left Right 二、 New Concepts1. Where are you going ? To the _.Teacher : Class , today we will learn the lesson about our friend Miss Li and Jenny . Please guess :Where is Miss Li going ?Where is Jenny going ?Students : Guess Teacher : Now , please open your books and turn to lesson 2 . Lets see Where are Miss Li and Jenny going ?教师介绍office stairs ,并带领学生认读新单词。Game : Go to the _ . 在教室不同地方放上office stairs gym library classroom 等标志牌,代表不同的地点。 Teacher or volunteers give the directions , ask the students go to the correct place .在学生去某一地点时,教师边指着那个地点边说:Where are you going ? 引导学生试着回答:To the _ . 教师领读并板书。 Practice in four , use “ Where are you going ? To the _ . ”Teacher examine several groups , ask “Where is he /she going ?”2. turn right, turn left, go straight , go up the stairsTeacher : Now class , I want to go to the gym . Who can help me ?Lead a dialogue with a volunteer .T : Excuse me , where is the gym ?S : I can show you . Here it is .T : Thank you .S : Youre wele .T : Oh , I know .教师边做动作边说:turn left , turn right , go straight , go up the stairs , 然后板书,让学生根据老师的动作猜这些词组的意思。出示四张卡片,生熟读这几个词组。出示挂图:上面有不同的建筑:classroom , gym , library , office , stairs Teacher : Look , here is a map . What can you see ? Where are you going ?Lead a dialogue with a volunteer .T : Hello .S : Hello .T : Where are you going ?S : To the _ . Where is the _ ?T : I can show you . Go straight , turn right / left , go up the stairs , here it is .S : Thank you .T : Youre wele .生两人一组,照上面样子进行对话练习。3Please open your books . Lets read the text follow the audiotape .板书设计:Lesson 2 Turn Right , Turn Left.Where are you going ?To the _ .turn left turn right go straight go up the stairs


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