2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18Cats and Dogs教案1 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18Cats and Dogs教案1 冀教版教学内容:Lesson 18:Cats and Dogs课时1教学目标:1.知识与技能:通过本课学习,使学生掌握(正确地说、读、写、 用)单词cat, dog, goat, sheep. 学会唱歌曲“Old MacDonald Had a Farm.”。 2. 情感态度价值观:通过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的快乐的同时,增强英语学习的信心。教学重点、难点:掌握本课重点单词,学会唱歌曲。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson18:Cats and Dogs catdoggoat sheep Old MacDonald Had a Farm教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. DRILLReview above, below, on, under, beside, near, far, this, thatBeside. (Hold the book beside body)Above. (Hold the book above head)On. (Put the book on the desk)Under. (Put the book under the chair)Near. (Clutch the book to chest)Far. (Hold the book away from body)This. (Point to the book)That. (Point to someone elses book.)3. MORE DRILLAsk the students to draw pictures for chicken, cow, duck, pig.Ask the students to say the name for each animals.二. New Concepts教学侧记1. DEMONSTRATEDraw more pictures on the blackboard for cat, dog, goat and sheep. Then say the English names for each animal a few times with the students. Write the English names under each picture and say them again a few times with the students.2. STUDENT BOOK: L18N1Point to the pictures as the students say the words a few times. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.3. STUDENT BOOK: L18N2Explain that the students will learn a song that Canadian children sing. The song is about the sounds farm animals make.Point to the man in the picture. Explain that he is a farmer. In English, tell the students that his name is Old MacDonald.Point to each animal in the picture and lead the class through a discussion.T: (Point to the cow) Whats this?C: Its a cow.T: A cow says “moo moo.” Moo moo. Say it, please, class.C: Moo mooThen teach Dog-woof woof, Cat-meow meow, Pig-oink oinkDuck-quack quack, Chicken-cluck cluckTeach the song line by line.Play the audiotape as the teacher and the students first listen and then sing along.三、Class Closing.教学反思:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18Cats and Dogs教案2 冀教版一、教学目标:1. 使学生掌握cat dog goat sheep四个新词。(达到正确的说、读、写、用)2. 巩固学习I like 。/ I dont like 句式。3. 认识英语中各种小动物的声音,并学唱歌曲 Old MacDonald Had A Farm 4. 在提高学生英语能力的同时,激发学生对小动物的喜爱之情,培养学生对小动物的爱护意识。二、教学重点:1. 使学生能够正确地说、读、写、用本课的四个生词。2. 在单词学习的基础上巩固运用已学的句式。三、教具准备:1. lesson 17、18两课的生词卡片。2. 关于lesson 17、18两课生词的图画头饰和单词头饰。四、教学过程:1. 复习导入,师生谈话交流(1)问候师:Hello! Everyone! How are you today? 生:Im fine. Thank you. How are you teacher?师:Im very well.!Thank you. Hows the weather today?生:Its sunny.师:Do you like the sunny day?生:Yes. I like the sunny day.师:Why?生1:I feel warm.生2:I feel happy.师:Very good! So I like the sunny day, too.(2)Sing a song .How are you?学生起立,同桌拍手,互相问候。(3)出示lesson 17的生词卡片,教师提问:What is it?What color is it?Do you like the ?Is this a ?Where do they live ?(举起所有的卡片)(4)Today ,well go on to learn some animals.Lets go to the farm to meet the new friends,OK?2. 教授新课(1)cat 、dog、goat、sheep出示单词卡片,提问:What is it?学生能很容易的说出cat、dog,对于新词goat、sheep,教师先带读单词,再让学生用汉语说出动物的名称。每学一个单词,指名让学生读。讲完一个单词,将卡片贴到黑板上,揭示新课lesson 18,板书课题,读课题,学生再读黑板上的单词。教科书:L18.N1指着书上的图,操练:What is it?Is it a ?Is it a or a?Please point to a . 讨论:These animals are very beautiful and clever.Which do you like?(I like .)Which dont you like?(I dont like )你认为哪种小动物可以做家庭宠物?Why?总结:各种小动物都是我们的朋友,我们要爱护小动物,保护小动物。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。(2)情景识词游戏:Find a Friend八位同学,分为两组,站在教室前面的两边,一组同学戴上本课的单词头饰,另一组同学戴上图画头饰,播放Try to Find,学生伴随歌曲去寻找自己的“朋友”,将单词和图片对应起来,歌曲结束后,请每组同学说说所找的动物的名子。游戏共分三组:第一、二组:为本课的4个生词寻找“朋友”,每组4小组。第三组: 加上Lesson 17的生词头饰,共8小组。第三组同学完成后,请每组同学模仿一下所戴头饰的小动物的声音。教师对学生的表演给予肯定和鼓励,揭示学生英语中小动物的声音和汉语里是不同的,设置悬念,产生疑问,调动学生的主动性,激起学生的兴趣。(3)教科书L18.N2.观察N2的图画,教师用英语介绍:In this picture,we can see a man.He is a farmer. His name is Old MacDonald.Old MacDonald, say it, please.He works on the farm.He had many animals.Now, Look. What is it?Its a cow.Very good!A cow says “moo,moo”“Moo,moo”照这样,认识拟声词“woof、meow、oink、quack、cluck”,并用图片复习拟声词。例如:师:A cow says生:Moo. Moo.(4)Sing a song Old MacDonald Had A Farm这是一首加拿大儿童歌曲,是一首农场里的各种动物发出声音的歌曲。Its very fun and its very easy. Would you like to sing the song?播放录音,让学生先听一遍。a. 以第一段为例,一句一句学唱,边唱边做动作(双手扮成牛犄角状,放在头的两侧)b. 将学生分成5大组,每组发一个头饰,再次播放录音,要求唱到哪种动物,戴相应头饰的同学要摆出代表动物特点的动作,并唱出歌中发出的声音。3. 拓展延伸小组合作。自制本课所学动物的卡片,涂上自己喜爱的颜色,并用英语句子加以描述,如:This cat is black、 white and yellow.


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