2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 2(1)教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 2(1)教案 人教PEP一、教学目标:1.能力目标:()能够根据实际天气情况交流着装情况。()能够熟练运用句型:Can I wear my? Yes, you can. /No, you cant.2.知识目标:()能听懂、会说“Can I wear my ?”并能在适当情景中运用。()在对话中复习服装类词汇,巩固描述天气的词:warm, cool, hot, cold.()能够听、说、认读课文,能听懂Lets chant 指示语,做出相应的动作。3.情感、策略、等有关目标:()情感态度:懂得科学合理地选择舒适健康的着装,学会关心和帮助别人。()学习策略:注重合作学习,培养相互沟通和交流的能力。二、教学重点、难点:本课时的教学重点、难点是掌握句型:Can I wear my? Yes, you can. /No, you cant.并能在情景中自然的加以运用。三、课前准备:1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的服饰图片、英文卡片、自制温度计、课件。2.教师准备录音机及录音带。3.教师准备相关的作业纸。四、教学过程:(一)Warm-up 1. GreetingHello boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Whats your name?(师生交流时教师可以适当谈论学生的穿着。)2. Lets chant. P47Lets chant.3. Lets sayYou did very good job. So lets enjoy some beautiful pictures.播放一年四季图片,引导学生说:Oh, its (warm, cool, hot, cold)(二)Presentation 1. Lets sayIts spring now. Its warm. Look, I wear my sweater today. What about you? 黑板上贴:I wear my today.领读教学。 Can you say.I wear my today. 学生用此句型说说自己当天的着装情况。2. 教学Can I wear my today? Yes, you can. /No, you cant. 1) This is my heavy jacket, this is my , and this is my Yes, youre very clever. Its warm today, can I can I (贴Can) can I wear my heavy jacket/dress/T-shirt today?当学生说出:No! 时,教学No, you cant. (贴于黑板)Why? Because its warm today.Its warm today, can I wear my sweater? 当学生说出:Yes时,教学Yes, you can. (贴于黑板)2) If the weather is very hot/cold, what can you wear? Try to sayHot! Hot! /Cold! Cold! can I wear my? 引导学生同桌间相互问答,操练句型。3.课本Lets talk.1)场景:星期天,Mike穿着厚重的heavy jacket. T: Its Sunday. Look at Mike, he wears a heavy jacket. The sun shines, Mike feels hot, he says:“Mmm, Its warm today! Can I wear my heavy jacket today?” So, he goes shopping!2)场景:商店。T: Wow, so many beautiful clothes. What do you like? 学生说一说自己喜欢的衣服,然后猜一猜:What does Mike like?最后呈现Mike 买走了一件yellow new shirt.3)场景:星期一,Mike: Haha, yellow shirt I like it soooooo much!T: Mike likes his new shirt very much, can he wear the new shirt on Monday? Lets watch the cartoon.看课文动画,教师做适当讲解。学生跟读,表演:同桌:You are Mike, you are Mom.4)场景:星期二,can he wear the new shirt on Tuesday? Lets watch the cartoon.学生模仿跟读,同桌表演:“This time, who wants to be Mike and his mom?5) 场景:星期三,Whats happening on Wednesday? 教学第三部分对话。Act the dialogue.4.看完整动画,跟读对话。教师师范表演:Id like to be Mike, who wants to be my mom? 教师和一个学生表演对话,教师注意动作、表情、语气的示范。Now, Id like to be your mom, you together to be Mike.互换角色表演对话。Act the dialogue with your partner and Ill give you these stars after you act. Look.引导学生看争星要求,根据表演情况,教师给予不同数量的星星评价。学生准备对话表演。学生上台表演对话,教师和其他学生给予评价。5. Retell the story. 1) Wonderful! So funny! Lets retell the funny story. First, take out your sheet, read and circle. My new shirtI have a new shirt /skirt . I like it very much. On Monday(星期一), its cool/cold, I can/cant wear it. On Tuesday(星期二), Its cold/hot, I can/cant wear it. Today is Wednesday(星期三), Its cold/hot. I can wear it. But I think(想) its hot/warm today. So I can wear my shirt/T-shirt. 2)读一读文本。五、Extension and Homework.Thats all for Mike. You did very good job in class, thank you very much.Here is your homework.一星级:Listen to the tape and read the dialogue fluently. (模仿磁带,熟读P47对话。二星级:Act the dialogue with your partner. (脱离课本和同桌表演对话)。三星级:Make a new dialogue. (根据实际天气情况和朋友谈论该穿什么衣服)让学生选择作业,说一说你预计能得到几颗星。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 lesson 25(2)教案 冀教版Teaching Aims: Key Words: pink orange white black brown green blue Sentence Structure: Is this a? Yes/No.Key Points: What is your favourite colour? I like My favourite colour is is my favourite colourTeaching Aids: tape tape recorder pigmentsTeaching stages:. Warming-up 1. Hello boys and girls. Today we will talk about colours. How many colours do you know? (Stimulate students to find out some colours that they have learned)2. Say and PointTeacher: Point something red.Students: Point to something red in the classroom.( invite one volunteer to e to the front and give the orders). New Concepts1. Teacher: My favourite colour is blue. What is your favourite colour?Students: My favourite colour is I like is my favourite colour( Show them different ways to response the question)2. ActivityGive students 3 minutes to make up dialogues according to the example above. ( teacher walk around students to check their work and offer help as long as possible)3. Mix colours Teacher: Just now, we talked about many kinds of colours. But today I only take five colours with me . They are red, yellow, blue, white and black. ( show students the pigments and encourage them to say them in English). We can try to mix any two of them and receive new colours.( give students ten minutes to create new colours with the five colours. After the activity, invite some of them to express how to make green, pink, orange, purple etc.)Result: Red and blue make purple. Red and yellow make orange. Blue and yellow make green.Red and white make pink.4. Listen to the tape Part two : Favourite colours.Before listening to the tape, show students some questions. For instance: What is Dannys favourite colour? Do Jenny and Danny like the same colour?5. Draw and colourT: Please draw a red apple. ( teacher draw a red apple on the blackboard.) Is this a red apple?Ss: Yes. T: Draw a green tree. ( teacher draw a green tree on the blackboard) Is this a green tree?Ss: Yes. T: Draw two blue chairs. ( teacher draw two purple chairs on the blackboard) Are they blue chairs? Ss: No.T: Draw( use this way to practice the sentence structure: Is this?) 6. Open the textbook and read try to read part one . 5 minutes later check their reading. Class closing.Homework: Draw a picture and try to use all your favourite colours. Writing on the blackboardLesson 25 My Fvourite ColoursWhat is your favourite colour? Is this a ? Yes.I like/ My favourite colour is No. is my favourite colour.


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