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2019-2020年五年级上册递等式计算题复习递等式计算,有简便运算的用简便方法50.30.2 5.2610 6.80.84 201.951. 1020.45 50.810150.87.80.360.647.8 80.91.25 0.4(2.525) 811.01 2.1399.36.2 4.264(0.1620.5) 2.880.127.5 8.521.287.6 6.8(0.256.8)0.251.2532 0.133.890.136.11 1028.5 6.750.250.4五年级上学期递等式计算练习(二) 姓名:递等式计算,有简便运算的用简便方法38.75(24.58.75) 0.42.320.25 0.75101 70.317.487.6 3.645.223.3 16.510116.5 0.960.314 1.2542.5836.45(0.823.40.2) 9.072.640.4 1.5101 1048.5 360.40.25 (24.618.1)3.4 7.69.9+7.60.1新 课 标第 一 网13.60.812.5 (2.559.616)0.42 9.20.254 附送:2019-2020年五年级上册重点内容练习题Unit 1年老的_ 年轻的_ 高的_ 矮的_ 瘦的_强壮的_ 和蔼的_ 严格的_ 积极的_ 安静的_ 滑稽的_ 聪明的_校长_ _ 大学生_ _Whos your English teacher? Mr Carter._Whats he like? Hes tall and strong._Is she quite? No, she isnt. Shes very active._Is she strict? Yes, she is, but shes very kind._Unit 2星期一_ 星期二_ 星期三_ 星期四_星期五_ 星期六_ 星期日_ 天_读书_ 看电视_ 做作业_What day is it today? Its Wednesday._What do you have on Thursday? _We have English, math and science on Thursdays._What do you do on Saturdays? _I watch TV on Saturdays. _ Unit 3茄子_鱼_ 青豆_ 豆腐_ 土豆_西红柿_ 葡萄_ 水果_ 中餐_好吃的_ 甜的_ 酸的_ 新鲜的_ 咸的_卷心菜_ 猪肉_ 羊肉_ 健康的_What do you have for lunch on Mondays? _We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. _Whats your favourite fruit? _I like apples. Theyre sweet. _I like fruit. But I dont like grapes. Theyre sour._Exercise 2Class_ Name_Unit 4做饭_ 浇花_ 扫地_ 打扫卧室_铺床_ 摆饭桌_ 洗衣服_ 洗碗碟_ 使用电脑_倒垃圾_ 收拾衣服_ _下棋 What can you do? I can sweep the floor. _I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers._Can you make the bed? No, I cant. _Can you use a puter? Yes, I can. _Unit 5窗帘_ 垃圾箱_ 衣橱_ 镜子_床头柜_ 卧室_卫生间_ 客厅_ 厨房_ 在里面_ 在上面_在.下面_在.旁边_在.后边_空调_ _ 在正上方_ 在前面_There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room._ _There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet._The closet is near the table. _Many clothes are in the closet. _The trash bin is behind the door. _Unit 6河流_ 花_ 草_ 湖泊_ 森林_小道_ 公园_ 照片_ 房子_ 桥_树_ 公路_ 建筑物_ 干净的_天空_ 云_ 山_城市_ 农村_Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is. _Is there a river? No, there isnt. _Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there arent._Are there any fish in the rivers? Yes, there are. _Exercise 3Class_ _ Name_ _连词成句1. like he Whats ? _ 2. teacher English your Whos? _3. tall Hes strong and ._ 4. it What today is day ? _5. Thursdays do What you on have? _6. English on We math have science Thursdays and ,._7. on you What do Saturdays do ? _ 8. TV Saturdays on watch I ._9. lunch do What have on you Mondays for ? _10. favourite Whats fruit your ? _ 11. I like But grapes dont . _12. you What do can ? _ 13. water I flowers can the ._14. bed you Can make the ? _ 15. there the Is a park forest in ?_16. is There bed mirror a over the bed ._17. door is The trash the bin behind ._18. in pandas Are the there mountains any ?_Exercise 4Class_ Name_读问句,连答句。A组Whos your English teacher? Its Tuesday .Is she quite? I watch TV on Saturdays .What day is it today? Miss White.What do you do on Saturdays? No, she isnt.Whats your favourite food? Yes, I can. Can you make the bed? No, I dont.Is there a river? Yes, there are. Are there any fish in the rivers? I like beef.Do you like this park? No, there isnt. B组Whats he like? We have math and science on Thursdays.Is she strict? Hes tall and strong.What do you have on Thursday? Yes, she is, but shes very kind. What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.What can you do? No, there arent.Can you use a puter? No, I cant.Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.Are there any pandas in the mountains? I can sweep the floor.


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