江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour Grammar学案(新版)牛津版.doc

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Unit 2 Grammar学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一教学目标:1. 学会使用以that引导的宾语从句。2. 学会使用以 if/whether引导的宾语从句。 教学重点、难点重点:Object clauses introduced by “that”, “if” and “whether”。难点:能正确使用以这三个词引导的宾语从句,学会分析句子结构和成分, 通常这两种宾语从句出现在哪些动词后面,也要提醒学生注意宾语从句应该用陈述句的语序。二、词汇、短语1.必定地 adv. certainly (adj.形容词) (反义词) 个人的 adj. personal (n.名词) 适合 vt . suit (adj.形容词) 庆祝 n. celebration (vt. 动词) 每天的 adj. everyday (同义词) 2. influence our moods 影响我们的情绪make rooms seem larger使房间似乎更大make us feel relaxed 使我们感觉放松depend on personal taste 取决于个人嗜好be made of cotton 由.制成三、句型(语法)1. use that to introduce an object clause that is a statementan object clause can be put after the verbs such as know , think , believe , hope and meanan object clause can also follow adjectives such as certain , sure and glad .in formal English we often drop that.2.use if or whether to introduce an object clause that expresses a yes/no questions . such an object clause often follows verbs such as ask ,see , wonder ,and find out.九年级上册Unit 2 Grammar学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】预习书P26-28,翻译下列短语。1.在很多方面_ 2.影响我们日常生活 _ 3.使房间看起来更大_ 4.适合_ 5.取决于个人品味_ 6.由棉花制成 _ 7.与我裤子搭配_ 8.代替,而不是_ 9.其他一些事_ 10.被用于庆祝_ 11.对颜色了解很多_ 12.在古代中国_ 【课堂学习】Step 1. Duty report / 3-minute speech. (say something about your favourite color ).Step 2. Presentation:Object clauses introduced by that An object clause functions as the object of a sentence. We use that to introduce an object clause that is a statement.An object clause can be put after verbs such as say, find, know, think, believe, hope, notice and meane.g. Some people believe that colours can influence our moods.She hopes that yellow can bring her successAn object clause can also follow adjectives such as certain, sure and glad.e.g. He is glad that the walls in his room are blue.She is sure that yellow can bring her good luck.In informal English we often drop thate.g. I think (that) blue is better than pink.“Im feeling blue” means (that) “Im feeling sad”.Do you think (that) your favourite colour matches your characteristics?Step3 Working out the rules 1. We can use that clause to replace an object after the verb in a sentence. 2. The word order in the object clause is just the same as that in the statement. 3. Sometimes we can leave “that” out in the object clause.Step4 Extension 1. When the main clause uses the simple present tense or future tense, the object clause still uses the original tense.e.g. I dont think (that) you are right.2. When the main clause uses the simple past tense, the tense in the object clause should be changed into the corresponding past tense.e.g. He told me (that) he would go back home soon. 一般现在时 现在进行时 一般过去时 现在完成时 一般将来时 3. When the object clause is used to express the objective facts, truths, proverbs or natural phenomena, we still use the original tense.e.g. My grandpa told me (that) the earth is round. Step6 Exercises1. She knows. Timmy is a good boy. _2. His father said. One and one is two. _3. He said. Lucy often goes shopping. _4. He is doing his homework. He said. _5. We realize. We should work hard. _Step7 Presentation:Object clauses introduced by if/whetherMillie wonders if/whether it is more interesting than the first season. if/whether we will see more stars in it. if/whether we have time to watch it now. if/whether we can feel the love of family.Step8 Explanation We use if or whether to introduce an object clause that expresses a yes/no question. Such an object clause often follows verbs such as ask, see, wonder and find out. The word order in the clause should be the same as that in a statement. e.g. You may wonder if/whether colours influence our moods.Sandy asks if/whether orange can cheer her up.Step9 Practice (语序,时态,连接词)( )1. How long does it take to get to the airport? Forty minutes. But its foggy today. Im not sure _ the highway will close soon. Lets set off earlier. A. whether B. when C. how D. why( )2. I dont know_ to visit the old man. A. whether B. if C. that D. who ( ) 3.She wanted to know _ her mother liked the present. A. which B. that C. if D. what ( )4.-Could you tell me how long _ the book? -Three days. A. I can keep B. can I borrow C. I can borrow D. can I keep( )5. I want to know _ yesterday? A. why did you e late B. why you came late C. why do you e late. D. why you e late ( )6.-Could you tell me _ tomorrow morning? -Well, it will start at 9:00. A. when the meeting will start B. where will the meeting start C. where the meeting start D. when will the meeting start【课后拓展】一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Im not sure you eat vegetables every day. I know they are good for health, so I eat them every day.A. if; thatB. that; if C. that; thatD. if; if ( ) 2. The colour and the style of the trousers you well. Yes, I think so. The black trousers my white shirt.A. fit; suitB. match; suit C. suit; matchD. fit; match( ) 3. During the Rio Olympic Games inxx , football became the hot topic (话题) and the football fans watched football matches .A. every day; every day B. everyday; everydayC. every day; everydayD. everyday; every day( ) 4. In China, red celebrations and people this custom (习俗).A. is used for; are used to B. is used to; are used forC. is used to; are used to D. is used for; are used for( ) 5. Its said that the rulers in ancient Europe liked to wear purple. Thats interesting. And do you know about colours?A. twice; something elseB. twice; anything elseC. once; something elseD. once; anything else ( ) 6. Could you tell me_?It depends. If Its rainy, it will be put off until next week.A. would the sports meeting be held this Friday. B. that the sports meeting will be held this Friday.C. ifthe sports meeting will be held this Friday.D. where the sports meeting will be held.二、词汇1. Nothing can_ (影响)me when I was reading book.2. Its silly of you to forget the _(悲伤)in the past.3.Which coat_(适合)you, the red one or the green one?4.The _(古代的)Chinese were clever enough to build the Great Wall.5.The boy likes_(creative)his songs at night.6.Its hard for me to make so many _(decide)in such a short time.7.We cant accept our parents love_(certain) without feeling grateful.8.All the students are looking forward to the _(celebrate)next Monday.9.The time you pass the game depends on your_(wise)and your courage(勇气).10.If you study hard, I think youll have no difficulty_(pass) the exam.三、阅读理解。Males and females like different colours. Males prefer the colour blue to red, and orange to yellow. Baby boys usually like to be dressed in blue. Females prefer the colour red to blue, and yellow to orange. Baby girls usually like to be dressed in pink. Females and girls like more colours and are more open to trying new colours. Also, people in different ages like different colours. Babies dont like yellow and they cry more in a yellow room. Children prefer red, yellow, blue, orange, green and purple. Many younger teenage girls like purple and pink. As they reach their late teens, they often show a preference for black. Black means the ending of one part of their life and the beginning of another. Peoples colour tastes begin to change around age 25 as they bee more sure of themselves and find their direction in life. Adults seldom change their favourite colours.For the elderly, yellow is the least popular colour. They are generally more fortable with the calming colours of blue, green, pink and purple, than the bright colours of red, orange and yellow.( )1. What colour do men usually prefer?A. Blue and red. B. Blue and orange. C. Orange and yellow. D. Red and yellow.( )2. Who would like to try more new colours?A. Boys. B. Adults. C. Girls. D. The elderly.( )3. Why do elder teenagers like black?A. Because they think black is a safe colour.B. Because they think black means they have grown up.C. Because they think black is cool.D. Because they think black clothes are easy to clean.( )4. Which colour do the old people like least?A. Yellow.B. Blue.C. Red.D. Pink. ( )5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Adults are more open to new colours.B. We should paint the baby room yellow.C. The elderly usually prefer red to blue.D. Younger teenage girls prefer pink to black. 四、完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)According to Dr Julie Indigo, the way we use colours in our homes is very important. Science has proved (证明) that colours can 1 our moods. It is important to 2 about the relationship between colours and the way we feel when we 3 our homes. Usually, the colours in your house are 4 by the country where you live. For example, a house in a 5 country like Spain is often painted white or 6. These are cool colours. A house in England would often need a warm colour 7 yellow or orange. However, Dr Indigo says that we need to think more about 8 the room is used for before choosing a colour. A bedroom should 9 be green or red because you need to feel 10 and peaceful in the bedroom. White is a great colour for a bedroom because it can help 11 stress (压力). Green is a really good colour for a kitchen because it makes you feel energetic and it is a creative colour. A good choice for 12 is to paint their studies yellow. Yellow is a colour of wisdom and will help you when you need to do homework or 13 for an exam. Dr Indigo will e to our school this week and give a 14 on how to choose the best colours for each room. If you are 15, please contact the Students Union.( )1. A. break B. affect C. collect D. dislike( )2. A. argue B. worry C. think D. teach ( )3. A. miss B. leave C. clean D. decorate ( )4. A. decided B. borrowed C. discoveredD. dreamed ( )5. A. large B. warm C. cool D. cold( )6. A. yellow B. red C. blue D. orange ( )7. A. except B. besidesC. such as D. so that ( )8. A. what B. why C. when D. how( )9. A. never B. ever C. often D. always ( )10. A. nervous B. worriedC. bored D. relaxed ( )11. A. get B. reduce C. bring D. take ( )12. A. students B. workers C. farmers D. teachers ( )13. A. pay B. look C. ask D. prepare ( )14. A. peach B. speech C. result D. reason( )15. A. interesting B. interested C. excited D. exciting


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