2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教学案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教学案 外研版一、 学习目标词汇:by, bike, bus, go to, work, walk句型:第三人称单数+has got+及其否定句主语+动词短语+byHow do(does)+主语+动词短语+?交际用语:能理解,会说,并能根据实际情景运用以上句式进行会话练习。 描述某个人拥有什么,能向别人描述上学或上班方式。二、 预习学案(一) 预习目标 了解课文的大意(二) 预习过程1大声地朗读课文。2再读课文,用“ ”划出课文中不认识的单词或短语。3在笔记本上记录自己预习后的疑惑。三、导学案预习交流(一)1组内交流2全班交流3互帮解疑(二)合作探究 1 What does Amy have? What does Mr. Smart have? Sam havent got . Ms Smart havent got . 2 How does Amy got to school? How does Sam go to school? How does Mr. Smart go to school? How does Ms Smart go to school(三) 深入探究 调查一下你的同桌拥有什么交通工具,她(他)是怎样去学校的呢?四、 课堂检测将B栏答语序号写在A栏前的括号中 A B ( )1 Whats this? A、Yes, she has.( )2 Have you got a red coat? B、No, they havent .( )3 Has Amy got a new dress? C、Its a nice book( )4 Have they got a new book about animals? D、I like a new Tshirt.( )5 What do you like? E、Yes, I have.五、 课后作业描述一下自己的父母亲或母亲拥有什么交通工具,他们是怎么去上班的。My father/mother has got aShe/He goes to work by六、 板书设计Unit2 She goes to school by bikeAmy bikehas gotMr. Smart carSam bike hasnt got a Ms Smart carschool bikeShe/He goes toby work car 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教案 外研版一、教学内容Unit 2 She goes to school by bike.二、学习任务Amy has got a bike.She goes to school by bike.三、语言功能谈论交通工具以及交通方式。四、教学目标(一)情感目标1.培养学生的小组合作精神和竞争意识,鼓励学生大胆展示,激发学生学习英语的积极性。2.树立学生“关爱生命,安全出行”的意识。(二)知识目标1.识记单词:bike, bus, by, go to work, walk2.掌握句子:Amy has got a bike. She goes to school by bike.(三)能力目标1.发音准确,能听懂录音,模仿录音语调。2.培养学生用英语向大家展示自己以及家人的交通工具及交通方式,培养学生的口语交际能力和知识的迁移能力。五、教学活动千里耳;传话,回音壁,哑语学单词,角色表演,龟兔赛跑,小记者报道。六、教学流程一、组织教学,热身复习(一)T: Class begins! Hello boys and girls!S: Hello, Ms Bai.T: This class is very important. Are you ready? First, lets sing an “ABC song”, ok ?S: Ok.(欢快的歌曲之后)T: Happy?S: Happy!(二)Free talks1.T:Do you like English?S: Yes, I do.T: Do you like your new English teacher? Do you like me? S: Yes, I do.T:Im very glad to hear that. I like all of you.2.T:How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. And how are you? T: Im fine too.3.T:How old are you? S: Im 13.(二)RevisionT: Ok class ,Ive got a book. Its about Maxiaotiao. I like it. Do you like it? Have you got a book, too?S: Yes ,I have.T: Whats it about?S: Its about English.T:I like reading. Do you like reading? Because reading is very helpful in all my life. Means :读书益人生。So much for this .In this class well learn- Module 9 Unit 2 She goes to school by bike.二、激趣导入Game: Lets have a game “Guessing” game. Lets see who has wise ears. Wise means“敏捷的 ”。Wise ears means “千里耳”。Are you ready?S: Yes.课件先出示交通公具:火车,公共汽车,小汽车,自行车的声音,学生根据声音判断,接着课件出示该单词,train, bus, car, bike,并在此过程中通过回音,传单词卡学习新单词bus, bike。三、学习课文T: Ive got a bike. Have you got a bike?S1: Yes, I have.S2: No ,I havent.T: Ive got a bike. I go to school by bike. Lets see how The Smart family go to school and go to work.课件出示骑自行车的图:T: Its Amy. Whats this?S: Its a bike.T: Has Amy got a bike?S: Yes, she has.T: Wonderful! Amy has got a bike. She goes to school by bike.(课件显示)通过回音,学习短语has got, by bike,通过慢,快读句子。课件展示:Sam hasnt got a bike. He goes to school by bus.通过传话学习hasnt got, by bus,然后把has got, hasnt got拿在手里,把其中一个藏起来,让学生猜,以次来练习这两个短语。Mr Smart has got a car. He goes to work by car.Ms Smart hasnt got a car .She walks to work.学习单词walk,通过肢体语言练习,边说walk边走到一个同学前,由这个同学说walk在走到另一个同学前,练习walkListen to the recorder, first listen, point and say.Then answer the questions:1. How does Amy go to school?2. How does Sam go to school?3. How does Mr Smart go to work?4. How does Ms Smart go to work?Read the text, and act the dialogue.eg: Im Ms Smart. I havent got a car. I walk to work. Im Amy. I have got a bike. I go to school by bike. Im Amy. I have got a bike. I go to school by bike. Im Mr Smart. I have got a car. I go to work by car.四、创设情景, 巩固练习 龟兔赛跑:Class,Do you like game?Yes or no?I like game too. Lets have an interesting game between tortoise and rabbit . Look at the screen ,please. Here are the rules. 课件显示:rulesHasnt got 后退一格Has got 原地不动By bike 前进一格Walk 停玩一次By car 前进两格By bus 直到终点(老师读英语,学生说汉语)Look at this(股子). There are many English sentences on it. You can throw it and say English loudly . e.g.:(示范动作,让学生说汉语,共同当裁判)Are you clear ?Ill divide our class into 2 pairs:the boy team and the girl team . the boy ? Who can ? You act tortoise . the girl ?Who can ?You rabbit. The girl,first,OK?在游戏时学生共同当裁判。拓展延伸I want to introduce my family to you. Do you want to know?Ive got a bike. I go to school by bike.My husband has got a car. He goes to work by car.Im a reporter from Haiyang TV. Can you introduce your family to me? Who can?S:I walk to school.My mother has got a bike. She goes to work by bike.My father has got a car. He goes to work by car.S: Ive got a bike. I go to school by bike.My father has got a bike ,too. He goes to work by a bike.My mother walks to work.Ok class, Peoples life are improving. The traffic are developing.Please remember: Cherish life, going out safely.(关爱生命,安全出行)T:So much for this class. Thank you very much.

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