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2019-2020年五年级英语下册期末复习卷一、听写单词(6分)_ _ _ _ _ _二、听句子选择你所听到的内容(10分)1.soup shop sleep 2.look looked liked3.want went walk 4.help hurt hard5.quiet quietly quick三、听问句选答句,并将序号填入题前括号内(12分)( )Sure.( )Its 6:30.( )He is reading a book.( )I bought a T-shirt.( )To canada.( )Ten yuan. 四、听单词或短语画图(8分) 笔试(64分)一、词汇转换(8分)eat(过去式)_ hard(反义词)_ child(复数)_ were(原形)_ go(过去式)_hurt(过去式)_put(现在分词)_loud(副词)_二、找朋友(10分)( )1.Who is thirsty? A. I am( )2.Do you like it? B. some( )3.Is danny quiet now? C. No,I dont( )4.Would you like some tea? D.Yes,I had a great trip.( )5.what time is it? E. No,he is loud( )6.Can Danny fly a kite? F. I hurt my nose.( )7.What are these? G. They are letters( )8.Did you have a nice trip? H. Its five oclock( )9.What happened? I. Yes三、英译汉(10分)1.to small_2.a little pink pig_3.be careful_4.take a picture_5.on the train_6.a letter from LiMing_7.have a green trip_8.under the bed_9.the third day_10.with your camera_四、选择题(10分)( )1.I liked_Wangfujing to buy gifts. go to go to going( )2.How did you go to the park? -_bus.buy by on( )3.I saw many people_kites flying flys to fly( )4.They are laughing_. Loud loudy quickly( )5.Please look_the blackboard. Out at to( )6.Look,The man and woman are_. talk talking talks( )7.These chopsticks_beautiful. Is was are( )8.My father often_to the gym on Sunday Went go goes( )9.I want to write a letter_my aunt. to for on( )10.Are you a boy or girl?Yes,Iam a boy No,I am not a boy I am a boy五、连词成句(12分)1 for this is you T-shirt _2. did you what do else _3 children I see playing some _4. favourite my is egg food _5. glass a would of milk like you _6.Your the her and address address are same_六、根据实际回答问题(8分)1.How much is the stamp?_.2.Where do you put the stamp?_.3. Where do you write on a postcard?_4. Where do you put the address?_Dear Jim- I miss you Love,_附送:七、写信给你的朋友Jim写一封信(时间:星期日 六月一日)2019-2020年五年级英语下册期末复习卷3一、默写单词。(31分)1. 吃早饭 _ 2. 上课 _ 3. 进行体育运动 _4. 做早操 _ 5. 吃晚饭 _ 6. 打扫我的房间_ 7. 散步_ 8. 去买东西;购物_ 9. 上舞蹈课_ 10. 春天 _ 11. 夏天 _ 12. 秋天 _ 13. 冬天 _ 14. 季节_ 15. 去野餐_ 16. 摘苹果 _ 17. 堆雪人 _18. 去游泳_ 19. 一月_ 20. 二月_ 21. 三月_ 22. 四月_ 23. 五月_ 24. 六月_ 25. 七月_ 26. 八月_ 27. 九月_ 28. 十月_ 29. 十一月_ 30. 十二月_31. one_ 32. two_ 33. three_ 34. four_ 35. five_ 36. twelve_ 37. twenty_38. twenty-one_39. twenty-two_ 40. twenty-three_ 41. thirty_42. 我的_ 43. 你的,(你们的)_ 44. 他的 _ 45. 她的 _46. 他/她/它们的_ 47. 我们的_ 48.(正在)攀爬_ 49.(正在)吃_ 50.(正在)玩_ 51.(正在)跳_ 52.(正在)喝_ 53.(正在)睡觉_54.(正在)做早操_ 55.(正在)上课_ 56.(正在) 吃午饭_ 57.(正在)看书_ 58.(正在)听音乐_ 59. 靠右_ 60. 保持你的课桌干净_ 61. 小声讲话_ 62. 按顺序来 _二、选词填空,每词只限用一次。(注意字母大小写) (23分)when, what, which, whose, who, how, where, why 1. - _ are you doing now? - Im listening to music. 2. - _ crayon is that? - Its hers.3. - _ do like summer? - Because I like summer vacation.4. - _ are you? - Im fine, thanks!5. - _ do you finish class in the morning? - At eleven oclock.6. - _ season do you like best? - I like autumn best.7. - _ is the woman? - She is my mother.8. - _ are you? - Im in the kitchen.in, on, at, with, about, of, for, at, in, on9. I go to school _8 oclock.10. We will have an English party_ February.11. April Fools Day is _ April 1st.12. I like to play _ my dog.13. I will cook for my father _ Fathers Day.14. He likes to make a snowman _ winter.15. I often clean my room _ home on the weekend.16. What will you do _ your mum?17. That picture _ Beijing is beautiful.18. How _ you?is, is, am, are, are19. Here _ a new book on the desk.20. There _ a few fun things in April.21. There _ some water in the bottle.22. Sarah and Mike _ doing homework.23. I _ reading a storybook.三、给下列节日选择正确的月份。(10分)( ) 1. winter vacation A. In November( ) 2. Chinas National Day B. In December( ) 3. Thanksgiving Day C. In June or July( ) 4. Christmas D. In January and February( ) 5. the Dragon Boat Festival E. In October( ) 6. New Years Day F. In April( ) 7. Tree Planting Day G. In September( ) 8. April Fools Day H. In January( ) 9. Teachers Day I. In June( ) 10. Childrens Day J. In March四、补充下列表格内容。(24分)人称意义数量人称代词物主代词主格宾格形容词性名词性第一人称我单数I我们复数we第二人称你单数you你们复数you第三人称他单数he她she它It他/她/它们复数they五、写出下列词的现在分词形式。(12分)1. climb_ 2. sleep_ 3. do_ 4. jump _ 5. play_ 6. drink_ 7. have_ 8. dance_9. run_ 10. swim_ 11. shop_12. listen_六、语法专项:第三人称单数、序数词、名词性物主代词、现在进行时。(20分)( ) 1. She usually _ at 5:00 p.m. A. play sport B. does morning exercises C. plays sports( ) 2. Zhang Peng _ his room in the morning. A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning ( ) 3. My sister often _ class at 8:00 a.m. A. having B. has C. have ( ) 4. _ your brother go on a picnic? A. Is B. Do C. Does( ) 5. - What date is it today? - ItsApril_. A.twelfth B. the 12th C. twelve( ) 6. Fathers Day is on the _ Sunday in June. A. second B. three C. third( ) 7. Tuesday is the_ day of a week. A. fifth B. first C. third( ) 8. There are_months in a year. A. twenty- first B. twelve C. twelfth ( ) 9. Four plus(加) _is twelve. A. seven B. eight C. eighth( ) 10. Tom is twenty years old. Today is his _ birthday. A. twentieth B. twenty C. thirtieth( ) 11. The fourth month of a year is _. A. March B. April C. May( ) 12. Chinas National Day is the _day in October.A. second B. third C. first( ) 13. My book is blue. _ is red.A. Your B. Yours C. Mine( ) 14. Our chairs are new, _are old.A. theirs B. they C. their( ) 15. These are not your desks. They are _.A. our B. their C. ours( ) 16. This is not my shirt. Its _.A. my B. he C. his( ) 17. I see _ book in the library. A. hers B. her C. we( ) 18. Look, is she _ water? A. drinking B. drink C. drinks( ) 19. Listen, what are these birds _? A. does B. do C. doing( ) 20. What _ Mike and Sarah _now? A. are, doing B. is, do C. is, doing

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