2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module7 Unit2(2)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module7 Unit2(2)教案 外研版一、教材分析1、教学内容本单元围绕“圣诞节”这一题材开展,要求学生掌握Christmas、sing、we 等词,并能运用4个句型进行介绍圣诞节主要活动等。本单元是前一单元学习中国新年(春节)的基础上进行的,peanuts、sweets在前一单元学过,本单元的学可只是将这两个单词迁移一下,放在另一个句型中进行巩固练习。本单元旨在巩固新年活动、问候的同时,介绍西方的圣诞节,进行中西文化的对比。当然,现在很多时候,很多学生能从不同的地方了解到圣诞节的有关知识。所以,学习这一单元的知识,学生不仅很感兴趣,而且有些了解,难度不大。2、教学目标新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。基于以上认识,对教学内容的分析以及本教材的特点,我将教学目标确定为:(1)能力目标:能够介绍圣诞节,知道圣诞节的主要活动。(2)知识目标:能够听、说、认、读本课的重点单词:Christmas、England、New Year sing、we 掌握句型We sing songs. Happy Christmas !(3)情感、策略、文化等有关目标:通过本课学习,使学习有兴趣听、说英语、背歌谣,主动与他人交流。能够互相致以节日的问候,了解西方圣诞节。3、重难点依据以上对教学内容和教学目标的分析以及小学生的认知规律和英汉语言差异,我认为“We +动词+名词”这个句型及节日问候是本单元的教学重点及难点。4、教学方法根据以上对教材的分析,我采用情景法、直观演示法、全身反映法等教学方法。坚持以话题为中心,以任务型活动来安排本单元教学。由听歌、唱歌开始,创设语言氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在参与圣诞节活动中,掌握知识,发展能力。二、教学过程1、创设情境,培养兴趣兴趣是学好语言的关键,激发学生学习英语的兴趣是小学阶段英语教学的一项重要任务。为了能调动学生学习的积极性,促使学生积极主动地学习,我首先放圣诞节的歌曲,创设出节日的气氛,也集中了学生的注意力。2、学生为主体,活动中学知识(1)学生的兴趣集中了,马上出示卡片sing songs 教读,自编 Chant:sing songs 、 sing songs 、We sing songs ,边读边贴图片,要求学生根据图片、板书及老师的动作理解意思,多说几遍。(2)出示圣诞帽,引入Christmas 出示卡片,教读、抽读、正音。(3)在黑板上画树,提问:Whats this ? 引入Christmas tree出示卡片,教读、抽读、正音,自编Chant:Christmas tree ,Christmas tree , We have Christmas tree 边读边贴图片。 (4)拿一个盒子,请学生猜猜里面有什么?揭示结果,出示图片,peanuts sweets 抽读、正音,自编Chant:peanuts sweets ,peanuts sweets, We have peanuts and sweets (5)学生小组活动,边说Chant边拍手,练习一会儿就进行小组比赛。这几个环节利用小学生活泼好动的特点,用节奏和动作刺激大脑。 (6)抽生说,说的好的给礼物,引出单词presents,出示卡片,教读、抽读、正音,边说边拍手:presents,presents,We have presents。以上环节用朗朗上口的儿歌突破本课的重难点。3、巩固知识,进行拓展(1)齐读本课所学的4个句型,然后同桌练习。(2)比记忆,随意拿一个图片,抽生说相应的句子,完成得好的给礼物。这个环节又一次将学生的注意力集中起来,为下面的学习垫定基础。(3)教问候语:Happy Christmas !出示卡片,同桌互相问候。(4)带自己准备好的礼物,送给朋友,致以节日的问候。(5)放圣诞节相关音乐,学生自己画圣诞树等。本环节有效地维持学生的学习兴趣,让学生动静结合,全方位多角度地运用英语。4、结束(1)总结本节课学生学习情况。(2)布置课后作业,送礼物给家长。三、学法指导在本课中,老师应该准备很多直观、有趣味的图片、实物、小礼物等,依据英语教学的直观性、趣味性、实践性原则,以活动为方式,坚持“词不离句,句不离章”的教学原则,使学生积极参与到教学活动中,形成自主学习的能力。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 module7 unit2教案 外研版Teaching aims:1. Eanble students to master the new words of this unit and make sure they can use them freely;2. Enable students to master the new sentence structures that appear in this unit and make sure them use them freely in the daily talk;3. Eable the students to talk in English as much as they can in daily life. Especially, they should make usage of the vocabulary and sentences that appear in this unit.4. make sure students enjoy themselves very much when learning this unit. Teaching importances:Its difficult for students to use the new words and sentences in daily talk.Teaching Aids:CAI, word cards, tape-recorder, etc.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warmer1. On the board draw a Christmas tree, presents, peanuts and, sweets, Write the names under each picture and then labelthem1-4respectively.2. Point to the first picture; say Its a Christmas tree. And get the students to repeat the sentence.3. Point to the peanuts and say, What are they? The students should answer Theyre peanuts. The same for sweets.Step 2 New TeachingListen and point 1. Have the students look at the four pictures. Ask questions in Chinese, e.g.2. Play the tape and let the student listen.Point and say 1. Get the students to work in pairs.2. One student points to a picture in exercise 1 and the other student reads the sentence that describes it.3. Do an example .Hold up my book and point to the picture of the Christmas tree. Say they and prompt the students to plete the sentence by adding, have a Christmas tree.Act it out 1. Explain to the class that they are going to work in groups of three.2. Ask them to name the festival the students are talking about in the pictures.3. Write the celebrations on the board:A: Itstoday. B: Happy! C: Happy!Step3: ConsdidationListen and say, then sing.Game: Look, remember, ask and answer.Listen repeat and trace the letters.Step4: The end Use the Activity BookPlay a game


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