2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson Fifth教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson Fifth教案 人教PEPSpecific vocabulary: sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, cold, warm, cool, hotSpecific target sentences: Whats the weather like in? How about ?Specific functional exponents: 能在电话里谈论不同地方的天气。Source of material: Part B. P50 lets talk lets find outAssumptions: 能模仿课文的对话,在电话里谈论不同地方的天气。Anticipated problems:学生分析: 学生通过前面三个课时的学习,已经掌握相关的表示天气的单词。本节课的话题是谈论不同地方的天气,会使用相应的问句询问对方的情况。Step 1: warm-up:Watch a story, then answer two questions: 1. Zoom给Zip打电话时,第一句话说了什么?2. Zip用了哪个问句询问天气?(先出示问题,让学生带着问题看故事。)然后在黑板上书写:1. Whats the matter with you? 2. Whats the weather like in Beijing?设计意图:小孩子比较好奇,看故事能迅速引起学生的注意力,并以此引出将会用到的两个问句。Step 2: preview游戏:Guessing Game: 让一个学生拿一张单词卡片,(如: sunny) 然后问:Guess! Whats the weather like? 其他学生猜:Its. 当该学生说: Yes. 接着将单词贴在黑板上,然后问:What can we do? 其他学生看着黑板上的图片,回答:Lets . (如果学生不会说,教师帮助)设计意图:让学生熟练说出询问天气的问句和回答,即可复习相关的单词,又可解决将要学习的对话中的重点句型。Step 3: presentation1. 教师创设情景,呈现新知:在北京的Amy正在给在纽约的Edward打电话,他们谈论了各自城市的天气,请猜猜: 1. Whats the weather like in Beijing? 2. How about New York? Whats the weather like in New York? 3. 突然,Edward 听到Amy惊呼: “ Oh, no! My pictures!” 请说说: “ Whats the matter?” 发生了什么事?(将学生的猜测板书出来。)设计意图:引起学生对于对话学习的兴趣,再次复习相关的单词和句子。2. 听课文录音,验证猜测。3. 朗读对话,进一步理解对话意思。(学生可以质疑)4. 模拟对话:学生各选一个城市,与同桌通过电话谈论各自城市的天气。设计意图:学生通过学习课文中的对话,学会如何通过电话谈论各自城市的天气,并通过模仿,实践学到的知识。 Step 4: add-activities选句完成对话:( A. I have to close the window. B. Whats the matter? C. Whats the weather like in Guangzhou? D. Its cold. E. What are you doing? )Chen Jie: Hello. Tom: Hi, Chen Jie. _?Chen Jie: Not much.Tom: _?Chen Jie: Its hot today. How about Australia?Tom: _. Oh, no! My books!Chen Jie: _?Tom: Its rainy now. _.Chen Jie: OK, Bye.I have to close the window.Step 5: HomeworkListen to the tape and read the dialogue附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson First教案 人教PEPSpecific vocabulary: weather, report, cool, warm, cold, hot, Harbin, LhasaSpecific target sentences: Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its warm in Beijing.Specific functional exponents: 能够描述各地的天气情况。Source of material: 1、教师准备多媒体课件。 2、教师准备A Lets learn部分的单词卡片。 3、教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。Anticipated problems:Step 1: Warm-up Enjoy a song “Thunder” (请同学们了解歌曲大意)同学们回答歌曲大意后,T进行情感教育:出门之前,最好了解天气情况,做好充分的准备。Step 2: Presentation1. T show a photo: Look! Hes my friend. Guess where he es from. T: Yes. Hes from America. He wants to visit China. But where can he go? Do you have any idea? S: Beijing/ Hong Kong/ T: Your ideas are good. But whats the weather like there? Lets listen to the weather report, and find out which is the best place to go?(设计意图:通过外国朋友来中国参观,但不知道哪里才是最适合去的地方这时学生就会很乐意给他出主意,有效调动起学习的热情,最后通过学习听天气预报来得出哪里是最适合去的地方,边听,边学习新单词。)2. 学生观看课件:listen to the new words3. 教读新单词:T show a map and ask: Whats the weather like in Beijing? S answer and present the word “warm”以同样的方法呈现并教读新词,并结合P47的Let s chant做动作来操练和巩固。4. Listen to the tape and repeat the words5. Group work: 小组成员齐读并以Listen and point的形式轮流检查Step 3: Practice1. 学生扮演天气播报员手指地图作天气预报,也可以让其他学生问天气播报员:Whats the weather like in ? 又天气播报员来回答。Step 4 Consolidation1. P46,听录音3次,读2次,家长签名。2. 收看当日天气预报并作记录。


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