高中英语 Unit1 Art P4 Listening rcise课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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Listening Unit1Art UsingLanguage G GaoYanS SusanJ John ListentoPart1 Listenagainandfillintheblanks Part1G We vegot days Whatwouldyouliketodotomorrow J I dliketovisitsome galleries S ButJohn theguidebooksaysthattherearemorethan galleriesinManhattan J Well let schoosetheonesthat tous two sixty art appeal G IwanttovisittheMetropolitanMuseumofArt Ithasartfromallovertheworld evensomefrom J Well thatsoundsgreat butit sarather gallery Whatdoyousuggest Susan Wouldyourathergotoa gallerytobeginwith S Yes pleaseJohn Idon tlikelarge I dgototheFrickCollection That squitesmallandwecouldgototheMetropolitanMuseumafterthat China large smaller museums G Well howaboutthis wegototheFrickinthe andtheMetropolitaninthe TheMetropolitanstaysopenuntil pmonFridays Soifyou vehadenoughbydinnertime Susan youcangobacktothe JohnandIcanstayatthemuseumtillit J Soundsgoodtome S It scertainlya arrangement Tomorrow afternoon morning 8 45 hotel closes better ListentoPart2 Listenagainandfillintheblanks G PerhapswecouldgototheMuseumofModernArton S Ohno It stoobigand Andit s J Susan wouldyouratherdosomethingelseonour day S No no I dliketoseesomeartbutnottoomuchandnottoo Saturday crowded expensive second modern G What sthe S I mnot ofmodernart Amonkeycouldpaintbetterpictures someofthosepaintings Ifitwasuptome I d allofthem J Really Idon tunderstandwhyyou modernartsomuch Butyouknowthatmodernart withtheImpressionists right problem fond than dislike getridof began S Idon tknow abouttheImpressionists G It sjustshedoesn tknow aboutit John Let sgototheGuggenheim They ve Impressionistpaintingsthere J Iagree butweshouldn t theWhitneyMuseumofAmericanArt Wouldyou Susan ifwewenttheretoo anything enough wonderful miss mind S Notifwedon tstaytoo J Doyouthinkwe ve togototheWhitneyfirstandthentheGuggenheim They requite together G Let stry IsthatOKwithyou Susan S Yes I so grudgingly long time close suppose MrHang theartteacherisleavingtheschool SteveLee WangPeiandXiaoWeihavedecidedtogethimapresent Listentothemtalkingaboutwhattogethim S SteveLeeW WangPeiX XiaoWei Workbook Listening ListentoPart1 S Where sXiaoWei She tobeherebynow W Heresheis She sjustcomingintothe X Hi Steve WangPei Sorry I m W Nevermind you reherenow Look We vealready thesefourthings Whatdoyouthink Listenagainandfillintheblanks ought shop late pickedout S Ilikethe best Doyouthinkhe dlikethat X Yes I msurehewould Steve It sbeautifulandI Icouldhaveit Butlookatthe it ssoexpensive Otherwiseitwouldbethe W Well whataboutthesepaintsand then vase wish price perfect brushes X Don tyouthinkhe d tochoosehisown W Yes You reprobablyright Sothatleavesthe andthewall prefer hanging artbook ListentoPart2 Part2S Iwishwe dtalkedtohis beforewecameshopping X Metoo we lljusthavetodothebestwecan W Well weknowheloves sowhataboutthebook ItshowssomanyofQiBaishi s andeveryonelovesthem Listenagainandfillintheblanks wife Anyway paintings art X Yes butwhatifhe salreadygotit He sprobably alotofartbooks W OK soifhe sgotthisonehecan it Whatdoyouthink Steve S Hey whata Hetalkedaboutwallhangingsinclassonlylastweek Hesaidhe thatkindofart Ithinkifhewerehere he d thewallhanging change coincidence got choose loved X Yes I SoWangPei what sittobe thewallhanging theartbook W Perhapshe d fading remember or prefer Workbook ListeningTask ListentoPart1 Part1Goodmorning class TodayI dliketoshowyousomeofmy paintingsandpotterybyChinese YoumaynotknowthatChineseartistshavebeen artforover years Inthispictureyoucanseeapieceof potterythatwasmadebetween and BC Listenagainandfillintheblanks favourite artists creating 7 000 painted 5000 3000 WhenBuddhismcametoChinainthe centuryAD architecture andpaintingbegantohavea theme ThispaintingisfromtheCavesofTheThousandBuddhas Dunhuang Gansu Asyoucansee artistsatthattimeweregoodat smalldelicate first sculpture near religious drawing figures ListentoPart2 Part2Bythetimeofthe Dynasty fromabout to AD thetraditionalstyleofpaintingwaswelldeveloped andscenesofpalacelifewere forpaintingatthistime asyoucanseeinthispicturepaintedabout ADbyYanLiben Listenagainandfillintheblanks Tang 960 1279 popular 650 Humans Duringthe Dynasty humanfiguresandpicturesof lifebecamepopular ThispaintingbyZhaoMengfuis ofthatperiod Asyoucansee theseartistsdidnottrytopaint realistically Instead theychangeditto onepartofthescenery Theydidthistoshowtheirfeelings andhopesthroughtheir Yuan typical still nature stress thoughts paintings ListentoPart3 Part3EventodayChineseartists thetraditionsoftheoldChineseartists However manyartistsalso withWesterntechniquesandstylesintheirwork YoucanseeWestern inthesetwomodernpaintings ThisonewaspaintedbyLinFengmianin whilethis paintingbyZhongLingwasdoneinthe Listenagainandfillintheblanks continue experiment influence 1974 1980s abstract I m that sallIhavetimetosayfortoday Butifyouare Icangiveyoumoreinformationafterclassandshowyoumany ofChineseartfromancienttomodern Thankyouforlisteningtomytalk afraid interested examples times


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