2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8 Eating Out in Shanghai 第三课时教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8 Eating Out in Shanghai 第三课时教案 新世纪版预习:课前查好不认识的单词的音标并自己试着拼读;听Unit 8 Grand Theatre的录音。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作。课时目标:能通过听与朗读,正确理解课文内容。能根据音标正确拼读McDonalds, try, sound等单词并了解起意思,并能借助旧单词的音、形、义来读准agree, nearby的音、理解其义。会分别列出中餐食品与西餐食品,了解感悟中餐馆与西餐馆的不同特色。用(that、it)Sounds wonderful/delicious/ great 、xxx cant wait。等句子表达自己对该食品的喜爱。能掌握对话中的一些连接词,如:so、oh、well、Mmm、then、ok、as well、I agree等。能正确运用too, either, as well, also的用法。正确理解单词、词组在句子和语篇中的意义。能模仿课文内容和课文话题编对话并和同伴一起表演对话。能了解KFC的全称,中国传统接替“端午节”的相关英语资料。能用68句话写一段外出吃饭的短文。课型:阅读教学课堂活动活动过程教师活动学生活动Pre-task preparation1. Chant: Would you like2. talk about your favourite Chinese food/ Western food/ fast food.3. Ask and answer(1)What do you usually have for your supper?(2)Would you like to have meat for your supper?(3)What would you like to have for your supper?(4) Where would you like to have?1. Read together2. Work in group.小组讨论并列出list: Chinese food, Western food, 再交流3. Work in pairs.While-task procedure活动一 师生谈话1. T: Do you often eat at home?Where do you often eat?Do you often eat out?Do you often eat in the restaurant?If your friends e to your home, Where would you like to have? 引出:Id like to take them eat out to lunch.2. 出示课件:T: This is Yang Mingling. He has got many new friends.Who are they?(guess)T: Yes, they are two of his new American friends. Today Yang Mingling is taking two of his new American friends out to lunch in Shanghai. It means they eat in the restaurant in Shanghai.活动二 听课文内容并回答问题1. T: (1) What are they talking about?(2) Where will Yang Mingming take them? Why?(2)Are they going to have Chinese food or American food? Why?(3)Did Mingming agree with his friends?(4)What do they think of Chinese food?(5)What Chinese food is Yang Mingming talking about?活动三学习单词句子1. 出示:McDonald KFC=Kentucky Fried Chickennearby agree Ask: Is there a KFC nearby? Do you often go to the KFC?Is there a McDonalds nearby?Do you agree with XXX? 2. T: There are many foods in Chinese restaurant. What do you want to have? Please talk about.活动四正确运用too, as well, also, either1.教师总结1. Students answer.学生用Id like to take eat out to说句。S: They are Mingmings new American friends.1. Listen to the tape and answer the questionsStudents say something about KFC or McDonaldStudents work in pairsStudents make a dialogue:A: We have fast food, too. We could have _.B: Mum! Sounds delicious!A: And then you can try some _.B: Okay. Could we have _ as well?Yes, Lets try_.A: Sounds wonderful. We cant wait.1. 学生小组讨论这四个单词的用法。2. 练习:(1)I cant make dumplings, _.(2)She_ had meat pies yesterday morning.(3)Id like to have sticky rice dumplings, _.(4) Could you go to a KFC_?Post-task activities1.播放录音2. Ask:Where do they have lunch?Do they eat Chinese food or Western food?What would they like to eat?Do they have something sweet as well?Do they have a good time?3. 小组表演对话4. Read and judge1. Read after the tape.2. Answer3. Act out the text.4. Do exercises.附: Read and judge:I n China , people eat different special (特别的) food and do different things for good luck in different festivals .On the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节), many people eat sticky rice dumplings and watch Dragon Boat races(赛龙舟).On the Mid-autumn Festival , people eat mooncakes and look at the bright full moon(满月). On the Lantern lntn Festival , some people buy a lantern(灯笼) and go to the park in the evening . During the Spring Festival, many families sit together and eat dumplings and spring rolls. We can see Dragon Dance(龙舞)on the street .The children put on their new clothes and they also can get gift money in red packets.( ) 1. Chinese people eat different food in different festivals. ( ) 2. We eat mooncakes on Dragon Boat Festival. ( ) 3. We can see Dragon Dance on the street on Spring Festival.( ) 4. People in China eat sticky rice dumplings and watch Dragon Boat races on the Dragon Boat Festival.( ) 5. Gift money is special for Spring Festival.( ) 6. There are many traditional(传统的) festivals in China. 教学反思与重构:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8 Eating Out in Shanghai 第二课时教案 新世纪版预习:学生整理已学过Chinese food和 Western food;查好不认识单词的音标;自己试着拼读单词;听Unit 8 Farmland的录音。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作。课时目标:学习有关食物的单词和词组:pork, lamb, roast duck, noodles, spring rolls, hamburgers, sausage, French fries, pizza, different kind of fast food, sounds interesting.用Would you like to ? What would you like to? Where would you like to ? Can I have?提出建议,征求别人的意见。握句子:What would you like to ? 并能用Id like to 回答。能区分哪些是中餐食品,哪些是西餐食品,哪些是快餐食品。能根据情景仿照Farmland和Pair Work 编一些小对话。能了解中西方食品文化之间的一些差异。 课型:对话教学课堂活动活动过程教师活动学生活动Pre-task preparation1. Warm up: A chantWould you like, would you like, would you like soup?Yes, yes, please.Would you like, would you like, would you like steamed bread?No, no, thanks.Would you like, would you like, would you like fried rice?Yes, yes, please.Would you like, would you like, would you like some crabs?No, no, thanks.Would you like, would you like, would you like meat?Yes, yes, please.1. Read the chant: Would you likeWhile-task procedure活动一:学习What would you like to ?及回答。1. T: Oh, its eleven oclock. Were hungry. What would you like to have for your lunch today?What would you like to do for Christmas?What would you like to do for your birthday?We can also say: What do you want to do for your birthday?出示:What would you like to =What do you want to Id like to =I want toShed like to=She wants toWould you like to=Do you want to2. Ask and answer(出示两个场景:中餐馆和西餐馆)A: What would you like to have / drink?B: Id like to 3. T: Would you like to have pork for your lunch?T: What would you like to have for your lunch?What about you, XX?T: Certainly. 4. Make a dialogue like this.活动二:学习Pair work1.T: Ask (1)Where does your father usually have for his lunch?(2)Where does your mother usually have for her lunch?(3)What does she usually eat?(4) Where do you usually have for your lunch?(2) What do you usually eat?2. 引出different kinds of fast foodsometimes sandwiches, sometimes hamburgers and sometimes biscuits.3. T: Oh, that sounds nice. / Wonderful/ interesting/ great4. Make a dialogue like this.(可以利用下面的句型)Where_ for _?What _?Different kinds of _Sounds_!1. S: Id like to have.学生朗读2. Work in pair3. S: No, thanks.S: Id like to have some lamb.S: Can I have some roast duck?4. Work in pairsS: Answer2. 学生仿照例句用sometimes说句。3. 学生用sounds .说句。4. 学生仿照pair work 自编对话Post-task activities1. Make a chant:Would you like, would you like, would you like some_?Yes ,yes , Id love toWould you like, would you like, would you like some_?No, no, thank you.What would you like, what would you like what would you like to have?Id like, Id like, and Id like to have _. (出示书上的单词)2. 出示对话3. Ask the students to make a dialogue.A: What would you like to have for your lunch?B: Id like to have some_.A: OK. Here you are. What about you?C: Can I have some_?A: Of course. Here you are. Help yourself. How about you?D: Id like some_ for my lunch.A: OK. Here you are. Enjoy yourself.2. Listen and read after the tape.3. Look at the pictures the make a dialogue with the partners.教学反思与重构:


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