2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5 School in Shanghai (Wonderland)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5 School in Shanghai (Wonderland)教案 新世纪版教学目标1.让小学生懂得如何与别人相处,正确表达自己喜怒哀乐的情感,养成礼貌待人的良好习惯。2.能掌握happy, sad, thirsty, sleepy这四个表示情感的词语。能创设情景,在情景中运用句型操练,并能用不同的表示情感的词语来表达当时的心情。3.看图、实物或是模拟真实情景呈现句型Heresfor you。4.能认识字母Ll,Mm,Nn,能在四线三格中正确书写。教学过程:活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre-task preparation2. Listen to the rhyme: You and I1Sing a song: If you are happy, clap your handsWhile-task procedure(一) 1 Learn the words: happy, sad. T: Ill tell a story about a little pig. Please listen carefully. Look, This is a lovely little pig. She is very beautiful. Today is her birthday. She invites many animals to her birthday party. Please guess: Who does the pig invite? What do they do at the birthday party? How is the little pig? (引出单词:happy)2 Learn the sentence: Heres for you. / Here are for you.T: Today the little pig is very happy. Why are they happy? Because he got many presents. Cat says: Heres a doll for you.教师拿出一支铅笔对学生A说: Heres a pencil for you. 拿出一个玩具小卡车对BA说:Heres a toy car for you. 让学生通过老师的动作理解句子的意思。接着老师板书句型:Heresfor you. 并出示Farmland中的图片,让学生尝试回答,如:老师拿出两个苹果,告诉学生:Here are two apples for you.再拿出两支铅笔给一个学生,说:Here are two pencils for you.板书两个句子:Heres an apple for you. Here are two apples for you.T: When do you feel happy? If you are happy, What can you do?If your new dress is dirty. How do you feel? Are you happy?(二)Learn the words: hungry, thirstyT: Oh, its five oclock. Its time for dinner. How does the little pig feel? (引出单词:thirsty, hungry)T: Yes, The little pig is very hungry. The animals are very hungry, too. So he asks the dog: Hello, Mr. dog. Are you hungry? (Yes, I am) Do you like bones? (Yes, I do) Heres a bone for you. (thank you)T: The animals are not angry. But they are very thirsty. (引出单词:thirsty)(三) Learn the words: sleepy and thirsty.T: (出示钟声):Oh, Its nine oclock. The animas are very tired and sleepy. They go to bed. (引出单词: sleepy, tired.)(2) Practice:学习字母的书写,注意书写的顺序。S: (1) Answer the questions.(2) Read the word: happy(3) Make sentences with happy.SRead the sentence: Heres a doll for you.(2) Practice: (学生扮演小动物,送礼物) Heres for youP1: Pupil1: Mingming today is your birthday. Heres a teddy bear for you. Pupil2: Thank you. Im so happy.P2: Pupil1: Tommy, your bag is old. Heres a new bag for you. Pupil2: Its so beautiful. Thank you, Mum.P3: Pupil1: Im sleepy.Pupil2: Heres a cup of coffee for you. Pupil1: Thank you.P 4: Pupil1: Im thirsty. Pupil2: Heres a Coke for you. Pupil1: Thank you.同桌操练Here arefor you.句型。然后以小组为单位,每组创设一个情景,由小组组长分派任务,操练句型:Heres foy you. Here are for you.让学生比较两个句子的异同。S: No, Im sad. (引出单词:sad)学生操练单词S: He feels very hungry.S: Students make a short dialogue like this.S: (1) Read the word: thirsty (2) Make dialogues with thirsty (3) Read the rhyme: You and IS: (1) Read the word: sleepyPost-task activities1. game: Look at the mask and ask the question: How does he/she feel? (Answer) Hes/Shes. (happy/ sad/ hungry/ thirsty/ sleepy/ tired2. 操练情景可以选择:In the shop.Birthday party.3 Workbook P 27: Look and say附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5 School in Shanghai教案 新世纪版单元教学目标课题Unit 5教学目标及策略教育目标:1让学生了解学校的学习和生活。2教育学生遵守学校的规章制度,做一个尊师守纪的好学生。二、知识目标:(一)基础目标:1. 学习掌握运用单词:visit, century, social study, begin, true, arts and crafts, puter science, thousand等。掌握:Do you? 的句型结构及其功能。2.听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6-8句话。3.掌握元音音标 ,并能看音标读出单词。朗读Rhyme,语音,语调,节奏基本正确。 (二) 发展目标:1. 能用不同语言描写学校的生活。2. 了解反意疑问句的基本构成。能力目标: 学生能用各种语言形式表达不同学校的生活和学习。情感、策略、文化目标:情感态度目标: 通过英语学习,教育学生学会用英语相互介绍交流。 学习策略目标: 教育学生在学习中按学校的规章制度严格要求自己,做一名尊章守纪的好学生。文化目标:遵守公共道德,文明做事礼貌待人。教学重点1. 掌握:Do you? 的句型结构及其功能。2. 听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6-8句话。3. a group of; thousand/ hundred; the same 教学难点听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料.教学准备Student Book 5B:P3037 Tape 5B Unit 5 Student workbook 5B:P30-37 Teaching Transparencies 5B课时安排Wonderland Farmland Grand Theatre + Language Lab ( Q and A )Review words and sentences + Language Lab ( On your own and Pair work)Music Box and review Disneyland and Work Book 一课一练第一课 时课 时 目 标1. 掌握单词:知道含义,能正确朗读、拼写以上单词。知道单词在句子中的用法,并会造句。3. 能口头、书面默出单词,能与学过的词整合起来表达一定的意义。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1.Review the rhyme: e for a swim2. Daily talk.While-task procedures:Learn the new words:Students read the words and sentences by themselves.Listen to the tape and read after the tape sentence by sentence.Post-task activities1. Make some sentences with the new words. (a kind of, seem, bee)2. Rewrite the sentences as required. 板 书设计 Unit 5 Wonderland课内练习设计 1. Listen and read the words or sentences.2. Make sentences.3. Listening prehension.课后练习设计Listen and read the Wonderland.Copy these words and learn them by heart.Rewrite the sentences as required.第二课 时课 时 目 标听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料。能根据主话题“”写6-8句话。(注意过去时和一般现在时时的使用)能正确流利的复述课文。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation: Daily talk:2. Review: Read the W and phrasesWhile-task procedures:1. T shows a form: its Sandy Clarks form then asks the questions.a. Which school?b. Which musical instrument will Sandy learn?c. Which class?d. Who is Sam Clark?2. Ask the students to read the text by themselves then answer the ques-tions: a. When does father think that Sandy can play in the school band?b. What was his father interested in when he was little?c. What does Sandy want to learn?d. Does his father agree with him?3. Explain the key phrases:4. Read the phrases after the teacher.5. Listen to the tape and repeat the text sentence by sentence.6. Q&A on P21 (Oral Written)Post-task activities1.Ask the students to make more sentences by “would like sth/ to do ”2. Oral discussion: 板 书设计 课内练习设计 1. Read the phrases and text.2. Finish Q&A3. Listening prehension.4. Oral discussion:课后练习设计1. Read and recite the Grand Theatre.2. Copy the text.3. Write down “” on Workbook.4. Recite the word groups of this text.第三课 时课 时 目 标1.知道各种性情爱好和活动的英语表述方法。What like to do? like(s) to 2.掌握语段中一般现在事态的表示方法。3.能复述Farmland中的语言材料。4.能按照主题利用所给的词组写对话。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:Warming up: Daily talk.Ask and answer the questions with the words.Do dictation.While-task procedures:Discuss: 1) What do you like to do? I like to do?2) What do he/ she like to do?Oral presentation.Students read the Mini Dialogue by themselves.Students act out the mini dialogue in pairs.Make the dialogues with the substitutions. (play the piano/ the violin; play tennis/ table tennis/ basketball/ volleyball/ football; listen to music)Encourage students to summarize the usage of PLAY.Students act out other dialogues with different phrases.Post-task activities:Review and practice the general present tense (not, Q. Why-Qs)pare the present tense with the past tense.Review the usage of CAN. (not, Q. Why-Qs)Finish the exercises: Workbook P课内练习设计 1. Dication.2. Act the dialogue in pairs.3. Do some exercises on the workbook.4. Listening prehension.课后练习设计1. Read the mini-dialogue and repeat it.2. Rewrite the sentences as required.3. Recite the word groups of Farmland.第四课 时课 时 目 标1.复习巩固Grand Theatre知识点。2.完成On your own及Pair work3.学会区分元音音标 /, / / 。并能看音标读出单词。4.学习Rhome:课 型复习课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme:2. Daily talk.While-task procedure:1. Review the words and the phrases, and then take a dictation.2. Review the text and Q&A 3. Review the sentences: 3. Ask and answer: On your own (Oral Written)4. Learn: Pair work 1) Explain the phrases:2) Read the dialogue. 5. Make a dialogue in pairs at the last.Post-task activities: 1. Do exercises. Work book on P 2. Read the music box. 课内练习设计 1. Act a dialogue. 2. Do exercises. Workbook P3. Read the music box.课后练习设计1. Read the music box.2. Recite the pair work.3.找一找含有/a:/ 和/u: /发音的单词,并把它们写在书上P22。4.Finish workbook on P。5. Rewrite the sentences as required.第五课 时课 时 目 标The total revision of Unit 5课 型复习课生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme 2. Ask and answer in pairsWhile-task procedure:Review some words and phrases.Music BoxReview the phonetics: / a: /,/ u: /Read them loudly.Show the words with them to read. 说一说含有/a:/和/ u: /发音的单词。Post-task activities:Analyze the Workbook.Do exercises. (一课一练)课内练习设计 1 Listening prehension.2. T or F on P3. 一课一练。课后练习设计Review Unit 3.一课一练。课后反思

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