2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module3 Unit9 Clothes period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module3 Unit9 Clothes period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Content1B M3 U9 (Period2)Aims1. To enable the pupils to identify clothes.2. To enable the pupils to request something.3. To bring up pupils good habits of listening and speaking.4. To motivate pupils interest in English.Language focus1. To identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation2. To Understand the key pattern3. To understand formulaic expressions for preferencesTeaching aidsPicture cards, paper, masks, etcProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Warming up2. GreetingsSing a song T says, P1 responses(Hello, Hi, Good morning, etc)让学生快速进入英语学习状态;师生问候既是对所学问候语的复习,又增进了师生情感互动While-task procedureReview the words about the food.1. Quick responseT: What can you see? How many?2. Guessing gamea. Look at my mouthb. What is missing?( pictures; words)通过快速反映的问答,既对要复习的词句进行了初次强化,又调动了学生的学习热情;通过看口型,猜单词的游戏 帮助学生掌握单词的正确读音;What is missing的游戏,让学生在检索、回忆中整体巩固了单词的音、形、义;3. Listen and number根据学生的实际情况设计听力材料(语段),在词不离句中再次复习了单词,又为下面的复习作了铺垫。A: What do you need?B: I need a .1. Show the situatione.g. A: Can I help you?What do you need?B:I need a A: Here you are.B: Thank you.2. Show some masks (shop assistant, Alice, Danny, Kitty, Eddie, etc)Pupil can choose one then act and say.运用多媒体创设在超市买东西的情景和语境,通过老师介绍,学生跟说到学生的演演说说,从扶到放,使语言学习层层推进。用不同的服饰,充分考虑了低年级学生的年龄特征,同一知识点用不同的途径来强化,既提高学生的积极性,又提高复习的效率。Post-task activityMake a dialogue.Say and act.(work in pairs)通过模仿自编对话,初步培养学生同伴合作能力和会话能力。Assignment1. Read the book2. Follow the tape板书设计A: What do you need?B: I need a .教学反思附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module4 Revision教案 (新版)沪教牛津版ContentActivities and a story (Period 1)Aims1. To use nouns to identify momentary actions. e.g. ride, play, skip, fly2. To use verb phrases to indicate actions. e.g. play football, skip a rope, fly a kite, ride a bicycle3. To use the modal verb can to talk about ability. e.g. She can sing.4. To ask wh-questions to find out particular information about a person. e.g. What can he do?5. To use nouns to identify persons and animals. e.g. boy, wolf, farmer6. To ask wh-questions to get simple responses. e.g. Wheres the wolf?7. To ask children not to tell a lie.Language focus1. To use verbs and verb phrases to indicate actions. e.g. play, play football, skip, skip a rope, fly, fly a kite, ride, ride a bicycle2. To use the modal verb can to talk about ability.e.g. I can sing. She can sing.3. To ask wh-questions to find out particular information about a person. e.g. What can he do?4. To use nouns to identify persons and animals. e.g. boy, wolf, farmerTeaching aidsPictures, multimedia, cards, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePart 11. Greetings.2. Sing a song. 1. Greetings2. Sing a song.热身运动,活跃气氛。在歌曲中引出今天的复习内容动作。 Part 2()1. T: Look. What can the girl do?T : Can you skip the rope?T: What else can you do?2. Show a word game. 3. Talk with your desk mate.4. Guessing game.P1: What can he/ she do?S: She can skip the rope.Look and read the wordS: Yes.S: I can play football.Look and read the word.Play, ride, fly, sing, dance, draw2. Look and say.3. SS Work in pairsWhat can you do?I can 4. P2: He/She can 通过歌曲引出的动作来复习本单元单词。通过看课件中一个个闪过的动作小组开火车快速讲出动词词组。复习词组在同桌操练的过程中复习单词、词组和句型。在课件中设计猜谜游戏,让学生在猜的过程中操练,既愉快又有了知识的训练。从第一人称过渡到第三人复习。1. T: This is a boy. This is a wolf. This is a farmer.2. T: Try to act out the story.3. T: What cant we do?1. S: A story. 2. Act out the story.3. S: We cant tell a lie.承接上个环节中,将故事中的人物作为猜谜游戏中的后几个。猜出一个出示一个。分组准备,然后表演故事。在学科教学中渗透德育Part 31T: What can we do?T: You can sing a song . The song can tell me what you can do.2. (1) T: Do you know what can you friend do? Lets do a survey.(2) Tell us what your friend can do.1. S: We can Sing a song.Do a survey.S-S Work in pairs.What can you do?I canWhat can he /she do?He/ She can从我们不能做什么自然过渡到我们可以做什么。学生自己编歌词唱歌,调节气氛,并巩固知识。通过调查,要求学生将所学的单词、词组和句型综合运用,学生自己挑选自己喜欢的句型进行交流。训练学生的综合运用的能力。Part 41. Read P38-412. Do a survey. What can your father and mother do?板书设计play play footballskip skip a roperide ride a bicyclefly fly a kiteWhat can he/ she do?He/ she can教学反思1B M4 RevisionContentNew Years Day (Period 2)Aims1. To use adjectives to identify objects. e.g. gift, card, firework, firecracker2. To use imperatives to give instructions. e.g. Draw. Write. Fold.3. To use adjectives to describe things. e.g. new4. To use formulaic expressions to greet people on New Years Day. e.g. Happy New Year!5. To use formulaic expressions to offer people things. e.g. A gift for you.6. To use the simple present tense to express interests and preferences. e.g. I like the red dress.Language focus1. To use adjectives to identify objects. e.g. gift, card, firework, firecracker2. To use imperatives to give instructions. e.g. Draw. Write. Fold.3. To use formulaic expressions to greet people on New Years Day. e.g. Happy New Year!4. To use formulaic expressions to offer people things. e.g.A gift for you.5. To use the simple present tense to express interests and preferences. e.g. I like the red dress.Teaching aidsPictures, multimedia, cards, etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activitiesPurposePart 11. Greetings.2. Sing a song. 1. Greetings2. Sing a song.热身运动,活跃气氛。在歌曲中引出今天的复习内容新年。 Part 21. T: What can you see on the New Years Day?2. Lets do a quick response.3. T: Are you happy on New years Day ? But the grandfathers and grandmothers are not happy. They havent children. They are poor. Lets watch.(1) T: We want to see them, what do we need?(2) T: Have we got a card? No. Lets make a card.T: One:T: Two:T: Three:(3)T: We have the card. What else do we need?(4) We havent the things. Lets go to the supermarket and buy some.Show a picture of the supermarket.(5)T: Lets go to see grandfathers and grandmothers.1. S: Gift, card, firecracker, firework2. Look and say.3. Watch the video.(1) Gift, card, firecracker, firework, fruit, flowers.(2) S: Draw.S: Write.S: FoldMake a card.S: Flowers, apples, gift,.(4)S: O.KSS Work in pairsS1: Can I help you?S2: I like the S1: Here you are.S2: Thank you(5)S: O.K.Make a short dialogue.S1: . for you.S2: Thank you. S1: Happy new year.S2: Happy new year.通过师生问答引出本单元重点词汇。以竞赛的方式看媒体快速闪现的图片并快速应答,熟练掌握单词,激发学生熟练掌握单词的学习热情。通过短片介绍敬老院的老人的生活。激发学生去看望他们,并带给他们新年气氛的想法。通过短片的观看,学生自然能说出看望孤老需要的物品引导学生自己做卡片送给孤老。复习做卡片的过程。有了卡片要求学生再重复新年拜访需要的物品,帮助学生操练这些重点的单词。由教师设疑问,没有要送的礼物,所以到超市去买,自然过渡到复习课文中买礼物的内容。模拟送礼物的过程,让学生在语言训练的同时,学习关心身边的人。在学科学习中渗透德育。Part 31. T: We are happy on the New years Day. Because we can see the beautiful firework. Lets watch.2. Watch other New Years Day in other country.T: What can you see?Watch the videoDescribe.S: The firework is .Watch.S: 观看节日特有的烟花。制造节日的气氛。在语言训练的同时对firework和firecracker 增加感性的认识。观看其他国家新年,让学生开阔视野,激发良好的英语学习兴趣。Part 4 1. Read P42-452. Tell your parents what you like on New Years Day板书设计gift card firecracker fireworkHappy new year! for you.I like.教学反思


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