2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit8 What can…(4)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit8 What can(4)教案 苏教牛津版单元教学内容简析: 本单元的主要教学内容是“询问对方是否会做某事”。教学重点是Can you? Yes, I can.教师在教学时尽量运用图片、体态语等方法创设情景,以帮助学生形象直观地理解这些句子的功能和意义。在学生熟悉这些句子后,教师应及时引导学生用这些日常交际用语进行综合操练,以帮助学生进一步掌握所学内容。在教学中,教师可采用边说句子、边做动作的方法,强化学生记忆,活跃课堂气氛。 单元教学要求1.能听懂、学会swim,skate,play football和paly chess,发音准确。2.能听懂、会说、会读字母Rr,Ss和Tt。3.能听懂一般疑问句Can you?并能用Yse,I can.回答,语音语调正确。4.Can you?能使用一般疑问句?向人询问和确认他人是否会做某事,语音语调正确。5.会说歌谣A star。单元教学重、难点: 1.能听懂、学会swim,skate,play football和paly chess,发音准确。2.能听懂、会说、会读字母Rr,Ss和Tt。3.能听懂一般疑问句Can you?并能用Yse,I can.回答,语音语调正确。4.Can you?能使用一般疑问句?向人询问和确认他人是否会做某事,语音语调正确。单元教学安排:共计三课时 第一课时:学习A部分 第二课时:学习B C部分 第三课时:复习D E部分友情提示:1.在教授单词读音时,可在带领学生模仿录音的基础上,采用“开火车”读单词的方式操练,以加深学生对单词读音的记忆。2.教师可通过游戏形式操练单词。设计游戏时,要遵循由易到难的原则,如从简单的执行命令的的游戏,过渡到稍难的考察记忆与表达能力的游戏。3.学生在读字母Ss时容易将音拖长,在读字母Tt时也很容易把上下牙齿咬的过紧,教师在教学中应予以注意,并帮助学生读准音。The first period 教学内容:A 教学目标:1.知识目标:能听懂、学会swim,skate,play football和paly chess,发音准确。2. 技能目标:能听懂、会说、会读字母Rr,Ss和Tt。3. 情感态度目标:培养学生与他人交流,正确向他人询问是否会做某事的能力。教学重点、难点:能听懂、学会swim,skate,play football和paly chess,发音准确。教学准备:词语卡片、小黑板,flash.教学过程:Step1 Free talk:T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Jiang.T: Open the door, please.S1: All right.T: Open the bags, please.Ss: All right.T: Open the books, please.Ss: All right.Step2 look and Learn 1.教师做游泳的动作引出单词swim。2.教学单词读音,先带领学生模仿录音朗读,再开“小火车”操练,以加深学生对单词的印象。3.以相同方法教学skate、play football和paly chess。4.Listen and do,教师边说单词,边请学生做出相应的动作,再由一生做动作,请其他学生说出单词。5.教师引导学生用I can来说句子S1:I can swim.S2: I can skate.Step3 Look and read1)出示字母卡片Rr,示范发音,并引导学生观察教师口型,听清楚发音,静听几遍以后,再模仿朗读。2)用类似的方法教学其他字母。3)在朗读例词run、star和taxi的时候,可以尝试着让学生跟着教师拼读单词,以进一步感受字母Rr,Ss和Tt。Step4 Homework(1)听录音,朗读单词并练习用I can 来说句子。(2)听录音,朗读字母和例词。(3)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。板书设计:教后笔记:The second period 复备时间 教学内容:B C教学目标:1.知识目标:能听懂一般疑问句Can you?并能用Yse,I can.回答,语音语调正确。 2.技能目标:1.能使用一般疑问句Can you?向人询问和确认他人是否会做某事,语音语调正确。2.会说歌谣A star3.情感态度目标:培养学生与他人交流,正确向他人询问是否会做某事的能力。教学重点、难点:1.能听懂一般疑问句Can you?并能用Yse,I can.回答,语音语调正确。2.能使用一般疑问句Can you?向人询问和确认他人是否会做某事,语音语调正确。教学准备:卡片 录音机 磁带教学过程:Step1 Free talk:T: I can swim. Whant can you do?S1: I can 鼓励学生用学过的skate、run、jump、play football和paly chess等单词说句子。Step2 Learn to say1.教师在黑板上画“?”引导学生问Can you?教师回答Yes,I can.I can(边说边做动作)在学生理解的基础上引导他们运用句型进行同桌或小组操练。另外教师可补充No,I cant的回答。2.学生听录音,听懂妈妈和Helen之间的对话。3.带领学生朗读课文,要求读swim。4.鼓励学生两人一组操练对话或是互换角色对话。Step3 Presentation1.让学生进行角色扮演表演对话。2.结合以前学过的run、jump、sing等单词以同桌问答的形式进行操练。Step4 Say a rhyme1. 组织学生完整地听歌谣录音。2. 引导学生学习歌谣中的单词above。3. 帮助学生熟悉歌谣节奏,并让学生跟着节奏自己朗读。4. 引导学生跟读、齐读歌谣。5. 引导学生配以动作,有感情地朗读、表演歌谣。Step5 Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。(2)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。(3)鼓励学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。板书设计:教后笔记:The third period 复备时间 教学内容:D E 教学目标:1.知识目标:复习巩固一般疑问句Can you?用Yse,I can.回答,语音语调正确。 2.技能目标:复习用Can you?向人询问和确认他人是否会做某事,语音语调正确。3.情感态度目标:培养学生与他人交流,正确向他人询问是否会做某事的能力。教学重点、难点:1.复习巩固一般疑问句Can you?用Yse,I can.回答,语音语调正确。2.复习用Can you?向人询问和确认他人是否会做某事,语音语调正确。教学准备:卡片 录音机 磁带教学过程:Step1 Free talk:T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Jiang.T: I can swim. Whant can you do?S1: I can T:Can you?S:Yse,I can.鼓励学生用学过的skate、run、jump、play football和paly chess等单词说句子。Step2 Do a survey教师在黑板上画好一张表格,将相关的单词用简单的图片表示,然后请学生做小老师,运用句型Can you?提问,其他学生作出相应的回答,最后由小老师在表格里打勾。Step3 Practise (1)活动1: listen and number. 先组织学生听录音,然后根据听到的顺序给图片标上序号。(2)活动2: Listen and march教师先向学生解释清楚题目的做法.要求学生听录音,根据图片所示内容进行练习 (3)学习活动3:listen and judge教师先带领学生操练所学字母,训练学生的辨认能力,再做练习。Step4 Homework(1)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。(2)鼓励学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。板书设计: 教后笔记:复备栏复备栏复备栏复备栏复备栏附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 全册教案 深港版Task objectives:Use English to greet and respond to greetingsRecognize basic words in familiar contextsUse proper pronunciation and intonationImportant and difficult points:Language focusHello. Hi!Good morning.How are you? Fine, thank you.Goodbye.Heres a . Thank you.Teaching aids: Pictures, expression cards, slide show, puter, tape recorder.Teaching steps:Step 1. Warm-upGreet the pupils. Hello, boys and girls. Good morning. How are you? Introduce myself to them.Then, learn a new song “Hello”.Sing and dance with music.Step 2. Presentation1. Greet the pupils. Say Hello class! Wave cheerfully saying Hello! Or Hi! to different individual pupils, until they begin to join in and greet you in return.2. Greet the pupils with Good morning. Ask them to respond by echoing you.3. Point to the characters on the page and read their speech bubbles aloud.4. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles again. Encourage the pupils to say the words after the beeps. Pay particular attention to the intonation and stress of the words.Step 3. Practice1. Divide the class into two teams using arm gesture.2. Ask one half of the class to say Hello after you. Ask the second half to reply. Do the same using Hi. Note: We usually return the same greeting that we are given, though this is not pulsory.3. Reverse the roles so that the second half greet the first half and the first half respond.Step 4. Consolidation1. Give the pupils a list of English names to choose from the Teachers Guide on page 45.2. Get individual pupils to stand up and greet another pupil by the name they have chosen, e.g. Mary: Hello, Ann. Ann: Hello, John. John: Hello, Kate. Continue the practice until all the pupils have been greeted.Step 5. Sum-upToday we have learned how to greet and respond to greetings, for example, Hello! Hi! Good morning! Now please read after me again.Step 6. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read part A five times and repeat after it;2. Use greetings taught this class to greet to your parents.3. Preview part B.Board-writingUnit 1 Saying helloHello! Hi! bird cat dogGood morning. girl boyThe second periodTask objectives:Use English to greet and respond to greetingsUse English to take leaveRecognize basic words in familiar contextsUse proper pronunciation and intonationImportant and difficult points:Language focus:How are you? Fine, thank you.Goodbye.Teaching aids: Pictures, expression cards, slide show, puter, tape recorder.Teaching Step:Step 1. Warm-up1. Free talk. What day is today? What date is today? Whats the weather like today? And so on.2. Greet each other. Good morning. How are you? Step 2. Revision1. Show the expression cards and ask the pupils to recognize basic words.2. Review the animal words.Step 3. Presentation1. Use a puppet or two different hats to signify that you are acting the roles of two people. Say to the puppet (or wearing the first hat) Hello! How are you? Move the puppet to make it look like it is talking (or take off the first hat and put on the second hat) and say Fine, thank you. Repeat the procedure.2. Open the door of the classroom and pretend to leave. As you are going out, wave and say Goodbye, class. Repeat until the pupils begin to respond by saying Goodbye.3. Wave and say Goodbye! to the puppet (or wave and say Goodbye! wearing the different hats).4. Point to the characters in picture 1 and read their speech bubbles aloud.5. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles again. Encourage the pupils to say the words after the beeps. Pay particular attention that the pupils use the correct intonation for How are you?Step 4. Practice1. Say Hello! How are you? to individual pupils. Prompt them with the response if they cant reply independently. Repeat many times with different pupils. Point to the characters in picture 2 and read their speech bubbles aloud. Wave cheerfully saying Goodbye! to different individual pupils, until they begin to reply. Play the cassette to practise pronunciation.2. Ask pairs of pupils to stand up and practise the dialogue: Pupil 1: Hello. How are you? Pupil 2: Fine, thank you. Pupil 1: Goodbye. Pupil 2: Goodbye.Step 5. ConsolidationAsk the pupils to practise the conversation with the pupil next to them. Then ask them to turn and practise with the pupil in front of or behind them.Step 6. plete Workbook (p. 1)Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and match them with the words in the right column. Read out the words if the pupils have difficulty recognizing the written form of the expressions at this early stage.Step 7. Sum-upStep 8. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read part B five times and repeat after it.2. Practice conversation with your parents.3. Preview part C.Board-writingUnit 1 Saying helloHow are you? Goodbye.Fine, thank you. The third periodTask objectives:Use English to express thanksUse proper pronunciation and intonationImportant and difficult points:Language focus:Heres a . Thank you.Oh, no!Teaching aids: Pictures, expression cards, balloons, puter, tape recorder.Teaching method:Step 1. Warm-up1. Greet the individuals. How are you? Goodbye.2. Role-play part B.Step 2. Revision1. Show the letter cards and ask the pupils to say out.2. Show the expression cards and ask the pupils to recognize basic words.Step 3. Presentation1. Read the story once or play the Pupils Book Cassette all the way through pointing to the characters and their speech bubbles in each of the pictures.2. Blow up a balloon and tie a string to it. Give the balloon to individual pupils saying Heres a balloon. Prompt them to say Thank you!3. Give the balloon to a pupil and leave it with him/her. Ask him/her to stand up. Point to picture 3 and wave Goodbye. Then ask a second pupil to pretend to accidentally catch the balloon on their clothing and to walk away. Get the first pupil to run after them, calling Oh, no! Bring back the balloon and get the first pupil to say Thank you!4. Play the cassette again. Get the pupils to look in their books and read along.Step 4. PracticeAsk the pupils to role-play the characters in groups of four and to read the characters speech bubbles.Step 5. Sum-upStep 6. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read part C frequently;2. Act out part C to your parents;3. Preview part D&E.Board-writingUnit 1 Saying helloHeres a balloon. Oh, no! pencil ruler rubber bookThe fourth periodTask objectives:Recognize the alphabet sequenceUse proper pronunciation and intonationTeaching Steps:Step 1. Warm-up1. Free talk.2. Sing ABC song.Step 2. Revision1. petition between boys and girls.2. Role-play part C in groups.Step 3. plete part D.Play the Pupils Book Cassette and ask the pupils to choose the picture that show the meanings of the phrases. It may be necessary to do the first one with the pupils as an example.Step 4. Learn part E.1. Play the tape and ask the pupils to say the letter names and sing the alphabet song. Replay the cassette several times until the pupils can join in. Then ask the pupils to sing without the cassette.2. Divide the class into two teams and ask the left hand side to sing the letters A-M and the right hand side the letters N-Z. Note: The collection of the 26 letters A-Z is called the alphabet. Each individual member of the alphabet is called a letter. G is e letter, so is T. Here, the pupils are exposed to the letter names not their sounds) and their sequence in the alphabet.Step 5. Finish Workbook 1.Workbook (p.2)a. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.b. Ask the pupils to choose the correct picture for each dialogue and put a tick in the box.2. Workbook (p.3)a. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.b. Ask the pupils to number the pictures according to the order of the language they hear.Step 6. petitionDivide the class into two groups, boys and girls, to sing ABC song. Then the teacher should make an assessment of the pupils.Step 7. Homework1. Listen to the tape and recite Part A, B C;2. Sing ABC song to your parents;3. Preview Part F.The fifth periodTeaching aims:1. Consolidate the structures learned.2. Practice how to greet and respond to greetings.Important points and difficult points:Hello! Good morning. Goodbye! How are you? Fine, thank you.Teaching aids: Glue, scissors.Teaching steps:Step 1. Warm- up1. Greet the pupils. 2. Ask some questions. What day is today? What date is today? Whats the weather like today? Step 2. Revision1. Read and Recite Part A, B & C in chorus.2. Sing ABC song.Step 3. plete Part F1. Review the units target language. Tell the pupils to cut out the expressions on page 60 and to stick them in the correct speech bubbles.2. Walk round the classroom to make sure they are putting the sentences in the correct speech bubbles before allowing tile pupils to stick them.3. Ask the pupils to role-play the conversations.Step 4. Finish Workbook (p.4)Tell the pupils that the monkey needs to jump from tree A all the way to Z to get home. Ask them to listen to the Workbook Cassette and draw lines from A to Z.Step 5. Homework1. Listen to the tape and practice the conversation with your parents.2. Copy letters from A-G.The sixth periodTeaching aims:1. Consolidate the words and the structures.2. Learn and review the words in the song: friend, hello, goodbye.Teaching aids: puter and tape recorder.Teaching steps:Step 1. Warm-up1. Free talk.2. Greet the pupils.Step 2. Revision1. Recite Part A, B &C together in chorus, in groups or individually.2. Sing ABC song.Step 3. Learn to sing Part G1. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song.2. Tell the pupils to stand in a large circle or several smaller ones. Pair them up by labelling them pupils 1 and 2.3. Tell them to shake hands with their partner the first time they sing the song.4. Tell them to turn round and shake hands with the person behind them the second time they sing the song.Step 4. Finish Workbook (p.5)1. Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and try to get the gist of the story. Then ask them to find the right words for each speech bubble.2. Check answers orally before letting the pupils write the corresponding numbers in the speech bubbles.Step 5. petitionDivide the class into two groups, boys and girls, to sing part G song. Then the teacher should make an assessment of the pupils.Step 6. Homework1. Tell the pupils to greet their parents and other relatives in English.2. Sing the song of part G to your parents.3. Tell the pupils to bring in a small photo of themselves to the next class.Unit 2 Making friendsThe first periodTask objectivesUse formulaic expressions to introduce oneself and greet othersUse proper pronunciation and intonationImportant and difficult points:Language focus:Good afternoon.Hello. Hi!Im.Teaching aids: Pictures, name cards, slide show, puter, tape recorder.Teaching steps:Step 1. Warm-up1. Greet the pupils. Hello, boys and girls. Good morning. How are you? My name is Miss Hou. Whats your name?2. Ask the pupils What day is today? What date is today? Whats the weather like today? Step 2. Revision1. Recite part A, B &C in chorus.2. Sing a song in unit 1.Step 3. PresentationNote: Make sure the pupils have brought a small photo of themselves to class. Make yourself a name badge with your name written in English in large letters.1. Greet the pupils. Say Hello, class. Go up to different individual pupils, greeting them and hearing them reply. Review How are you? Fine, thank you with individuals. Then introduce Good afternoon. Draw a clock on the board and show 9:00. Say to the class Good morning. Then show the clocks motion forward and show 1:00. Say to the class Good afternoon. Ask the class to respond by echoing you.2. Show the pupils your name badge. Say Im Mr/Mrs/Miss (your family name).Write your name on the board and point to yourself, this time saying My names Mr/Mrs/Miss .3. Point to the characters on the page and read their speech bubbles aloud.4. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles again. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Then point to the characters and ask the pupils to say the words in their speech bubbles.Step 4. Practice1. Review the pupils English names. Ensure that the pupils are pronouncing them correctly.2. Tell the pupils that we can respond to the question Whats your name? with My names (name) or simply by saying our name.3. Say to individual pupils My names (name) or Im (name) and prompt them to echo you using their English names.Step 5. ConsolidationTell the pupils to stick their photos onto the frame on the page and to say their names.Step 6. Sum-upStep 7. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read part A five times and repeat after it;2. Introduce yourself to your parents.3. Preview part B.Board-writingUnit 2 Making friendsGood afternoon. Hi! My names Hello! My namesThe second periodTask objectives:Understand simple questions and greetingsAsk and answer questions about personal informationUse proper pronunciation and intonationImportant and difficult points:Language focus:Im.Whats your name? My nameTeaching aids: Pictures, name cards, slide show, puter, tape recorder.Teaching steps:Step 1. Warm-up1. Greet the pupils. Hello, boys and girls. Good afternoon My name is Miss Hou. Whats your name?2. Ask the pupils What day is today? What date is today? Whats the weather like today? Step 2. Revision1. Read part A in chorus.2. Practice the following in pairs: Hello. How are you? Whats your name?Step 3. Presentation1. Say My names Mr/Mrs/Miss.Whats your name? Write Whats your name? on the board.2. Greet individual pupils and say My names /Im Mr/Mrs/Miss . Whats your name? Point to your own name card as you do this and emphasize the word my. Then say to the pupil Whats your name? Point to the pupil when you say your.3. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to echo you. Then ask the pupils to say the words in the speech bubbles as you point to the characters.4. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the conversations and repeat after the beeps.Step 4. Practice1. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures in part 2.Tell the pupils the names of the characters in the pictures. Ask them to tell you what they are saying.2. Get the pupils to work in pairs. Tell them to greet each other and to say A: My names/Im (name). Whats your name? B: My names (name)./ (Name). You can write this exchange on the board and label all the pupils in each pair A or B.3. Walk round the classroom monitoring the pupils to find mon errors.Step 5. ConsolidationUse a variety of toys such as dolls or teddy bears. Speak pretending to be the toy. Greet the pupils and introduce the toys name. Ask the pupils to respond by telling the toy their own name.Step 6. Finish Workbook 1. Workbook (p.6)a. Ask the pupils to look at the pic


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