2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 3(1)教材教法 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 3(1)教材教法 冀教版一、教材分析1.本课的故事仍是发生在Li Ming 等人去北京的火车上。课文第一部分涉及到三种乘客:man, woman 和baby,又以Li Ming的家人为例,帮助学生对man, woman 和baby建立直观的印象。课文第二部分,是紧扣本课标题:Who Is Sing?展开的故事情节:怀抱着婴儿的妇女轻轻哼着摇篮曲,使哭闹的孩子进入梦乡。2.本课教学的重点是:man, woman 和baby, 以及句型:Who is it? Its _.二、教学建议1. Leading in教师播放歌曲 “I love my family”, 以歌曲中的人物为素材,教师通过向学生提问问题,自然引入单词:man 和woman。2. Learning words(1)Using pictures教师可以借助图片集锦中的图片帮助学生建立对man, woman 和baby的直观的印象。(2)Using course mare教师可以借助优秀课件中的课件,如,Hush little baby, I like babies, I love my family 等. 在学生观看过程中,教师加以引导,使学生自然形成对man, woman 和baby的印象。3. Learning sentence(1)Let the students imitate the standard pronunciation教师通过播放课文或领读等方式给学生标准的语音示范。(2)Dialogue practice教师让学生通过对话练习,熟练掌握重点句型:Who is it? Its _. 对话练习的方式可以是:教师和学生,学生和学生。4. Keep the students jovial教师在教学过程中,可以让学生适当放松一下,再继续学习。对本课来说,内容中涉及到摇篮曲,在教授完第一部分内容后,可以播放摇篮曲,帮助学生放松。5. By dint of interesting games to review教师借助有趣的小游戏,帮助学生对知识点进行复习并巩固。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 3(3)教案 冀教版General goals for unit 1In this unit, Li Ming, his mother, Jenny and Danny travel by train to Beijing. Through the story of the trip, students review action words, foods and other vocabulary. They master new vocabulary to describe actions and people.Specific goals for unit1 mastery vocabularyStudents can read, write, say and aurally understand the following vocabulary:Adjectives:Quick, loud, quietAdverb of time:nowDescriptors for uncountable nouns:someNounsbaby, man, womanStandard question:Who is it? Its Verbs and negation:(dont) draw, sleep, see, look, pointmon phrases:Would you like some ? Yes, please. /No, thank you.What are you doing? I am ing.What is he/she doing? He/She is .Are you having fun? I am having fun.Each unit exposes students to more words and phrases than they need to master or use orally. We have included these extra words because they form part of typical English conversation, which, we believe, students should hear. These extra words and phrases also allow the natural curiosity of children to guide some of their language learning. As you encourage and respond to questions about these extra words, you may decide to demonstrate, translate of use examples to make their meaning clear.Lesson3: Who is singing?一、Suggestions for reviewReview“boy”and“girl,”and new vocabulary from this unit, by giving directions to the class.All boys point.All girls go to sleep.All girls stand.All boys draw a picture.二、Key conceptsman, woman, babyWho is it? Its .三、IntroduceLead a dialogue like this:Teacher:(Point to a picture.)This is Joe/ Kate/ Tim/ Jessica. Who is this?Class: Joe/ Kate/ Tim/ Jessica.Teacher: Is he/ she a father/ mother/ son/ daughter?Class: Yes/No.Teacher: How old is he/ she?Class: He/ She is years old.Teacher: Yes! Very good! He/ She is years old. He/She is a man/woman/boy/girl.Draw a baby. Say“This is a baby.”Write“baby”under the picture.四、Use the student book and audiotapeDiscuss the story in the student book.Who is singing?Who is talking?Who is crying?五、PracticeAsk the students each to draw a picture of his or her family and label each person as a man, woman, boy, girl or baby. Ask them to write the word describing the family relationship of each picture (for example, mother, father, cousin).六、Use the activity bookNumber1 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:Listen and write the correct letter beside each name.Jenny, Kim, Li Ming and Danny are in the classroom. They are looking at the blackboard. Do you see the blackboard?Li Ming is sitting in front of Jenny.Danny is sitting across from Jenny.Kim is sitting behind Danny.Number3 in the activity book is also a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:Listen. Draw the pictures.a. What is the woman doing now? She is sleeping. Is she quiet? No! She is loud!b. What is the man doing now? His is drawing. Is he loud? No, he is quiet.c. What is the baby doing now? The baby is crying. Is the baby loud? Yes! The baby is loud.d. What is the man doing now? He is singing. Is he loud? No, he is quiet.七、Homework:2


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