2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 We lived in a small house教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 We lived in a small house教案 外研版题目Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house .教学目标1、Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady.2. Sentences: There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.教学重点难点1、新单词与新句型的教学与应用2、如何让学生在课堂上学会There be,We lived many years ago,We livenow句型,并能在生活中灵活运用。教学准备cards, pictures, Tape-recorder.教学过程 教师活动 学生活动Teaching steps :Step 1 Warmer:1.Talking about myself with then and now Look at the pictures and say:Then I was 20years old. Now I am 28 years old.Then she was young. Now she is old.lmMany years ago, I played football. Many years ago, I had lots of food.2. Talking about Part 3, P3A.There was a small house four years ago. He lived it.Now there is a big house. He lives it.B.There was a small tree in the picture four years ago. Now there is a bigtree in the picture.C. There was a dog in the picture. There are three dogs in the picture.D. He had a kite four years ago. Now he has a MP3 player.Step 2、Presentation:1. Look, listen and learn:A.Learn the new words: live, livelived, life, different, many years ago,television, grandchildren, grandmother, were not= werent, missedB. Listen to the tape and understand the text.C The teacher explains the text, then let the Ss answer the questions. P2 Ex1.D Read the text in the roles. 2. Listen and say:A.There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.B.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.C. Read and repeat, read and write.Step 3、Practice:Look at the picture ,Listen and read:1.She ran fast many years ago. Now she walks slowly.2.She saw well many years ago. Now she sees badly.3.She cooked badly many years ago. Now she cooks well.4. She was young many years ago. Now she is old.Step 4、Homework:1. Read the text. 2. Write the new words.Look at the picture and listen carefullyTalking about and say the sentences Study the words and read Write the words Listen to the tape and read the textRead repeat .read and write Look at the picture.listen and read 板书设计Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house .live There werent any buses . life There are lots of buses and cars .different There is / are many years ago There was / wre grandchildren We lived in a small house .were not= werent 教学反思题目Module 1 Changing Unit2 She didnt have a television教学目标1. Words and phrases:fire, radio telephone, field, hope 2.音标教学,字母组合ai/ay, al/au, ar 的发音规则。3.时态一般过去时的教学:She didnt have a television. She worked in the fields.教学重点难点1 学习词汇:Fire radio telephone field hope 2 学习目标语句:She didnt have a television . .She cooked on a fire many years ago运用目标语句讨论人们过去的情况。教学准备Word cards and recorder教学过程 教师活动设计学生活动Teaching steps :Step 1: Warming upA: 1.Greetings.2.Act out last text.3.Free talk: pare Old China and New China.Step 2Lead inYesterday, Lingling saw the programme about China, she missed her grandmother very much. So she writes a letter for Daming, tells about that programme and her feeling.Step3 New teaching.1.Show some questions.a.What programme did Lingling watch last night?b.What was the old ladys life like many years ago?c.Who does Lingling miss?2.Listen to the tape-recorder and find answers.3.Learn new words.a.Show some object and cards.b.Correct pronunciation.c.Practise new words in different kinds of method.4.Listen to the tape-recorder and act out it.Step 4 PractisePlay a game.Put nine cards on the desk. Two students use cards to make dialogue.For example:A: Where was he/she seven days ago?B: He/She was A: What did he/she do there?B: He/She Step 5语音教学rain,play,all,artumn,star,party,warm,quarter这些词随意贴到黑板上。教师一边贴,学生一边读。教师播放录音磁带(pencil,apple),全班学生听且重复。让学生到前面来找出这两个单词,并放在一起。Step 6HomeworkIntroduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home.Free talkListen carefullyLook some questions and read Practise new words in different kinds of methodListen to the tape-recorder and act out itPlay a gameLook at the ward cards and read the words 板书设计Unit2 She didnt have a televisionNew words: New English sound Module1 New drill:fire ai / ay / ei/ A: Where were you three days/ weeks/ months/ years ago?radio al/ au / c: /B: I wastelephone ar / a: / A: What did you do there?fields ar /c: / B: Ihope教学反思附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 What do you want to be in the future(1)教案 新世纪版单元教学目标课题Unit 1教学目标及策略一、教育目标:1让学生从小就树立远大的志向,并努力去奋斗去实现。2教育学生要向伟人学习,立志成材。二、知识目标:(一)基础目标:1. 学习掌握运用单词:start, future, vocation, IT, enough, artist, enjoy, astronaut等。词组掌握:go/do + v.-ing. 的结构及其功能。学习掌握enjoy doing sth的句型,并懂得和like 句型的区别。2听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题“ talk about you future”写6-8句话。3. 学会区分元音音标 /i:/, /I/ 。并能看音标读出单词。4读Rhyme,语音,语调,节奏基本正确。(二)发展目标:能根据自己所立的志向努力奋斗。能根据实际情况写一篇短文。三、能力目标: 学生能用各种语言形式表达自己的志向。(口头,笔头,并努力付之于自己的实际行动)四、情感、策略、文化目标:1情感态度: 通过英语学习,教育学生学会用英语相互介绍交流自己的理想。 2学习策略: 教育学生在生活中要有远大的理想,要立志成材。3文化目标: 教育学生要让理想成为现实,需要付出辛勤的劳动。教学重点1.掌握运用单词:start, future, vocation, IT, enough, artist, enjoy, astronaut等。2.掌握词组:go/do + v.-ing. 的结构及其功能3.听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6-8句话。教学难点比较操练时态:一般将来时和一般现在时非三单一形式教学准备Student Book 5B:P1-7Tape 5B:Unit 1Student workbook 5B:P1-9Teaching Transparencies 5B课时安排1.Wonderland 2 Farmland3 Grand Theatre + Language Lab ( Q and A )4 Review words and sentences + Language Lab ( On your own and Pair work)Music Box and review Disneyland and Work Book Same Step第一课 时课 时 目 标1. 学习掌握运用单词:start, future, vocation, IT, enough, artist, enjoy, astronaut等。会用其组词、造句。2掌握句型:enjoy doing sth.。3. 让学生谈谈他们的 “summer,winter vacation”课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:Warming up: Daily talk (about the Spring Festival ) What did you do in Spring Festival?Where did you go in Spring Festival?How did you feel?2. Ask and answer in pairs.While-task procedures:1. Review the words: begin, vocation. And learn the word start, holiday.start(ed)= begin(began)beginend; startfinishQ: When does the first class start?vacation= holiday e.g. winter/ summer vacation 2. Learn the word: future. (in the future)3. show some picture of “Yao Ming, Yang Liwei”Q: Who is he? Whats he? (astronaut= spaceman)Learn the new words: (an)IT engineer, (an)artist Q: What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a/anLearn the new word: enoughLearn the new word: enjoy= likee.g. enjoy our school life; enjoy oneself= have a good timeenjoy doing sth.= like doing/ to do (I enjoy swimming. What do you enjoy?) 6. Play the cassette: Wonderland. The students follow in their books.Post-task activities1. Discuss the words in each group. 2. Make sentences with the words by themselvesbegin with1) start atstart to do/ doing sth.2) =leave出发,起身e.g. We must start early.holiday: be on holiday, go on holidayscosmonaut, taikonautenough:1)(a.): enough+n./ n.+enough2)(adv.)a.+ enough3) be+a.+enough+for sb. (to do sth.)Enjoy:1)=like2) 享受 enjoy the sunshine 板 书设计 Unit 1 What Do You Want to Be in the Future?Wonderlandstart=begin IT in the futurevocation=holiday artist enoughenjoy=like astronaut enjoy doing sth like doing sth like to do sth课内练习设计 1. Listen and read the words or sentences.2. Make sentences.3. Listening prehension.课后练习设计Listen and read the Wonderland.Copy these words and learn them by heart.Rewrite the sentences as required.第二课 时课 时 目 标1.掌握词组:go/do + v.-ing. 的结构及其功能。2.能根据Mini Dialogue提供的语言材料替换进行交际性对话。3.掌握一般将来时的句子结构,并能熟练运用。4.能进行一般将来时与一般现在时非三单一形式对比。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:Warming up: Daily talk.What will you want to be in the future?What will you want to do ? (this afternoon, this weekend, next , tomorrow)Ask and answer the questions with the words.Dictation.While-task procedure:1. Talk about the future. 2. Make a dialogue “What will do ? in each group and play. 3. Learn the new phrases 1) do more listening and reading 2) go +v.-ing. e.g. go fishing/ boating/ shopping/ swimming/ skating/ skiing/ 2) wash up, play football, clean the classroom 4. Ask and answer in the group. 5. Play the cassette: Grand Theatre. The students follow in their books. 6. Read the mini-dialogue. 7. React the dialogue with the substitutionsPost-task activities: Rewrite the sentences as required.(the general future tense)学生讨论总结shall、will用法。总结将来时的时间状语。(next/tomorrow; this Sunday/weekend; after schooljoin sb.: join us/ them板 书设计 Unit 1FarmlandWhat will you do?I/We will(shall) do What will they/he/she do?They/He/She will do课内练习设计 1.Dictation.2.Act the dialogue in pairs.3.Do some exercises: Fill in the blanks(一般将来时与一般现在时非三单一形式对比)4.Listening prehension.课后练习设计1. Read the mini-dialogue and repeat it.2. Do Workbook on P5-6.3. Recite the word groups of Farmland.4. Recite the sentences as required.第三课 时课 时 目 标听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料。能根据主话题“ talk about your future”写6-8句话。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:Warming up: Daily talkWhat did you do last night?What will you do this night?What do you want to do this afternoon?What will you want to be in the future? 2. Review the dialogue of Farmland.While-task procedure:1. Say sth. about the Spring Festival. 2. Show my wishes, then ask: What do you want to be in the future? (CEO- , pop singer, a football player, actor, manager)3. Learn the Grand Theatre.Listen to the tape.Explain the key phrases.a. at the start of= at the beginning ofb. talk aboutc. primary school, middle school, high schoold. help sb. With sth.e.g. help mum with the housework, help me with my Englishe. want to do/ bemake sentences with “want to do/be”f. find me a teacherpare: find & look fore.g. I cant find my key. Im looking for it.g. be happy abouth. get upgo to bedi. in time/ on time/ at a time(3) Play the cassette: Farmland. Students follow in their books. 3. Questions and answers on P6 (OralWritten)Post-task activities:Oral discussion: What do you want to do in the future?talk with sb. about sth.help sb. do sth.find sb. a teacher= find a teacher for sb.one day the next day the next day板 书设计 Unit 1Grand TheatreWhat do you do in the future? I/We will(shall) What do you want to be in the future? I/We will(shall) want to be a/an课内练习设计 1. Read the phrases and text.2. Answer the questions:1) What do you want to do after school? I will(shall) do sth.2) What do you want to do in the future? I will(shall) want to be a/an3. Finish Q&A4. Listening prehension.课后练习设计1. Read and repeat the Grand Theatre.2. Copy the text. 2. Write down your dream.3. Recite the word groups of this text.第四课 时课 时 目 标1.复习巩固Grand Theatre知识点。2.完成On your own及Pair work3.学会区分元音音标 /I:/, /I/ 。并能看音标读出单词。4.学习: The clock课 型复习课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme(New learning) 2. Daily talk.While-task procedure:1. Review the words and the phrases, and then take a dictation.2. Review the text and Q&A 3. Review the sentences: What will do? 3. Ask and answer: On your own (Oral Written) 4. Learn: Pair work 1) Explain the phrases: a. talk about sth. to the class b. be good at= do well in (be good at singing)be good at be poor at 2) Read the dialogue. 5. Make a dialogue in pairs at the last.Post-task activities: 1. Do exercises. Work book on P7-8 2. Read the music box. /i:/ /i/板 书设计 Unit 1 Music Box /i:/ /i/bean binbeat bitseat sitfeet fitsheep shipthese this课内练习设计 1.Act a dialogue. 2. Do exercises. Workbook P7-8 3. Read the music box.课后练习设计1.Read the music box.2.Recite the pair work.3.找一找含有/I:/ 和/i/发音的单词,并把它们写在书上P7。4.Finish workbook on P1-4。、5.Rewrite the sentences as required.第五课 时课 时 目 标The total revision of Unit 1课 型复习课Unit 1生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme 2. Ask and answer in pairsWhile-task procedure:Review some words and phrases.Music BoxReview the phonetics: / i: /, / i /Read them loudly.Show the words with them to read. 说一说含有/i:/ 和/i/发音的单词。Post-task activities:Analyze the Workbook.Do exercises.课内练习设计 1. Listening prehension.2. Finish the Exercise Paper.课后练习设计Workbook: P9The Exercise PaperReview Unit 1.课后反思在词汇部分教学中不仅要重点教会学生单词在句中的用法,而且要把单词的过去式、单复数、介词搭配、词性转换以及词组等都要讲明白。 本课所包含的以上知识内容较多,可能学生一下子不能很好地吸收,就要让学生回家复习时不仅要熟读课文内容,背默单词,同时还要复习笔记,在下一课时教学前要课堂提问,以加深印象。


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