2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7(12)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7(12)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:6BUnit 7 A. Listen read and say(第三部分)二、教学目标:1 听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词penfriend, also2 听懂、会说、会读词汇subject, e-mail address3 听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语I hope so. What should I do?4 正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。5 运用本课所学知识,鼓励学生大胆用英文与国外友人沟通。三、教学重、难点:1正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。2运用本课所学知识,鼓励学生大胆用英文与国外友人沟通。四、课前准备:1 教具准备:A部分教学挂图,写好问题的卡片,自录Peter自我介绍的录音带。2 学生准备:课前预习A部分对话,准备好上课要问的问题。3 板书准备:写好课题Unit 7A letter to a penfriend一、 教学过程:A. Greeting.B. Revision.1 根据英语掌握程度,分层次请学生朗读、背诵、表演已学的对话。2 上节课已布置学生准备问题,教师可事先检查,找出较好的问题,请该学生提问。问题大致如下:Question 1:Does Liu Tao want to have a postcard?2. What does Liu Tao want to have?3. What does Liu Tao want to do?C. Presentation and practice.本节课教学内容为对话的第三部分,Liu Tao与妈妈谈论他的新笔友Peter以及如何给Peter回信,是本篇对话的重要内容。 1. 教师在课前自录一段 Peter自我介绍的录音,将Peter的有关情况直观、形象地展示给学生,让学生们和对话中的Liu Tao一起了解Peter,再帮助Liu Tao一同向妈妈介绍Peter的情况,并和Liu Tao的妈妈一起建议Liu Tao如何回信。通过这些设计,将学生由对话情景的旁观者变为参与者,让学生置身于对话情景之中主动学习。录音内容如下:Dear Friend:Im Peter. Im from the UK. I want a penfriend in China.Please listen to my self-introduction.I live in London. I have a brother and a sister. I like listening to music and making model planes. Waiting for your letter in reply.With best wishesPeter2 学生听完两遍录音后,教师将准备好的问题卡片贴于黑板上,将全班学生分为四大组,每一组派出一名代表上台选择问题进行回答。问题如下: Question 1. Whos Peter? 2. Where does he live? 3. Does he have any brothers or sisters? 4. What are his hobbies?3.“Liu Tao的妈妈建议如何回信”这一部分可让学生直接打开书,4人为一组合作自学:一学生读对话, D. Consolidation.1 听录音,跟读本节课所学对话。2 活动自我介绍。为增强此项活动的趣味性,可以要求学生在写自我介绍时不提到自己的名字;再将全班分为6-8组,把收上来的个人简介打乱发给每个学生,让学生通过阅读猜出作者是谁。EAssigning homework.1 听录音,熟读并背诵、表演A部分对话。2 写一篇自我介绍。附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7(13)教案 北师大版Teaching Aims:1. The students can understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can do some listening practice.Teaching Emphasis:1. Learn the pronunciation.2. Do some listening practice. Teaching Difficulty1. How to understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.2. How to do the listening practice.Teaching process:Step1Review the storyT: Ask them some questions about the story.S: Try to read the questions.T: Retell the story for the children and have the children try to retell the story.S: Listen the story and try to retell the story.Step2:PronunciationT: Have the children look at the pictures and try to read these words.S: Try to read these words. T: Play the tape and have the children repeat.S: Repeat the words.T: Explain the sentences.S: Read these sentences many times.Step3:Perfect your pronunciationT: Tell the students they will listen to some sentences about taking pictures. Play the tape and have the children just listen. S: Listen to the tape. T: Play the tape again and have the children read after the tape. S: Listen and repeat.T: Have the children try to say these sentences to the partner.S: Do pair work.Step4: Chant and singT: Play the tape and have the children just listen to the song.S: Just listen.T: Play the tape again and have the children try to sing it.S: Try to sing. (two times)Step5:BINGO Kids quizT: Have the children read them and try to guess the matter.S: Read them and try to do them.T: Check the correct answer.Homework:Have the children listen to the song and try to sing it after class.反思:学生的兴趣浓厚,掌握了一定的读音规则,并能够根据读音规则拼读单词。

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