2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 2(2)教案 人教版PEP.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 2(2)教案 人教版PEPSpecific vocabulary: 三会掌握music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner Specific target sentences: 听懂及正确回答What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .Specific functional exponents: 能用所学的语言描述时间及活动。Source of material: 钟、词卡、录音带、Assumptions: 学生已掌握一些数字。Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song P24(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。活动类型A)2. Ask and answerT: Listen, in my school bag, “Dickety tackety tack”, Whats that? Guess.Ss: T: Oh, yes. Its a clock.(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。活动类型A)Step 2 Presentation1. Teach “clock”, “oclock” and review numbers from 1 to 122. Show the picture of A. Lets learn (Just talk)(设计意图:从中自然引入新单词,以旧引新,整体呈现单词,让学生有初步的感知。活动类型A) T: Look, this is a timetable of Zhangpengs day. Lets see. What time is it? S1: Its 7 oclock. T: Good. Its 7 oclock. Its time for breakfast. Time for breakfast. Drink some milk. (结合Lets do呈现词汇句型)3. Show the picture of the words (No words)(设计意图:逐个单词击破,TPR能让学生动起来,使学生在实际情景中正确理解、认读单词。活动类型R) T: Guessing gameSharp eyes What time is it? S: Its 9 oclock. Its time for English class. T: Good. Time for English. Read and write. (结合Lets do重现词汇句型)4. Show the words and pictures on Bb(设计意图:整体呈现单词后,让学生一一认读新词,让学生掌握正确的读音。活动类型R)T: Now, matching game.S: Match the words and the picturesT: Ok. Read together. (结合Lets do巩固词汇句型)Step 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and read2. Ss read Lets learn together3. Ss do Lets do together (设计意图:让学生积极动起来,增加趣味性的同时,可让学生掌握Lets do和单词。活动类型C)Step 4 Drill1. 同步2活动手册(设计意图:让学生动手写一写,做一做,巩固所学单词。活动类型R)Step 5 Sum up今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step 6 Homework1. Copy the words two lines2. Read the text and make a time table (Task time 1)3.4. 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 2(2)教案 新世纪版教学目标一、能力目标1.能简单介绍自己的喜好2.能用英语表达自己思想。二、知识目标:1.学习掌握单词TV news, TV plays ,our school life , sports, cartoons, Ad 2.学习Music Box,掌握基本读音规则3.学习掌握基本句型及相关的语法知识I like. I dont like.4.听、读后能理解课文内容,完成Language Lab中的练习。5.了解Disneyland, Language Lab中的语法内容。三、情感目标:通过学习,培养学生学习兴趣。第一课时 Wonderland: Programmes课时重点和难点1.让学生说出自己喜欢的电视节目2.学习八个单词,掌握拼读规则教学目标基本目标:(1) Learn to express these things in English: plays, news, Ad, cartoons, sports(2) Using the sentences the students learned before(3) Pronounce and spell the new words sentences properly.发展目标:(1) Using some adjectives to describe these new words.(2) Having the students be able to ask and answer about these things.教学过程Pre-taskTalk about the TV programmes. Show a magazine. Shanghai TV Weekly.While-task1. TV news, TV plays, Ad(1) TV news: a. Imitation b. Describe the word c. Try to make sentences with the words.(2) TV plays: a. Imitationb. Try to make sentences with the words.(3) Ad: a. imitationb. make sentences2. sports, cartoons, cooking(1) sports: a. Imitation b. Show some different things. Talk about the sports.A: Look, this is a .Do you like ?B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like .A: It is (2) cartoons: a. Imitation b. talk about the cartoons.Post-taskMake sentences with two new words in groups. Write down the sentences.第二课时 Farmland: I like . I dont like.教学目标一、基本目标(1) Learn the new sentences: I like (2) Talk about the picture with the new sentences二、发展目标 (1) Practise the new drills(2) Using some sentences to make a dialogue重点和难点I like. I dont likePre-task:Review the things in the pictures. And describe them.While-task1. Present the sentence: Do you like? Yes, I like. No, I dont like.2. Make a dialogue with deskmates. I like.3. Act in the groups: in the zoo4. Talk about the next pictures: A picnic.5. Talk about them.6. Present the drillsPost-taskFind out the owner of the objects.第三课时 Grand Theatre: No Cartoons Now教学目标一、基本目标(1) Learn the new sentences: What are you doing? I like. I dont like.(2) Mine and act out the dialogue二、发展目标Ask and answer others to spell the words.重点和难点进行时态的问答句(what are you doing? Im +动词的现在分词)教学过程Pre-task1. Daily talk2. Review FarmlandWhile-task1. What are you doing?Show the sentenceRead the wordAct and say: Im singing.Point to TV and Act: Im watching TV.2. I dont like. Show card: rocknroll. Listen a piece of rocknroll. Present the sentence. I dont like rocknroll. Practice in groups3. Learn the dialogueListen to the recording Read after the recordingPractice and act.Post-taskAct out the dialogue.第四课时 Language Lab Music-box课时重点1.理解并灵活运用学过的单词2.学习理解课后的问题3.能熟练操练课后的问题。4.能准确地朗读所给单词得发音,注意规则。教学过程1. Daily talk 2. Review: The words p103. Pre-task procedure.Make sentences with the words4. While-task procedure1)Listen and read answers2)Questions and answers3) On your own.4) Pair work( 操练一问一答)Listen to the recording (Open the book and Read after it)五、拓展作业:1. Do you like ?2. Does he /she like.?3. Which do you like best?第五课时 Rhyme教学目标1. 阅读理解小诗内容。2. 通过学习,能读小诗。教学过程Pre-task preparationDaily talkWhile-task procedure1. Review I like I dont like.2.Pair work ( 交流自编的对话 )课堂练习1)练习册听力内容。2) 做练习部分。 3)课后练习:背熟对话,做练习册剩余的书面部分。


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