2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit1 Farm animals(4-6)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit1 Farm animals(4-6)教案 沪教牛津版一 主要新授内容Lets learn -letter Nn(nose) Oo(orange)Lets play - I hear a 二 学习目标1 能正确认读并书写 Nn和Oo 两个新授字母。2 在本单元Lets talk的基础上,能够根据实际情况用-What do you see/hear? -I see/hear 进行所见所闻的信息交流。三 教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Activity 1 ( Revision )1 教学辅助(Aids) 2 活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Rhyme: Aaapple全体学生背诵学过的字母及发音复习巩固学过的字母2Fill in blanks.教师出示一些学生未学过的单词,学生根据教师的读音,填出单词中所缺字母。例:tap学生通过听音找到相应字母,不但锻炼了听力,同时对已学字母的发音得到了进一步的巩固认识。Activity 2 ( Quick response )1. 教学辅助(Aids) 2. 活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Quick response教师说字母的发音,学生快速反应相应的字母。例: -Aa巩固字母的发音。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1( Look and learn ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 单词卡片 字母卡片2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1noseorange教师出示单词,学生朗读,并说出单词的第一个字母的发音。由复习单词引出字母的学习2Nn Oo教师出示相应的字母卡片,学生认读通过朗读认识字母的音与形。3Nn /n/ noseOo /o/orange教师引导学生通过反复读单词发现字母的发音,并通过编儿歌掌握字母的发音。熟练掌握字母在单词中的发音,能帮助生更轻松地拼背单词。Activity 2( Ask and answer )1 教学辅助(Aids)录音2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.What do you hear? I hear教师播放动物的叫声, 做一次问答示范巩固所学句型。2What do you hear? I hear由学生两人一组相互进行问答。Activity 3( Lets play )1. 教学辅助(Aids)录音2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Lets play学生打开教材,翻到第五页,教师播放录音,学生完成相应的练习。通过练习,学生对所学的句型及单词都做了回顾。2.Lets play学生反馈。3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Activity 1 ( Copy the letters )1.教学辅助(Aids) 黑板活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Copy教师在黑板上画四线三格,知道字母的书写。通过指导与练习,让学生掌握正确的书写。2Copy学生根据教师所教的要领,在练习本上练习书写字母。Activity 2 ( Introduction ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 媒体2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Introduction教师通过媒体向学生展示一个大农场,Look, a big farm. What do you see? What do you hear? What animal do you like?请学生用几句话来介绍一下这个农场。引导学生将学过的句子组成一段话练习,培养学生积累所学知识的良好习惯。2Introduction学生用几句话介绍。Look,this is a big farm. I see I like/I dont like I hear I like/I dont likeFifth period Letact 一 主要新授内容 Draw the cow on the paper. Draw the duck on the ground.二 学习目标1 能用正确的语音语调认读Drawon the句型。2 能够根据需要说出祈使句并做出相应的动作。三 教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 (Game )1、 教学辅助(Aids)图片单词卡片2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Reading学生看图齐背单词检查学生对单词形的掌握情况。2Game教师出示单词卡片,学生齐读,然后教师抽去其中一张图片,让学生说说哪张卡片不见了。Missing game 是学生喜欢的游戏,通过游戏帮助生复习巩固学过的单词。 Activity 2 ( Free talk )1、 教学辅助(Aids)教材p3 教学挂图2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Free talk: What do you see? What colour is/are the How many Do you like?教师出示教材第三页的教学挂图,针对图的内容用学生学过的句型与学生作问答练习。将学过的知识综合在一起巩固练习,帮助学生进行知识的积累。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)Activity 1 ( Listening and acting ) 1、 教学辅助(Aids) 白纸2、 活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Listening and acting教师在黑板上以简笔画的形式画出一头牛,然后问一名学生:Can you draw the cow? Draw the cow on the paper.学生根据指令在老师事先发下的白纸上画牛。通过肢体语言,通过听,让学生理解新指令的意义,并做出相应的反应。2.Listening and acting教师重复指令,由个别学生到小组,到全班。 Activity 2 ( Repeat )1、 教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Draw the cow on the paper.教师引导学生跟说新指令。通过说说做做进一步熟悉指令。2Draw the cow on the paper.教师请一排学生分别试着说指令,另一排学生根据指令做动作。Activity 2 ( Repeat )2、 教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Draw the cow on the paper.教师引导学生跟说新指令。通过说说做做进一步熟悉指令。2Draw the cow on the paper.教师请一排学生分别试着说指令,另一排学生根据指令做动作。Activity 3 ( Rhyme )3、 教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Draw draw drawDraw the cowDraw the cow on the paper.教师引导学生边做动作边跟说儿歌通过学儿歌的方式学习新指令。2Draw draw drawDraw the Draw the on the paper.学生变换动物名称编儿歌。让学生自编儿歌,不但巩固了句型,而且培养了学生自主学习的能力。任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section)Activity 1 ( Listen and draw )教学辅助(Aids)Work book 录音活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Listen and draw学生听录音完成练习册第2页的练习。通过练习检查学生对新学指令的掌握情况。2Listen and draw反馈练习情况。Activity 2 ( Pair work )教学辅助(Aids)练习纸活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.What do you see? I seeDraw the on /in/under the同桌分别拿到背景相同,内容不同的练习纸,例:A练习纸上小羊在大树下,B练习纸上大树下没有动物,需要学生画出。同样B练习纸上有的动物,A练习纸上页没有。在学生间形成信息差,引导他们综合学过的句型进行交流,同时完成相应的练习。2What do you see? I seeDraw the on /in/under the学生根据同桌提供的信息,在自己的练习纸上的不同位置画出相应的动物。3What do you see? I seeDraw the on /in/under the学生将完成的练习纸放在一起校对,检查自己的完成情况。Sixth period Lets enjoy一、 主要新授内容 Lets enjoy-Storya) 学习目标1 能用正确的语音语调朗读本单元的故事,理解含义。2 通过故事的朗读和阅读,使学生能够表述出自己所有的动物(玩具)及其特点。b) 教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 ( Song )1、 教学辅助(Aids)录音2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1song 跟着录音边做动作,边唱歌。在活跃课堂气氛的同时,复习了各种动物的叫声。 Activity 2 ( Introduction )3、 教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 I have got a It is学生展示各自的动物(玩具),用学过的句型介绍大小或颜色。复习学过的句型,为故事的学习做铺垫。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)Activity 1 ( Repeat ) 1、 教学辅助(Aids) 动物玩具2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1It goes 教师出示一个小牛的玩具,Look, Ive got a cow. It goes moo,moo.然后变换动物玩具,反复再现句型It goes 在学生学习新句型前可以通过听让他们感受。2It goes 学生跟着教师用不同的音量和音调朗读句子。根据动物特点变换音量和音调,使操练变得有趣。 Activity 2 ( Quick response )1、教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Quick response教师说Ive got a学生快速反应It goes ,并做出相应的动作。快节奏的练习能使学生思想更为集中,达到同样的效果。2.Quick response个别生说Ive got a学生快速反应It goes ,并做出相应的动作。Activity 3 ( Game )1、教学辅助(Aids) .2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Game教师抽取一张动物图片,但让学生看到,然后教师用几句话描述这个动物,例:It is small. It is yellow. It goes chick chick。让学生用It is a 猜出谜底。通过游戏的形式让学生学会积累学过的句型。2.Game教师请个别学生上讲台抽取一张动物图片,继续游戏。任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section)Activity 1 ( Story )教学辅助(Aids)课本录音活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Story教师播放录音,学生跟读。通过读熟悉故事。2Story全班朗读故事。3Story分小组朗读故事。4Story请四位学生分别扮演故事中的人物,表演故事。表演能更好激发学生的学习兴趣。Activity 2 ( Group work )教学辅助(Aids)动物玩具或者学生画的动物 活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Ive got aIt isIt goes 教师将学生分成四人一组,相互交流自己的玩具或画的动物。将学过的句型综合在一起练习,锻炼学生说一段话的能力。2.He has got aIt isIt goes 学生变换人称介绍同学的动物玩具。附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit10 What color is it教案 北师大版Vocabulary: Numbers one through ten, the colors, butterfly, crab, bear, fish, snake, ladder, lemon, Lulu, moon, money, mushroom, noodles, nut, nest. Structure: What color is it? What color is that? Its blue. Is that butterfly blue? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Period 1一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step1, Introduce colors. Hold up one of the colored pencils you have brought to class. T: Whats this? Ss: Its a pencil. T: Do you know what color is the pencil? Elicit the word of color. Review the colors we have learnt. Ss: Its green. T: What color is this pencil? (book) Ss: Its red. Step2, Model the dialog. Ask Ss in Chinese the name of an insect that is very colorful, and that likes flowers. Elicit the word for butterfly. Draw a butterfly on the board. Say, the English word is butterfly. Writhe the word on the board. Have Ss repeat the word. Now say, “Whats this?” as you point to the picture on the board. Elicit “Its a butterfly.” Hold up a blue pencil. Ask “Is this pencil blue?” elicit “Yes, it is.” Now hold up a red pencil, ask “Is this pencil blue?” Ss should answer “No, it isnt. Its red.” Repeat the procedure for the other six pencils. Step3, Tale about the story. Have Ss open their books at pages 38 and 39. ask these questions about the pictures: What are Mocky and Bobby Bear looking at? How many butterflies are there? What colors are the butterflies? Is this butterfly blue? How many butterflies are there now? Step4, Story. T: Now you will hear what the characters said. Play the tape and have Ss look at the pictures as they listen. Play the tape again, pausing at each picture. Have Ss repeat the words each time. Step4, Homework: Ask Ss to tell their families the English names for colors. 教学后记: Period 2一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1, Review the structures from the first period. Hold up a green pencil and say, : What color is this pencil? Is this pencil green? Repeat the procedure for the other colors. Step2, Words to learn. Have Ss open their books at page 40. display your copy of the page. Point to each of the colors in turn. Elicit the correct names from Ss. Point to the beat. Say, “This is a bear.” Have Ss repeat the word after you. Repeat the procedure for butterfly, fish, crab and snake. Play the tape and have Ss point to the matching color as they hear it mentioned on the tape. Without the tape, point to one of the colors and elicit its name from Ss. Repeat for all the colors and pictures. Step3 Listen to this. Have Ss look at the pictures at the bottom of page 40. point to the first butterfly and ask, “Whats this?” elicit “Its a butterfly.” Play the tape, stopping after each sentence, and have Ss point to the corresponding picture. Make sure they are touching the correct butterfly. Play the tape again, stopping after each sentence. Explain that this time you want Ss to write the number in the box next to the matching picture. Check the answers in a class drill. Step4, Teach the song. Point to the book and say, “What are these?” elicit “Theyre birds.” Read the first line of the song, pointing to each word. Have Ss repeat the words as they touch each one in their books. Repeat the procedure for the next five lines. Now point to all the fish. Say, “What are these?” Elicit, “Theyre fish.” Repeat the procedure used for the first verse. Step5, Sing the song. Play the tape straight through. Have Ss listen and clap along with the words. Play again and encourage Ss to touch the words in their books as they listen. Now play the song and have Ss sing along in time. Divide Ss into four groups. Give each group a color name, red, blue, green and yellow. Have the red group sing the first ling., the blue group sing the second ling, and so on. Have the groups change roles so that Ss have a turn singing about each color. Step6, Homework Ask Ss to show the picture to their families and tell them each creatures English name and color. 教学后记: Period 3一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. step1, Bingo game Use this game to review the vocabulary and letters from this Unit. Step2, Talk together. Have Ss open their books at page 42. Draw their attention to the top of the page. Display your copy of the page. Point to the first picture. Say, “What do you think Cathy is asking?” Try to elicit, “What color is this bird?” Elicit, “Its blue.” Have Ss repeat the question and answer. Draw Ss attention to the second picture. Point to the frog. Ask, “What color is this frog?” Elicit, “Its green.” Repeat for the other pictures. Put Ss into pairs to practice the questions and answers. Step3, Listen and color. Draw Ss attention to the bottom of the page. Explain that you will play a tape and that you want them to color each picture with the color they hear. If necessary, review the names of the animals before listening to the tape. Play the tape two sentences at a time. After each pair, T: Which picture matches those sentences? Have Ss touch the picture after hearing the sentences on the tape. It is important to watch that Ss choose correctly. Play the tape a second time. This time, have Ss color each picture with the color they hear on the tape. Step4, Sounds and letters. Draw Ss attention to the top of the page. Play the tape for ladder, lemon, Lulu. T: Do these words have the sound /l/? Play the tape again and have Ss say the words aloud. Repeat the procedure for the /m/ and /n/ sound words. Step5, Listen and circle. Have Ss open their books at page 43. Show your copy of the book. Have Ss look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Point to the picture of moon. T: Whats this? Play the tape for the word moon. Have Ss repeat after the tape. Repeat the procedure for other pictures and words. Step6, Homework. Explain to Ss that you want them to color the pictures on the page. 教学后记:Period 4一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step1, Trace the words. Take out a colored pencil. T: What color is it? Elicit from Ss “Its red.” Have Ss open their books at page 44. Show your copy of the page. Show two pencils of the same color. Repeat the procedure. But this time ask “What color are they?” Repeat the procedure for the other sentences. Step2 Do and say. Take out the set of water color paints you prepared. Mix the red and white paints together and paint the picture of fish. T: What color is it? Have Ss check the correct word on their books. Repeat with other picture and color. Step3, Uncle Bookys story time. Tell Ss to open their books at page 49. Draw their attention to the pictures. Explain that these pictures tell a story about a butterfly reading a book with her mother. Ask questions about the pictures. Have Ss talk about the story and what they think each character is saying. T: Now we are going to listen to what the characters say. Play the tape. Tell Ss to listen to the story, pointing to the matching pictures. Encourage them to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Play the tape of the whole story again. This time have Ss touch the speaking character. Step4, Touch and say. Draw Ss attention to the bottom half of the page. Ask them what things they can see in the picture. Elicit their English names snake, duck, bird, butterfly, fish and flower.“What color is it?”Have Ss repeat the question. Then elicit the answer.“Its blue.”Put Ss into pairs to practice asking and answering the questions. Step5, Homework. Tell Ss that you want them to finish tracing the words. 教学后记:Period 5一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1, Review. Review the flashcards for this Unit. Hold up the flashcard for snake. Ask “Whats this?” Elicit “Its a snake.” Repeat the procedure for bear, crab and fish. Step2, Read and color. Have Ss open their books at page 46. Display your copy of the page. Point to each creature in turn and elicit its correct name. Draw Ss attention to the bottom of the page. Point to the first sentence and read it aloud, touching each word as you do so. Have Ss repeat the words as they touch each one in their books. Repeat the procedure for the other sentences and pictures. Step3, Lets chant. Use pictures to review the following words: green, yellow, brown, red, orange, blue, black and white. Make sure Ss can say these colors when given a picture. Read the rhyme to Ss, pointing to each word. Play the tape again and have Ss join in, encouraging them to clap with the rhyme. Have Ss point to the pictures in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out. Step 4, Homework. Say the new rhyme to their families. Color the pictures at page 46.


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