2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit7 Lesson1(2)教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit7 Lesson1(2)教案 北师大版Preparation Prepare student cards. You will also need: flashcards for this Unit. 1.Set the scene Ask the children if they have a favorite restaurant. Then ask them what dish they usually order. Try to elicit the words for chicken and vegetables in Chinese. Write the words on the board. Point to the word for chicken and say, “The English word for this food is chicken.” Write the English word next to the word you have already written. Model the word for the children and have them repeat it after you. Repeat the procedure for vegetables. Now explain the meaning of the word food. Write the word on the board. Read the word aloud and have the children repeat it after you. Present the flashcards for this Unit. Hold up the flashcard for restaurant. Model the word for the children and have them repeat it after you. Repeat the procedure for menu, fruit, fried rice, corn, noodles, and hot dog.2.Model the dialogWrite the question What food do you like? on the board. Read the question aloud to the children, pointing to each word as you do so. Explain its meaning and have the children repeat the question after you. Now present the structures “I like (hot dogs).” and “I dont like (chicken).” Repeat the procedure used to model the question. Present the question “Do you like (fruit)?” and the answers “Yes, I do./No, I dont.” Repeat the procedure used to present the other structures.3.Talk about the story Student Book pages 2 and 3 Have the children open their books at pages 2 and 3. Ask these questions about the pictures:Picture 1: “Who can you see in the pictures?” “Where are they going?”Picture 2: “What are they reading?”Pictures 3/4/5: “What do you think Mocky, Ken, and Annare talking about?”Picture 6: “Does Mocky look happy?”Pictures 7/8: “Do you think Mocky likes the food on the menu?”Picture 9: “What is happening now?”4.Story Student Book pages 2 and 3 Say, “Now were going to hear what the characters said.” Play the tape without stopping. Have the children look at the pictures as they listen. Play the tape again, pausing after each new picture. Have the children repeat the words each time.5.Set homework Encourage the children to tell the story to their families.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit7 Lesson2教案 北师大版一、 教学目标与要求能听懂会说:Ilikemilkandeggs.Metoo.Doyoulikefruit?Yes,Ido.Ilikeoranges.Whataboutyou?Ilikehamburger.并能根据实际情况向别人表达自己真实的想法。能听、说、读hamburger,fruit,通过Letsdo熟练掌握本课句型及单词的读音. 二、教学重、难点分析1重点:能听懂,会说:likemilkandeggs.Metoo.Doyoulikefruit?Yes,Ido.Ilikeoranges.Whataboutyou?Ilikemangoes.句型和单词hamburger,fruit, 2. 难点:能听懂,会说:Ilikemilkandeggs.Metoo.Doyoulikefruit?Yes,Ido.Ilikeoranges.Whataboutyou?Ilikemangoes句型和单词hamburger,fruit, 对话与自己的实际情况结合起来。 三、课前准备 教师准备录音机。 四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身 学生听录音表演以前所学的chant和英文歌曲。全体同学齐读lesson1,要求最齐、最快、最大声。 2、新授 学生跟读,教师纠正部分单词的发音hamburger,fruit,学生分组分角色朗读,做到最快、最清晰、最大声试着请部分学生到前面表演对话,让学生为教学片配音用挂图展示生词hamburger,fruit,然后清部分学生到教室前面边指边说.说的又快又好的同学将得到一朵小红花。 五、巩固与延伸 教师请部分同学到挂图前,扮演图中的小朋友.然后向同学表演对话. A:Ilikemilkandeggs. B:Metoo.Doyoulikefruit? A:Yes,Ido.Ilikeoranges.Whataboutyou? B:Ilikemangoes. 打开质量监测完成对应的练习(教师给予一定的指导) 家庭作业:跟读课文及单词.

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