2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module6 unit1(1)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module6 unit1(1)教案 外研版教学目标:A. 培养学生对生活的热爱,向他人介绍学校课程,请有能力的学生陈述自己对某一课程的兴趣。B. 询问他人的周末活动;回答他人对自己周末活动的询问。C. 培养学生听、说、读的能力以及交际的能力。教学重点:A. 单词:do, weekend, Chinese, Maths, Science, play, sleep, B. 句子:What do u have at school?What do you do at the weekend?教学难点:A. 灵活运用所学谈论彼此及他人的周末活动。B. 注意在短语in the afternoon中the的读音。辅助资源:录音机、磁带、配套VCD、显示各种活动(play football, watch TV, go swimming, go cycling)的图片, Lingling, Sam, Amy, Daming的图片和头饰。语文、数学、英语、科学教科书。教学过程:IWarming up:全班一起唱歌:Whats the time?IIRevision:复习询问与说明时间。教师使用钟设定不同的整点与半点,问学生Whats the time, please? 学生回答。IIIPresentation:A1. 给学生看月历,并说There are seven days in a week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday。告诉学生Saturday 和 Sunday是周末weekend. 板书单词并领读。2. 教师将画有各种活动(play basketball, watch TV, go swimming, go cycling)的图片一一贴到黑板上,教师指着看游泳的图片说I go swimming at the weekend. 教师在看电视的图下面写出I go swimming at the weekend. 并领读。教师告诉学生今天我们要学习谈论平时周末的活动。教师板书课题What do you do at the weekend?,并请学生读出课题。3. 教师与几名学生进行问答,帮助他们回答。然后,教师指着月历上的周一至周五说We go to school these days. 重复说这个句子,帮助学生理解它的意思。拿出班级的课程表,问What do you have at school? 出示个学科教科书,说出它们的名称Chinese, Maths, Science,并写在黑板上。领学生重复这几个词语。4. 请学生看书,听录音,并指图和句子。教师出示对画挂图,请学生再听录音,并找出Sam今天在学校的几门课程名称以及他周末要做的事情。5. 教师请学生再听录音,并跟读。注意强调短语in the afternoon中the 的读音。6. 教师问学生What do you do at the weekend? 请几名学生回答后,请学生两人互相了解对方周末做什么事情,展示互相询问的过程。B1. 学生分角色朗读课文。2. 学生指着教材上第三部分的内容,请学生两人一组进行问答练习。IVPractice: 1、使用调查表来询问朋友在周末做什么。nameactionPlay basketballWatch TVPlay table tennisGo swimmingGo cyclingPlay football 2. 做活动用书。VSummary:1. 请学生自己总结What have we learned today?。2. 告诉学生要合理安排自己的周末活动。VIHomeworkassignment:回家调查父母平时周末做什么事情,下节上课时候进行汇报。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module6 unit2(2)教案 外研版Teaching aims:1. Have the pupils to learn two new phrases: play basketball, sleep.2. Have the pupils learn to talk about the others weekend activities: What does she/he do at the weekend? She/He 3. Help the pupils learn about 4. Help the pupils think about the way to have a great weeekend.Teaching procedure:Step1. Warmer.1. Sing English songs.2. Listen and do the actions.Step2. Presentation.1. Listen and guess what the teacher does at the weekend. Learn the two new phrases: play basketball, sleep.2. Listen and answer: What does Lingling do at the weekend? Learn how to 3. Learn to read the text.Step3. Consolidation.Observe the picture and guess what the person do at the weekend. Have a pition between boys and girls.Step4. Extension.1. Watch a vedio about two pupils unhappy weekend. Then help the pupils talk about their own weekend activities.2. Have a pupil act his/her weekend. The others shall be the presenters: This is At the weekend, he/she , and 3. Practice in groups. Then invite some act out in the front.Step5. Homework.三年级起点第二册 第六模块 第二单元 What does she do at the weekend?教学目标:5. 指导学生学会两个新的动词短语: play basketball, sleep.6. 引导学生谈论第三人的周末活动: What does she/he do at the weekend? She/He 7. 帮助学生知道一般现在时态中,单数第三人称(he/she)做主语时动词的末尾要加“s” 或者“es” 。8. 引导学生选择有利于身心健康的周末活动。教学过程:步骤一:热身。1. 唱英文歌。2. 听音做动作。步骤二:引入。4. 听声音猜测教师的周末活动。教授两个新动词:play basketball, sleep。5. 听录音并回答: What does Lingling do at the weekend? 帮助学生知道一般现在时态中,单数第三人称(he/she)做主语时动词的末尾要加“s” 或者“es” 。6. 学说课文并朗读。步骤三:巩固。1. 男女同学竞赛。观察图片并猜测画面中的人周末做什么。步骤四:延伸。4. 观看一段录像,片中的两个小孩的周末都不快乐。请同学们谈论自己的周末活动。想想怎样的周末才有意义才快乐。5. 请一个同学用动作表演自己的周末,本组的其他同学当解说员: This is At the weekend, he/she , and 6. 仿照刚才的表演,小组继续练习。然后请几个小组表演他们的快乐周末。. 7. 评价。步骤五:作业。1. 请同学们回家采访爸爸妈妈的周末活动,下次上课时介绍给老师和同学们。


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