2019届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第14课 八下 Units 9-10课时知识.doc

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第14课 八下 Units 910课前预热中考词汇拓展重点易错单词1. somewhere 在某处;到某处2. camera 照相机3. progress 进步;进展4. rapid 迅速的;快速的5. unusual 不寻常的6. toilet 厕所;坐便器7. encourage 鼓励8. perfect 完美的9. itself 它自己10. province 省份11. thousand 一千12. fear 害怕(动词)13. whenever 无论何时14. spring 春天15. mostly 主要地;通常16. yard 院子17. sweet 甜蜜的18. soft 软的19. check 检查;审查20. clear 清理;清除21. bedroom 卧室22. honest 诚实的23. while 一段时间;一会儿24. hometown 家乡25. nowadays 现今;目前26. among 在(其)中;之一27. shame 羞耻;惭愧28. regard 把视为29. count 数数30. opposite 与相对;对面的31. especially 尤其;特别32. childhood 童年33. consider 注视;仔细考虑34. hold/held/held 抓住;举办;拥有35. memory/memories 记忆词汇拓展1. believe(v.) believable (adj.)可信的 unbelievable (adj.)难以置信的;不真实的2. rapid(adj.) rapidly (adv.)迅速地;快速地3. usual(adj.) usually (adv.)通常地;寻常地 unusual (反义词)特别的;不寻常的4. encourage(v.) encouragement (n.)鼓励 courage (n.)勇气5. society(n.) social (adj.)社会的6. peace(n.) peaceful (adj.)和平的;平静的7. perfect(adj.) perfectly (adv.)完美地8. it(pron.) its (形容词性物主代词)它的 its (名词性物主代词)它的 itself (反身代词)它自己9. German(adj. & n.) Germans (pl.)德国人10. safe(adj.) safety (n.)安全 safely (adv.)安全地11. simple(adj.) simply (adv.)仅仅;只;不过12. India(n.) Indian (n. & adj.)印度人;印度的13. Japan(n.) Japanese (adj. & n.)日本(人)的;日语14. most(adj.) mostly (adv.)主要地;通常15. make(v.) maker (n.)制作者;造物主16. scarf(n.) scarves/scarfs (pl.)围巾;披巾;头巾17. honest(adj.) dishonest (反义词)不诚实的;不老实的 honesty (n.)诚实;正直18. especial(adj.) especially (adv.)尤其;特别;格外19. child(n.) children (pl.)孩子们 childhood (n.)童年;幼年20. fox(n.) foxes (pl.)狐狸21. hold(v.) held (过去式/过去分词)拥有;抓住22. soft(adj.) softly (adv.)轻轻地;柔和地23. truth(n.) truthful (adj.)诚实的;真实的24. collect(v.) collection (n.)收集品;收藏品中考词组短语词 组1. on the one hand.on the other hand. 一方面另一方面2. all year round全年3. check out观察4. clear out清理5. no longer不再6. close to几乎;接近7. go somewhere different去某个不同的地方8. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事9. be as enjoyable as. 和一样赏心悦目10. hear of听说11. take a ride on the boat坐船兜风12. three quarters of. 四分之三的13. have problems doing sth. 做某事有困难14. wake up醒来15. mind doing sth. 介意做某事16. give sth. away to people in need把某物捐给需要的人们17. for more than 10 years长达10多年18. feel sad to do sth. 做某事感到悲伤19. move to sp. 搬到某地20. one of the oldest buildings最古老的建筑物之一21. return home回到家22. regard.as. 把当作23. according to. 根据24. most of the children in my time我那个时代的大部分孩子25. in order to为了中考句型回顾书面表达素材1. 谈论有趣的地方The most interesting museum Ive ever been to is the American puter Museum.我曾经去过的最有趣的博物馆是美国计算机博物馆。Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!技术发展得这么迅速实在是难以置信!Ive already been there a couple of times, but Im happy to go again.我已经去过那儿好多次了,不过我很高兴再去一次。For thousands of tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.对成千上万的中国游客来说,这个位于东南亚的小岛屿是一个既好又安全的度假胜地。You can choose to go whenever you likespring, summer, autumn or winter.你可以选择春、夏、秋、冬任何你喜欢的时候去。2. 谈论生活所拥物品和家乡Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back her sweet memories.艾米想保存她的旧东西,因为它们给她带回甜蜜的回忆。My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.我女儿更懂事些,尽管她失去某些玩具很伤心。 As for me, I did not want to give up my football shirts, but to behonest , I have not played for a while now.至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衬衫,但说实话,我现在已经有段时间没有踢过足球了。Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. 如今,数百万中国人离开乡村去城市找工作。I used to return home at least once a year, but I havent beenback for almost three years now. 我过去常常每年至少回家一次,但是现在我几乎三年没有回去了。Our hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts. 在我们的内心深处,家乡留给我们太多温暖又甜美的回忆。语法精萃How long have you had that bike? 你拥有那辆自行车多久了?Ive had it for five years. 我拥有它5年了。(含 for的现在完成时)My daughter has owned these toys since she was four years old.我女儿自从四岁起就拥有这些玩具。 Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾去过科技博物馆吗?No, I have never been to a science museum. 不,我从没去过科技博物馆。(含been, ever, never的现在完成时)课堂突破中考重点单词与短语一、encourage的用法【例句展示】This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English.这种比赛鼓励中国人讲英语。【精讲辨析】encourage作动词,意为“鼓励”,后接动词不定式。encourage sb. (not) to do sth. 鼓励某人(不)去做某事。类似用法的词还有:tell(告诉),invite(邀请),allow(允许),ask(请求),want(想要),promise(答应),wish(希望),expect(预料;盼望;认为)。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. When I failed, he always encouraged me_(try) again.2. They decided_ (tell) me the truth.二、consider的用法【例句展示】1. Our director is considering Toms advice.我们主任正在考虑汤姆的建议。2. Why not consider visiting Paris?为什么不考虑游览巴黎呢?3. We consider her (as) a good teacher.我们认为她是一个好老师。4. My mother considers that I should play the violin every day.妈妈认为我应该每天拉小提琴。【精讲辨析】1. 由例句1、2可知,consider意为“考虑;思考”。consider后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,但不能接不定式。2. 由例句3、4可知,consider意为“认为”,与think意思相近。由例句3可知,consider sb. (as).意为“认为某人是”。由例句4可知,consider后面还可以接宾语从句。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。Mr. Smith is considering_ (buy) a new car.三、notice的用法【例句展示】1. All of the students noticed the new sign at the school gate.所有的学生都注意到了学校门口的新标牌。2. He noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.他注意到水里面的叶子散发出一种怡人的气味。3. Did you notice Mike go out?你注意到迈克出去了吗?4. She noticed a little boy crying at the street corner.她注意到一个小男孩正在街道拐角处哭泣。【精讲辨析】1. 由例句可知,notice是动词,意为“注意到;察觉到”。由例句1、2可知,notice后可接名词、代词和宾语从句;由例句3、4可知,notice后还可接复合宾语,即:notice sb. do/doing sth.。接动词原形时指注意到一个动作或事情的全过程或结果,接动词-ing形式指注意到一个动作正在进行。2. notice还可作名词。作可数名词时,意为“通告;布告”;作不可数名词时,意为“注意;察觉”。【活学活用】根据汉语提示完成句子。1. I_ (注意到) him enter the hall.2. Did you see the_ (通知) at the gate?四、分数的表达【例句展示】1. More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.超过四分之三的人口是中国人。2. One fifth of the water is dirty. 五分之一的水是脏的。3. Three fifths of the students in our class are girls.我们班里五分之三的学生是女生。【精讲辨析】1. three quarters意为“四分之三”。英语中的分数表达法为:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母要用复数形式。如:a quarter四分之一;a half二分之一;two thirds三分之二。2. 分数作主语时,谓语的单复数要与其后面的名词的数保持一致。若名词为可数名词复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式;若名词为可数名词单数形式或不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。【活学活用】根据汉语提示完成句子。What does the fresh juice contain?_ (五分之四) of the juice is orange. Its very pure.中考重点句型一、主语+have/has been to. 去过【例句展示】Ive never been to a water park.我从没有去过水上公园。【归纳提高】区别have gone to, have been to与have been in:1. have gone to意为“到某地去了”,表示已经去往某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿,实际上讲的是现在的情况,着重指现在人不在,限用于第三人称,不用于第一、二人称。如:She has gone to Tibet. 她去西藏了。(现在还未回来)2. have been to表示“某人曾经去过某地”,现在已经回来了。如:I have been to Tibet three times.我去过西藏三次。(现在不在西藏,强调曾经去过)3. have been in意为“到某地多长时间了”,常用于以下几种情况:(1)其后接表示时间段的状语时,指到目前为止的一段时间一直在某处。如:I have been in Australia for three years.我在澳大利亚已有三年了。(2)其后还可接表示组织、团体的名词,意为“加入某组织已有多长时间了”。如:He has been in the Party for two years.他入党有两年了。注:have gone to, have been in与have been to后接表示地点的副词there, here等时,介词to和in常省略。如:You have never been there before, have you?你以前从来没有去过那儿,是吗?They have gone there. 他们已经去那儿了。【活学活用】用适当的短语填空。1. Wheres Joan?She_ America. She will be back in three days.2. We_ the city for two months.3. They_ the zoo many times.二、Its really interesting, isnt it?这真的很有趣,是吗?【例句展示】1. The bus stops here, doesnt it?公共汽车停在这儿,是吗?2. He wont e back, will he?他不会回来了,是吗?3. There was little water in the glass, was there?玻璃杯里几乎没水,是吗?4. Dont smoke here, will you?不要在这儿吸烟,好吗?5. I think he is a good man, isnt he?我认为他是一个好人,是吗?【归纳提高】1. 反意疑问句指说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不确定,想通过对方的回答来加以肯定或否定,结构为“陈述句+反意疑问句”,遵循“前肯后否,前否后肯”原则。疑问句的助动词及主语应与陈述部分保持一致。注:陈述部分若含有never, few, little, hardly, nothing等具有否定意义的词时,后面的疑问部分用肯定形式。2. 祈使句的反意疑问中,陈述部分无论是肯定还是否定,后面的疑问部分都用“will you?”,但Lets.的反意疑问部分要用“shall we?”。3. 当陈述部分为I think+that从句时,反意疑问部分应与that从句的主语和谓语一致。【活学活用】完成反意疑问句。1. John had a short walk after lunch,_ ?2. He didnt go there yesterday,_ he?3. Your father often disagrees with you,_ he?_ . We often have different ideas.4. Lets visit the National Museum this weekend_ ?5. I think he does his homework at home,_ ?三、It is one of the oldest buildings in this small town.它是这个小镇上最古老的建筑物之一。【例句展示】Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China.北京是中国最大的城市之一。【归纳提高】“one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”意为“最之一”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?Oh!Its one of_(interesting)films Ive ever seen.中考词语辨析一、it, one与that【例句展示】1. How nice your watch is!Where did you buy it? I want to buy one.你的手表真漂亮!你在哪儿买的?我想买一块。2. The weather in Beijing is different from that in Wenzhou.北京的天气和温州的不一样。【辨异突破】1. it可用来指代前文提到的那个事物,前后是同一个事物。2. one用来指代前文出现的可数名词,表示同类事物中的一个。3. that用来指代前文出现的可数名词单数或不可数名词。它与前面的名词是同类但不是同一事物,多用于事物的比较时避免重复。若指代内容为复数,常用those。【活学活用】用it, one, that或those填空。1. The apple is so sweet, can you please give me another_ ?2. Could you record the football game for me? I can watch_ later.3. The weather in summer here is like_ in Beijing.4. As for learning English, students who read a lot can do much better than_ who dont.二、somewhere, anywhere与everywhere【例句展示】1. My ID card is missing. I looked for it everywhere, but I cant find it anywhere.我的身份证丢了。我到处找,可是任何地方都找不到它。I saw it somewhere this morning.今天早上我在某个地方看见过它。2. Im going to move somewhere interesting.我打算搬到某个有趣的地方。【辨异突破】somewhere用于肯定句,强调是某一处或某些地方;anywhere用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中,强调的是任何地方;everywhere强调的是每一个地方。注:形容词修饰不定副词somewhere/anywhere/everywhere,须置后。【活学活用】用somewhere, anywhere或everywhere填空。1. When we found him_ in the forest, he seemed ill.2. I cant find my pen_ .3. Sometimes, rules of etiquette are the same almost_ .三、for与since【例句展示】1. I have had the dictionary for two weeks.这本字典我买了两星期了。2. I have been collecting stamps since I was five years old.我自从五岁起就一直在收集邮票。【辨异突破】for和since都可用在现在完成时或现在完成进行时中。for表示时间的持续,后加时间段,表示一段时间,多与带数词的名词连用,其谓语动词须用延续性动词;since表示自从过去某一时间点以来,后面接时间点,强调动作或状态一直延续到现在。【活学活用】用for或since填空。His grandpa has been dead_ 1996,_ about 20 years.四、bee, turn与get【例句展示】1. Mary became angry.玛丽生气了。2. The leaves are turning brown.树叶在变成棕色。3. The food is getting cool.饭菜凉了。【辨异突破】bee, turn和get都有“变化”的意思,用在“主语+bee/turn/get+表语”的句式中,相当于系动词。bee可用于人和事,并可与大部分不同类型的形容词连用;turn在句子中常与表示颜色的形容词连用;get强调有一定的过程变化,如日子长短、天气冷暖、饭菜冷热、病情变化等。【活学活用】用bee, turn或get填空。1. Mr. Lin_ angry because someone broke the window.2. We_ wet in the rain without raincoats.3. Her face_ red when hearing this.4. I_ interested in the book when I saw it.五、not.anymore(any more)/no more与not.any longer/no longer【例句展示】1. Please dont go there anymore. 请别再去那里了。2. We are no longer young. 我们不再年轻。【辨异突破】1. not.anymore(any more)/no more表示次数上的“不再”,常修饰非延续性动词,多用于将来时态,有时也用于过去时态。2. not.any longer/no longer表示时间上的“不再”,常修饰延续性动词。【活学活用】用not.anymore/no more或not.any longer/no longer填空。1. The baby_ cry_ .2. Even though my father is_ with us, I will miss him forever.中考写作突破观点阐述篇【话题解读】此类试题的一般是给出某一现象,要求考生就该现象进行简要描述,然后提出建议并阐述自己的观点。此类题目通常以要点提示或表格的形式进行考查。文章常用一般现在时态。【常见表达】1. In my opinion, doing some suitable homework is necessary and helpful.2. Today, many students are interested in going online.3. We shouldnt spend too much time using mobile phones.4. Most of them think the shows are relaxing and funny.5. However, a few students hold the opposite view.【典型例题】(湖州中考)英语课上,老师组织大家就以下两幅图进行“To Change or Not”的话题讨论。请用英语阐述你对此话题的看法。注意:(1)短文可结合图片信息或自身经历,作适当发挥;(2)文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;(3)词数:80100。短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。【范文展示】Last week, we had a discussion about the topic “To Change or Not”. I think different people have different choices to deal with problems. For example, when meeting with the weight problem, some people decide to take exercise to lose weight while others think they cant do anything about it.When I was in Grade 7, I had difficulty with my spoken English. Instead of giving up, I chose to change. I tried my best to listen to tapes and practice speaking every day. Now my pronunciation has been improved a lot.In a word, facing problems, we should take actions to change. Surely it will make a great difference.【亮点点评】1. 文章把图片提示和自身经历结合起来,要点齐全,观点阐述明确。2. when, while从句的运用使文章表述多样化,行文跌宕起伏,增加了可读性。当堂检测一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I had an_ (usual) experience last Sunday.2. You cant imagine how_ (rapid) the technology has progressed.3. Chinese government encourages_ (society) groups to think about ways to improve our environment.4. My cousin has_ (search) for work in Shanghai for two weeks.5. Its_ (believe) that he has passed the exam.6. The cat washes_ (it) in the morning every day.7. Did you have any problem_ (collect) tea sets in India?8. You_ (simple) cant imagine how terrible the earthquake is.9. Jessicas parents always encourage her_ (speak) out her opinions.10. The cinema is one of the oldest_ (build) in the town.二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 consider toy camera honest hold 1. We_ our sports meeting on the playground last week.2. Dont play with_ anymore. You have grown up.3. We can take lots of beautiful pictures with_ .4. For your next vacation, why not_ visiting Paris?5. He is an_ boy. He always tells the truth.三、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Last week, my youngest son and I went to visit my father at his new house in Arizona, my 1_ (家乡).In my earliest 2_ (记忆), my father was a tall, handsome and successful man. He was 3_ (诚实的) and tried his best to help others. He loved his work and family, but was strict with his children, 4_ (尤其) with me. As a child, I loved him; as a schoolgirl and young adult, I was afraid of him.On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my fathers friends for lunch. His house is 5_(在对面) my fathers. We did many things that afternoon. My fathers strict rules were gone. He seemed so friendly and interesting to be with us.The next day, when I was sitting in the 6_(庭院), my father showed me some pictures of his 7_ (童年). He told me many stories. 8_ (在中) them, his experience in another city interested me most. At that time, I felt closer to him. After so many years, Im at last seeing another side of my father, a(n) 9_ (真实的) new happy father. I hope he can 10_ (拥有) such happiness forever.参考答案课堂突破【中考重点单词与短语】 一、1. to try 2. to tell二、buying三、1. noticed 2. notice四、Four fifths【中考重点句型】 一、1. has gone to 2. have been in 3. have been to二、1. didnt he 2. did 3. does, Yes 4. shall we5. doesnt he三、the most interesting【中考词语辨析】 一、1. one 2. it 3. that 4. those二、1. somewhere 2. anywhere 3. everywhere三、since, for四、1. got/became 2. got 3. turned 4. became五、1. didnt, anymore 2. no longer当堂检测一、1. unusual 2. rapidly 3. social 4. searched5. unbelievable 6. itself 7. collecting 8. simply9. to speak 10. buildings二、1. held 2. toys 3. cameras 4. consider 5. honest三、1. hometown 2. memory 3. honest 4. especially 6. opposite 6. yard 7. childhood8. Among 9. truthful 10. own


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