2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修6 Unit 1 Art period 1 教案2.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修6 Unit 1 Art period 1 教案2Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about art.2. To develop some basic reading skills.3. To learn some new words.4. To know about the history of western painting. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-inPurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about art.Pair work: Show the picture, Mona Lisa smile. Ask Ss three questions. And see how much they know about the famous picture.1.Who is the woman in the picture? Mona Lisa.2.Who painted the picture? Leonardo da Vinci (14521519).3.How long did it take him to paint it? Four years (15031506). Step 2. Warming Up Purpose: To lead Ss to prepare for both the content and the grammar focus of the unit.Group work Look at the following pictures and discuss in groups. (1) If you could have three of these paintings on the wall of your classroom, which would you choose? Discuss your reasons. These words might help you in your discussion: realistic abstract nature detailed traditional line rich religious unfinished modern color shape(2) Would you rather have Chinese or Western-style paintings in your home? Give your reasons.(3) Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist? If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint?(4) What would you rather do paint pictures, make sculptures, or design buildings? Why?Step 3. Pre-readingPurpose: 1.To introduce to Ss some famous western artists of each period and their famous works.2.Get Ss to talk about the famous western artists and their famous works.1. Pair work Do you know the names of the following western artists and their famous works? What do you know about them? Discuss with your partner.Giotto 乔托(1267-1337)Giotto was recognized as the first genius of art in the Italian Renaissance. He painted religious scenes in a more realistic style. This picture is Escape to Egypt.Raphael拉斐尔(1483-1520)Raphael was an Italian painter, whose works included religious subjects, portraits, and frescoes, exemplify the ideals of the High Renaissance. This picture is Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione. Van Gogh凡高(1853-1890) Van Gogh was a Dutch painter who went to live in southern France and helped to develop the style of Post-impressionism. His paintings typically use bright colors and have thick lines .one of the most famous ones is Sunflowers .He is also known for being mentally ill and for cutting off one of his ears and later killing himself. Poor as he was during his life, his paintings are now extremely valuable and sold at very high prices. This picture is Sunflowers.Claude Monet克劳德莫奈(1840-1926)He influenced the development of impressionism. He painted everyday objects. Monet had a fascination with light and that led him to not only paint this picture, but also several others showing the same effect on different objects. This picture is Sunrise.Pablo Picasso毕加索(1881-1973) Spanish artist. One of the most prolific and influential artists of the 20th century, Picasso excelled in painting, sculpture, etching, stage design, and ceramics. With Georges Braque he launched cubism (1906-1925), and he introduced the technique of collage. Among Picassos masterpieces are Les Demoiselles dAvignon (1907) and Guernica (1937).This picture is Les Demoiselles dAvignon. The above pictures can be used for Ss to talk about, and the teacher can give Ss a brief introduction to each of them.2. Group workAsk Ss to discuss in groups how to use the following words.realistic abstract sculpture gallery belief consequent symbol renaissance focus religion possession perspective convince impressionism shadow ridiculous controversial attemptpredict aggressive scholar flesh geometry bunchStep 4. Skimming Purpose: To help Ss learn some skills used by experienced readers.Group work Ask Ss to discuss the title of the text and the headings within it with their partners in groups of four and answer the following two questions.1. What is the topic of the text and how is the information organized?It is about Western painting and the information is organized in time periods, from earliest to present time.2. Skim the first paragraph to find the topic sentence that tells the reader what the text is going to be about.The last sentence.Step 5. First reading Purpose: To see whether Ss understand the passage or not.Pair work Read the passage and finish the following true or false questions. 1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. 2. Paintings in the Middle Ages did not use perspective. 3. Impressionists painted landscapes. 4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art. 5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors. 6. Abstract art is still an art style today. Suggested Answers: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.T Step 6. Second readingPurpose: To see whether Ss can fully understand the passage.Pair work Read the passage again and choose the best answer and discuss with your partner.1. Why has Chinese art changed less often? A. It developed slowly. B. Chinese people didnt like art. C. Art in China followed a similar way of life for a long time. D. Chinese art had a steady root.2. What did the Western paintings in the Middle Ages mainly draw? A. Nature paintings. B. Realistic paintings. C. Abstract paintings. D. Religious paintings.3. When did painters mainly focus more on people and less on religion? A. 5th to 15th century AD. B. 15th to 16th century. C. Late 19th to early 20th century. D. 20th century to today.4. Who was the first person to use perspective in paintings? A. Masaccio. B. Giotto di Bondone. C. Claude Monet. D. Pablo Picasso. 5. Why didnt people in the late 19th century like impressionists paintings? A. Because the artists mainly represented the religious theme. B. Because the artists focused on humans. C. Because the people of that time said that the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous. D. Because the painters broke away from the traditional style of painting.Suggested Answers:1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. CStep 7. Third readingPurpose: To get the main characteristics of each period. Pair workRead each period again and try to get the general idea of each period and fill in the blanks. 1. The Middle Ages (5th 15th century)During the middle ages, the main aim of painters was to represent _. 2. The Renaissance (15th to 16th century)People became focused_. 3. Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century)The artists painted outdoors. They want to show_.4. Modern art (20th century to today)Nowadays, there are scores of _ styles, such as Cubism (立体派),Surrealism(超现实主义), Expressionism(表现主义)Step 8. Discussion 1. Group workAsk Ss to discuss the text structure in groups.(1) Which paragraph tells you what the text is about?Paragraph 1(2) Why do you think the writer put headings in the text?Let readers know what his article is about and how it is organized.(3) Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.The first sentence of each paragraph.2. Pair work Look at the following four pictures and work in pairs to discuss the following questions.(1) Which one do you like best? Why do you like it? (2) Which period does each picture belong to? (3) Who painted it? (4) What kind of style is it?3. Please fill in the form and make up a small conversation between you and your partnerPeriodMiddle agesRenaissanceImpressionismModern ArtTimeCharacteristics of the paintingsStep 9 Homework1. Read the text fluently and then prepare for the following questions on your textbook.2. Get on the line and find out more information about western painting.


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