高中英语必修4 - Unit 2单元训练及解析

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Unit 2(时间:30分钟满分:35分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1My sister,_ for months to find a job as a teacher, finally took a position in Wenzhou Daily.Astruggling BstruggledCto struggle Dhaving struggled答案D考查非谓语动词。struggle与my sister之间是主动关系,且有for months可知struggle这一动作已经存在一段时间,故应用现在分词的完成式作状语,修饰my sister。句意:我的妹妹努力了好几个月想找一份教师的工作,但最终在温州日报谋得了一个职位。2The policemen were searching for the lost girl in the mountain for a whole night,_.Acoldly and hungrily Bcold and hungrilyCcold and hungry Dcoldly and hungry答案C考查形容词作状语。形容词作状语,用来对句子的主语、宾语、表语等所处的状态进行说明。cold and hungry相当于and they were cold and hungry。句意:整整一个晚上,警察都在大山里搜寻那个失踪的女孩,他们又冷又饿。3 Ill help you prepare for the party on Wednesday. Please dont_.My sisters have promised to help me.(2012河北衡水中学高三期末)Apromise Bannoy Cbother Ddisturb答案C考查动词词义辨析。promise答应;承诺;annoy使恼怒;使生气;bother费心;麻烦;disturb妨碍;打搅。由句意“请不必费心,我的姐妹们已经答应来帮我了”可知应选C项。4 As a weightlifting athlete, Thomas is indeed too large, I think. But_that, he is still one of the best athletes at present.(2012江苏南通市高三调研)Ain case of Bin spite ofCthanks to Din response to答案B考查短语辨析。A项意为“万一;以防万一”;B项意为“尽管如此”;C项意为“幸亏;由于”;D项意为“对响应;反应”。句意:但尽管那样,他目前还是最优秀的运动员之一。5Troubled by a terrible headache, Catherine wondered how she could_herself of the bad situation.Athrow Bremove Cmove Drid答案D考查动词词义辨析。throw仍;投;remove搬开;挪开;move移动;搬动;rid去掉;除掉。rid sb of sth“给某人去掉某物”。句意:受到严重的头痛病的困扰,凯瑟琳不知道她怎样才能摆脱这一恶劣的状况。6What do you think of last Fridays charity pop concert, Tim?It was a great success as a whole.Actually we_with half of the money collected.Awould have been satisfiedBwere satisfiedCwould be satisfiedDwill be satisfied答案A考查虚拟语气。由句意“事实上,我们能筹得一半的钱我们就很满足了。”可知应是对已经发生的事情的相反的假设,故应选A项。7She looks upset.Yes, Id rather I_her the bad news.(2012吉林一中高三摸底)Adidnt tell Bdont tellChadnt told Dwouldnt tell答案C考查would rather的用法。would rather意为“宁愿”,其后接宾语从句时,从句的谓语动词应用虚拟语气,如果是对现在、将来的虚拟则用动词的一般过去时,如果是对已经发生的事情的虚拟,则动词需用过去完成时结构。句意:她看上去很难过。是的,我真宁愿没有将那个坏消息告诉她。可知应是对已经发生的事情的虚拟,故选C项。8Actually few young people like moon cakes, but_,we have to have some as it is a day for that.Aanyhow BsomewhatCotherwise Dtherefore答案A考查副词用法。anyhow无论如何;somewhat有点儿;稍微;otherwise否则;要不然;therefore因此;所以。句意:其实很少有年轻人喜欢月饼,但无论如何我们要吃点,因为今天就是这么个日子。9_himself with necessary knowledge and skills,the young man went to the job market with much confidence.AEquipped BEquippingCHaving equipped DBeing equipped答案C考查非谓语动词。equip与句子主语the young man之间是主动关系。句意:在知识和技能方面都做好准备以后,这个年轻人就满怀信心的到就业市场求职了。可知equip这一动作应是发生在主句谓语动词went之前,故应选C项。10I regret_you that John has been fired.I can hardly believe my ears. He is such a fine worker.Atelling Bhaving toldCto tell Dto have told答案C考查regret用法。regret to tell/say/inform.很遗憾的告诉/说/通知;regret doing sth后悔做了某事。由句意:“我很遗憾的告诉你约翰被辞退了。我几乎不能相信我的耳朵。他是那么好的一个工人。”可知应选C项。11As these products are not selling_, the members of the board have decided to_production.Agood; cut off Bwell; cut back on Cwell; cut off Dgood; cut back on答案B考查副词和动词短语用法。sell/wash/write/read well“好卖/好洗/(钢笔写字)好使/(书)好读”。cut back on意为“削减;减少”;cut off意为“切断;隔绝”。句意:由于这些产品销路不好,委员会成员已经决定要压缩产量。12It is global warming, not other things_the extreme weather.Athat have led to Bwhich has causedCwhich are causing Dthat has led to答案D考查强调句和词义辨析。该句强调了句子的主语global warming, not other things,其谓语应与global warming保持一致,即应用单数形式;由强调句的基本结构可知应用that而不用which。故选D项。句意:是全球气候变暖,而不是其他的事导致了极端天气的发生。13While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made_discovery which completely changed_mans understanding of colour.Aa; / Ba; theC/; the Dthe; a答案A考查冠词用法。make a discovery “发现”;mans understanding of colour意为“人类对于颜色的理解”,是抽象意义的名词短语,其前不用冠词。句意:当牛顿在研究改进望远镜的方法时,他得到了一个彻底改变人类对于颜色的理解的发现。14Now one of the most serious problems many people are worried about_on the lack of adequate housing space.(2012太原五中学高三期中)Ainsists BdependsCagrees Dfocuses答案D考查动词短语辨析。insist on坚持;depend on依靠;agree on(双方)同意;focus on集中在;聚焦于。句意:现在很多人共同担忧的严重问题之一都集中在了适当居住空间的缺乏上。可知应选D项。15The son promised to keep his parents_of how he was going on with his studies at college.Ainform Binforming Cinformed Dto inform答案C考查非谓语动词用法。句中包含了“keep宾语宾补”结构;由搭配inform sb of sth(通知某人某事)可知,his parents与inform之间是被动关系,故应用inform的过去分词形式作宾补。句意:儿子答应他的父母让他们知道他在大学期间的学业进展情况。.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)ADrinking six to eight glasses of water each day is healthful,most health experts agree.But apparently not everyone is on the same page.A general practitioner from Scotland says that health advice is “thoroughly debunked nonsense” and is propagated by bottled water companies out to make a profit.In a commentary published online in the British Medical Journal,Margaret McCartney quotes experts that say drinking too much water can cause hyponatremia(low sodium levels in the blood)and expose people to pollutants.Experts were quick to pounce on the commentary as being misleading.The article hadnt been peerreviewed,pointed out Thomas Sanders,a professor from Kings College London.Sanders wrote in a reply on the BMJ website:“Appropriate hydration is particularly important for the elderly and the very young and for most people it is better to obtain most fluid intake from water,whether bottled or tap water,than from other beverages.”MacCartney focused on the more whacky(不同寻常的)claims made for water and appeared to cherry pick her references to make a story.While the headlines duke it out,its worth offering as refresherhow much water do we need every day?The answer isnt cut and dry,says an article by the Mayo Clinic,and depends on your exercise level,health conditions and the heat and humidity of your environment.In general,the Institute of Medicine recommends about nine cups of beverages for women and 13 cups for men.The Mayo Clinic offers another way to assess if youre getting enough H2O:“If you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters(6.3 cups)or more of colorless of slightly yellow urine a day,your fluid intake is probably adequate.”The issue of too much water surfaces among athletes,especially marathon runners.Hyponatremia(低钠血症)is a real concern when replacing the water lost during sweatingtoo much water,and the salt imbalance in the body can cause cells to swell with water,which is particularly dangerous for brain cells.Hyponatremia symptoms include confusion,nausea(恶心)and convulsions,according to MedlinePlus.It can also occur in the elderly and hospitalized patients.Some 3.2 to 6.1 million patients get hyponatremia each year,and the condition is associated with congestive heart failure and cancer.【解题导语】 本文是一篇科普文章:每天喝六到八杯水是健康的,大多数健康专家都认同这一点。但很明显的是,这并不适合所有人。16The underlined word “propagate” in the first paragraph refers to _.Amake widely knownBbring up the childrenCcarry from one place to anotherDargue against答案A猜测词意题。根据前文可知:每天喝六到八杯水是健康的,大多数健康专家都认同这一点。但很明显的是,这并不适合所有人。由此可知下文意思是:苏格兰的一位全科医师说这条健康建议“完全是胡说八道”,瓶装水公司对其进行大肆宣传以牟利。故画线部分的意思为宣传,正确答案为A。17Thomas Sanders considered it important for people to get fluid intake _.Afrom beer Bfrom beveragesCfrom fruit juice Dfrom water答案D细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句可知:适量的水合物对于上了年纪的人和年轻人来说特别重要,大多数人最好从水中不管是瓶装水还是自来水而不是其他饮料中获得大部分液体摄取,故正确答案为D。18According to Mayo Clinic,the consumption of water relies least on _.Athe heat and humidityBhealth conditionsCexercise levelDthe height of people答案D细节理解题。根据文章第三段结尾可知:答案不是一刀切,这取决于你的锻炼水平、健康状况和你所处环境的湿热度。故正确答案为D。19According to Institute of Medicine,women should drink _.Athe same amount water as menBa little more water than menCmore than twothirds of mens amountDonly half mens water amount答案C细节理解题。根据第四段首句In general,the Institute of Medicine recommends about nine cups of beverages for women and 13 cups for men.可知:一般说来,医学研究所推荐女性每天喝9杯饮料,男性喝13杯饮料。由此可知正确答案为C。20It can be inferred that Hyponatremia symptoms usually occurred to _.Amarathon runners,the elderly and doctors in hospitalBthe elderly,patients in hospital and marathon runnersCdash runners,the elderly and patients in hospitalDmarathon runners,the teenage and patients in hospital答案B细节理解题。最后一段谈到:运动员,尤其是马拉松运动员要喝更多水这个问题浮出水面。当出汗过程中替代水的流失喝更多水时,低钠血症是一个真实的焦虑,身体内的盐平衡能导致细胞和水一起膨胀,这对于脑细胞来说尤其危险。根据MedlinePlus的信息,低钠血症的症状包括意识混乱、反胃和抽搐。它也会发生在上了年纪的人和住院的病人身上。由此可知正确答案为B。BWe all know that money cant buy happiness,but many times we act as if we were happier with a bit more money.We are conditioned to want to be rich(when we know the rich arent happy either);we are trained to want the latest gadget or style that television tells us to want;we want to earn more money because then well have a good life.But none of them will bring us happiness.No matter how much we earn,no matter how much we have in the bank,no matter how nice our clothing or cars or toys,none of them will make us happier.And the sad thing is that it could take us decades to pursue wealth and luxurious items before we realize this.So what will bring us happiness?Luckily,its these three things that dont cost a thing.These three things have been proven by surveys of hundreds of thousands of people about what they have,what their lives are like,and how happy they are.Here they are,the Three Secrets to Happiness:1Good relationships.We have a human need to be close to and to be intimate with other human beings.Having good and supportive friendships,a strong marriage or close and loving relationships with our family members will make us much more likely to be happy.Action steps:Take time,today,to spend time with your loved ones,to tell them what they mean to you,to listen to them,and to develop your relationships with them.2Positive thinking.Im obviously a big proponent of positive thinking as the best way to achieve your goals,and it turns out that it can lead to happiness too.Optimism and selfesteem are some of the best indicators of people who lead happy lives.Happy people feel empowered,take control of their lives,and have a positive outlook on life. Action steps:Make positive thinking a habit.In fact,this should be one of the first habits you develop.Get into the habit of squashing all negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones.Instead of “I cant”think “I can”It may sound silly,but it works for me,every time.3Flow.This is a popular concept on the Internet these daysa state we enter when we are completely focused on the work or task before us.We are so buried in our task that we lose track of time.Having work and leisure that get you in this state of flow will almost undoubtedly lead to happiness.People find greatest enjoyment not when theyre passively mindless,but when theyre absorbed in a mindful challenge.Action steps:Find work that you have a passion for.Seriouslythis is an extremely important step.Find hobbies that you have a passion for.Turn off the TVthis is the opposite of flowand go outside and do something that truly engages you.Youve been given the Three Secrets to Happiness.Dont waste them!【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文。作者阐述了金钱和财富不会给人们带来幸福的观点,同时就如何得到幸福这个问题给我们提供了三个秘诀。21Which of the follwing is the most proper title of this passage?AThe Secrets to Happiness BWhat is happiness?CMoney vs Happiness DWho are happy?答案A标题归纳题。本文第三段中的第一句“So what will bring us happiness?”已点明了主题,最后一段中的“Youve been given the Three Secrets to Happiness.”又再次点明主题。故选A。22The writer expresses his _ attitude towards money and wealth.Anegative BsupportiveCobjective Drespective答案A作者态度推断题。根据第一段和第二段的内容可知,作者认为金钱和财富不会给我们带来幸福,更糟糕的是,往往是在追求金钱和财富几十年后我们才认识到这一点。A项“否定的”符合题意。23Which of the following doesnt belong to the advice given by the writer?ABeing engaged in what you are interested in.BHaving good relationships with others.CWatching TV.DBeing optimistic about your life.答案C细节理解题。A、B和D项与作者给出的三条忠告正好相符,C项是作者不赞成做的。故选C。24The underlined word“squashing” can be replaced by “_”Aremoving Bscolding Crepairing Dreducing答案A词义猜测题。根据这一段的意思可知,作者劝我们养成积极思考的习惯,摒弃消极的态度,故squashing的意思应该是“removing”。25The writer talks about happiness by means of _ in this passage.Aopinions and adviceBfacts and comparisonsCexamples and analysisDobservations and conclusions答案A文章结构题。在第一段和第二段中,作者阐明了金钱和财富不会带来幸福的观点,然后又给我们提供了三个能给我们带来幸福的方法,故A项是最佳答案。写作素材集锦单词1supportive支持的,给予帮助的2selfesteem自尊短语1be conditioned to do sth习惯于做某事2be buried in专心致志于某事3lose track of与失去联系句子1No matter how much we earn,no matter how much we have in the bank,no matter how nice our clothing or cars or toys,none of them will make us happier.不管我们挣多少钱,不管我们在银行存多少钱,不管我们的穿着、汽车或者玩具有多么漂亮,它们都不能使我们更加幸福。2Luckily,its these three things that dont cost a thing.幸运的是,正是这三件事情,不会让你花一分钱。9


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