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.课 题:Unit1Hello第一课时 教案内容: 一、 教学目标1、 能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语、并能运用所学交际用语进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名。Hello/Hi,ImWhatsyourname?要求读音正确,语调自然。特别要注意Im和name的正确读音。2、 培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。3、 认识五个人物:David、Liu Tao、Yang Ling、Mike、Nancy4、能听懂、会说以下单词:abird、adog、acat、amonkey、azebra、apanda、a、tiger、anelephant5、 会唱歌曲Hello!6、 理解冠词a/an之间的区别二、教学难点1、能听懂、会说交际用语Hello/Hi, ImWhatsyourname?2、八个动物单词三、教学准备1、 八张动物图片或玩具2、 文中涉及的人物的全身像3、 一个洋娃娃4、 一些半遮掩的动物图片5、 录音机和磁带四、 教学过程Lesson1一、教学目标1、 能听懂并会读句子:Hello/Hi, ImWhatsyourname?2、 认识五个人物:David、Liu Tao、Yang Ling、Mike、Nancy二、 教学难点正确掌握Hello/Hi, ImWhatsyourname?的语音语调,会进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名三、教学准备1、 文中涉及的五个人物的图片2、 一个洋娃娃3、 录音机和磁带四、 教学过程Step1FreetalkT:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Welcomebacktoschool. ImyourEnglishteacherthisterm. youcancallmeMiss .S:(齐)MissT:Show “Miss”S:read“Miss”Step2Presentation1、(1)T:(到学生面前)Hello/Hi, ImMissT:(站到学生旁边引说)ImT:(开火车练说)S:Hello/Hi,Im(2)T:showtheseword:Hi、Hello、ImS:learntosayS:workin pairs(小组练说、全班交流)(3)T:(拿David等五人图片)Hello/Hi,ImDavid(Liu Tao,Yang Ling,Mike,Nancy)S:(齐读)DavidS:(拿David等人图片开火车练说)Hello/Hi, ImDavidT:Hello/Hi,ImMissJi2、(1)T:(手拿洋娃娃)Hello/Hi,ImMiss Ji.Whatsyourname?T:(示范说)ImTianTianT: Hello/Hi, ImMiss.Whatsyourname?S:(拿洋娃娃)ImTianTian(2)T:Nowboysandgirls, lookhere!Pleasereadafterme.Show:Whatsyourname?S:read:name/yourname/Whatsyourname?T:(向三人说)Hello/Hi, ImMissJi.Whatsyourname?S123:ImExchangeS: Hello/Hi,ImWhatsyourname?T:(拿人物图片)ImDavid(3)T:(把图片给学生)S:work in pairs(小组交流、全班交流)3、(1)T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi,ImDavid.Whatsyourname?S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi,ImLiu TaoT:(走向该生)Hello/Hi,Liu Tao.S:Hello/Hi, David(2)T:(开火车)Hello/Hi,.S:Hello/Hi,(3)T:work in pairsStep3Practices1、 Openyourbookandlistentothetape2、 Readafterthetape3、work in pairs(小组练读、全班分角色读)Step4Homework1、Listentothetapeandreadafterthetape2、Actthedialogue五、 板书设计Lesson1Hello/Hi,ImWhatsyourname?Im教学调整 课 题:Unit1Hello第二课时 教案内容: Lesson2一、教学目标1、 能运用所学英语进行交际2、Canlistensayandreadthesewords:abird、adog、acat、amonkey、azebra、a panda、atiger、anelephant3、 理解冠词a/an之间的区别二、教学难点八个动物单词的读音三、教学准备八张动物全身像及半身像、五张人物图片、四个动物玩具四、教学过程Step1Freetalk1、T:Hi/Hello, ImMissJi.Whatsyourname?S: Im(利用人物图片)2、 ActthedialogueS:Hi/Hello, ImWhatsyourname?S: ImStep2Presentation1、(1)T:(showdollandsaysometimes)Whatsthis?ItsabirdT:abird(升调)abird(降调)S:ReadtoghterS: ReadonebyoneT:Showtherhyme:birdbird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳(2)Thesamewaylearn:acat、adog、amonkey(3)practiceplay a gameB:模仿动作猜动物2、(1)、T:(showcardandsay)Whatsthis?Itsapanda.T:apanda(升调)apanda(降调)S: ReadtoghterS: ReadonebyoneT: Showtherhyme:pandapanda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝(2)、Thesamewaylearn: azebra、atiger、anelephant(3)practiceStep3Practice1、 Showtherhymeandsaytogetherbirdbird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳dogdog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪catcat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵喵monkeymonkey是小猴,小猴monkey爱吃桃pandapanda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝zebrazebra是斑马,斑马zebra浑身是条纹tigertiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王elephantelephant是大象,大象elephant体如墙2、 respond(先操练后面学的四个、再把八个一起操练)3、 lookandguess(出示八张动物半身像)T:(教给方法)adog(升调)S:GuessStep4Consolidation1、 Openyourbookandlistentothetape2、 Readafterthetape3、 Funhouse:ListenandcircleStep5Homework1、 Listentothetapeandreadafterthetape五、 板书设计Lesson2图1bird图5panda图2dog图7zebra图3cat图7tiger图4monkey图8elephant教学调整 课 题:Unit1Hello第三课时 教案内容: Lesson3一、教学目标1、复习本单元的日常交际用语及动物单词2、 用所学的日常交际用语进行情景表演3、 完成练习册二、教学准备1、八张动物图片2、“Lookandsay”中的图片三、教学过程Step1Freetalk1、Listenasong:“Hello”2、 GreetingT:Hi/Hello,ImMissJi .Whatsyourname?S:ImT: Hi/HelloS: Hi/Hello3、 Actthedialogue(三组)S:Hi/Hello,ImWhatsyourname?S: ImStep2Presentation1、Showpicture1 of“Lookandsay”(1)T: Lookatthepicture(指着图说)TheboyisDavid.ThegirlisYang Ling. Whataretheysaying? Letsmakeadialogue.T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi,ImYang Ling.Whatsyourname?S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi,ImDavid(2)Asktwostudents,oneactYang Ling, oneactDavid, makeadialogueS:S:2、Showotherpictures(1)T:Whataretheysaying?Pleasetalktoyourpartner.S:work in pairs(2)ActthedialogueStep3Practice1、Singa song(1)Listentothetape(2)Singafterthetape(3)Singtogether2、DoexersicesT: Openyourbook, letsdosomelistening(1)ListenandjudgeT:Talktoyourpartner, whataretheysayingS: TalkingT: Listenandjudge(2)ListenanddrawT:(出示动物图片)Whatsthis?S:RespondS: Listenanddraw(3)Listen, findandcircleT:Whatarethese?S:FindandsayS: Listen,findandcircleStep4 Homework(1)Listentothetape(2)Readthetextandthesewords四、板书设计Lesson3图1图2图3图4教学调整 课 题:Unit2Nicetomeetyou第一课时 教案内容: 一、教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书.牛津小学英语3A第二单元第一课时二、 教学目标1.能听懂、会说以下交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语介绍其他人和相互问候. “This is ”,“Nice to meet you”, “Nice to meet you,too.” “Good morning”,“Good afternoon”.2.认识四个人物Mr. Green , Miss Li, Helen, Wang Bing. 正确运用和理解Mr.和Miss3.会唱歌曲Hi, Nancy三、教学重点1.日常交际用语“This is ” ,“Nice to meet you”, “Nice to meet you,too.” “Good morning”“Good afternoon”.2.认识四个人物Mr. Green , Miss Li, Helen, Wang Bing.四、教学难点1.比较熟练的运用“This is ” ,“Nice to meet you”, “Nice to meet you,too.” “Good morning”“Good afternoon”.2.能正确运用和理解Mr. 和Miss五、教学过程A. Free talk and motivation.(约4分钟)1.教师出示Nancy头饰向学生介绍This is 2.依次和学生打招呼Hello/Whats your name? /Im3.引出句型Nice to meet you ,做出和学生握手的样子,理解其意思,并引导学生回答Nice to meet you,too.4.师生反复操练句型.5.教师引导学生用句型“This is ”说出动物单词。B. Presentation and practice.(约20分钟)1.介绍四个人物Mr. Green ,Miss Li, Helen, Wang Bing.a.出现人物Helen,教师介绍“This is Helen.”并播放声音“Nice to meet you”,学生一起回答“Nice to meet you,too.”b.同法教授其它Mr. Green,Miss Li, Wang Bing.并操练句型“Nice to meet you” “Nice to meet you,too.”c.教师用一些图片让学生正确运用和理解Mr. 和Miss.d.播放歌曲Hi, Nancy,分别用四个人物来替换歌词,进一步巩固人物特征。2.介绍“Good morning” 和“Good afternoon”的运用和区别。a.教师画钟面,以不同的时间分别教学:“Good morning”,和“Good afternoon”。 b.师生可以相互操练。c. Chant. This is Wang Bing. Good morning, Wang Bing! Nice to meet you, Wang Bing.This is Helen. Good afternoon, Helen! Nice to meet you, Helen.3.游戏。(约4分钟)请四位学生戴上人物头饰,围成一圈,再请一位学生蒙上眼睛,站在中间,四位戴头饰的同学其中一位说“Hi, Im,Nice to meet you.”蒙着眼睛的同学听声音方向找出那个同学和他握手并说“Nice to meet you,too,”猜对的学生可以加以奖励。依次请学生表演(先前教师可以示范操练)C .Learn to say (约5分钟)1.播放课件,完整听完课文对话 2.跟录音读两遍。3.关掉声音,请学生配音。D. Consolidation.(约6分钟)1.请学生自编对话。2.表演对话。E.复习歌曲Hi, Nancy F. Homework. 1.跟读课文对话三遍 2.复习歌曲教学调整 课 题:Unit2Nicetomeetyou第二课时 教案内容: Lesson 2一、教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语3A第二单元 第二教时B Look and learn。二、教学目标1、能听懂、会说单词:yellow, brown, white, red, blue, green, black, orange。2、能在情景中熟练运用询问颜色的日常用语:What colour? Yellow./3、能唱歌曲Hi, Nancy!三、教学重点1、单词:yellow, brown, white, red, blue, green, black, orange。2、日常用语:What colour? Yellow./ 四、教学难点掌握8个颜色类单词。五、课前准备1、教具准备a人物图片及与颜色有关的各种物品:单词图片、彩笔、各色星形贴纸等;b录音机和磁带。2、板书准备预先写好课题 Unit 2 Nice to meet you六、教学过程A Sing a song(约5分钟)1、用录音机播放歌曲Hi, Nancy!让学生边做手势边跟着唱。2、让四名学生扮演上节课认识的人物Mr. Green, Miss Li, Helen和Wang Bing。3、 打招呼T: This is Helen/. Lets say Hi,to her/him, OK? S: Hi, Helen!4 、改编歌曲演唱 Hi, Helen /Mr. Green/Miss Li,/Wang BingT: Can you sing the song for her/him?S: Hi, Helen/. Hi, Helen/. Good morning. Good morning.B Presentation and practice(约20分钟)1、 T:Look, whats this? S:CarT:Yes, it is a car. And what colour is it? (出示词卡“What colour?”)师领读,生跟读“What colour?” “Red.” 然后小组个人找出身边红色的物品,一边指,一边练习说单词red。同法,教授其他7个颜色类单词,并将颜色图卡贴黑板上。2、 Look and learn1) Open the books and listen to the tape.2) Read after the tape.3、 Ask and answer出示一幅彩色的汽车图画进行指问。T: What colour? S: Yellow/ Black师生问答 生生问答C Consolidation(约15分钟)1、Game“Look and match” Look at the blackboard and match the pictures with the right words, then say the colour out. If he is right, he can get a star which has the same colour.2、 Game“Look and guess” 1)Look at a nice umbrellas shadow. It has many colours. Guess. 2)Check the answers. If he is right, he can get a star. D Homework(约1分钟) 1听录音并跟读单词。2收集各色物品,复习颜色类单词。七、板书设计Unit 2 Nice tomeet youWhat colour?图卡 red图卡green图卡yellow图卡orange图卡black图卡white图卡blue图卡brown教学调整 课 题:Unit2Nicetomeetyou第三课时 教案内容: 一、教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语3A第二单元 第三课时二、教学目标1.能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词;2.能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语;3.能唱歌曲 Hi, Nancy!三、教学重点1.能听懂、会说本单元日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语介绍他人和相互问候;2.能听懂、会说八个有关颜色的单词。四、教学难点1.在运用所学交际用语介绍他人和相互问候时,要求用词恰当,语调自然,特别要注意This is的正确读音;2.认识四个人物:Miss Li, Mr Green, Wang Bing, Helen。理解并能正确运用Mr和Miss。五、课前准备人物图片、颜色卡片。六、教学过程Step 1.Warm upSing a song “ Hello!”(约2分钟)Step 2.Free talk(约4分钟)1.用Good morning./Good afternoon.与学生打招呼。2.向学生提问Whats your name? 并以Nice to meet you./Nice to meet you, too.致以问候。3.使用What colour? 复习颜色。单词卡片Step 3. Revision(约10分钟)1.让学生彼此之间以Hello, Hi互致问候,询问对方的名字。2.引导学生在询问得知对方的姓名后以This is 的句型向全班同学进行介绍。3.Group work. 将学生分成3人一组,让组内的同学互相介绍,并使用句型Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.打招呼。4.Read the dialogue of Part A.跟录音齐读后,请各组同学上前表演。Step 4. Presentation (约20分钟)1.Ask the students to look at the pictures of Part C.让学生仔细观察c部分的四幅图。2.将四幅图分成两组,第一、第二幅图中的场景是紧密相连的。上午九点半,Helen 和Liu Tao相遇。互致问候后,Liu Tao又将 Helen介绍给恰好路过的 Yang Ling。引导学生使用以下句型对话。3.Helen: Hi/Hello/Good morning, Liu Tao.Liu Tao: Hi/Hello/Good morning, Helen.Liu Tao: Hi/Hello/Good morning, Yang Ling. This is Helen.Yang Ling: Nice to meet you, Helen.Helen: Nice to meet you, too.4.第三、第四幅图之间的场景也是连贯的。下午五点十分,Helen 遇见了Wang Bing,在Helen和Wang Bing 打招呼时,一只小狗刚好经过。小狗快活地对Helen叫着Woof!Helen立刻蹲下身,友好地向小狗伸出了手。可以运用以下句型: Helen: He/Hello, Im Helen. Whats your name?Wang Bing: Im Wang Bing.Helen: Good afternoon, Wang Bing.Helen: Nice to meet you, Bobby.Bobby: Woof!5.取出人物头饰, 创设情景, 进行小组表演,评出优胜组。Step 5.Consolidation(约3分钟)1.打开补充习题Unit2,练习第一项听录音,根据所听到的内容顺序,在方框中写上序号。2.1) Hi, Peter. This is Mr Green.2) Hello, Im Miss Li.3) A: Whats your name?B: Im Wang Bing.4) Hello, Nancy. This is Helen.Step 6.Homework(约1分钟)用英语向家长介绍你的同学,并让他们互致问候。七、板书设计Unit 2 Nice to meet you教学调整 课 题:Unit2Nicetomeetyou第四课时 教案内容: 一 教学内容 义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语3A第二单元第四课时二 教学目标1 能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词。2 能比较熟练地在情景之中用本单元所学的日常交际用语。三 教学重点1 单词:yellow, brown, white ,red, blue, green, black, orange, Miss和Mr。2 日常交际用语:This is Good morning/afternoon.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.四 教学难点1 能熟练听说本单元所学的单词。2 能在情景中灵活运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。五 课前准备1单词卡片,水彩笔,彩色贴纸。2 教学准备:课前请学生准备好彩笔,白纸和练习册。3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 2 Nice to meet you。六 教学过程Step 1 Free talk(约3分钟)1 以Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls和学生打招呼,学生依据实际情况回答。2 Sing the song “Hi,Nancy”,学生一起唱,第二遍替换人物和更改歌词请学生来唱。Step 2 Revision and practice(约16分钟)1请一位同学拿着书中某一人物的图片扮演这个人物,到前面来,然后老师上前说:Good morning/afternoon, Whats your name?学生回答:Im 然后、老师把他介绍给其他学生This is2 呈现幻灯片里面的卡通形象:米老鼠、Snoopy、柯南,请同桌之间任意选择,先介绍,再打招呼。4 由一名学生扮成外国人,老师和他/她打招呼,Hi /Hello,Im Nice to meet you。他/她回答 Nice to meet you, too.然后继续问Whats your name?他/她回答 Im ,然后老师把他/她介绍给另一位同学Good morning/afternoon,This is Miss/Mr/ This is Miss/Mr,然后他们之间相互打招呼。5 学生们依次这样介绍下去,复习和巩固本单元的日常交际用语。6Listen and draw,取出补充习题,完成练习并核对。7 竞赛表演,请学生分组根据所学编一些简短对话进行表演(表演出色者给予奖品:带有颜色的贴纸)。Step 3 Presentation and practice(约21分钟)1 利用事先准备好的颜色卡片快速闪动,让学生认读关于颜色的单词。2 Missing game:取一张单词卡片藏起来,问学生What is missing?3 男女生比赛,老师说出一颜色单词,谁先将单词卡片贴在黑板上为胜利者,给予奖品。4 Listen and colour,取出课本完成练习并检查核对。5 老师准备几套卡片,四套为颜色卡片,其余的为水果/动物/衣服/食物的卡片,除颜色卡片外其余卡片上的图案为中空。老师拿出颜色卡片称在中空图案后面,问学生What colour is it?学生回答6 把全班分成四组进行练习,然后小组比赛,在相同时间内进行猜颜色比赛,哪个组猜得对的多为胜,给予奖品。7 老师取出一件印有小丑图案的白色T恤衫,然后取不同颜色的水笔,在填入颜色时不让学生看到,请学生来猜,哪个组猜得对的多为胜,给予奖品。8 学生分组进行画画填色,然后进行类似的游戏。9 Listen and colour,取出补充习题完成练习并检查。Step 4 Homework(约1分钟)1 留意有颜色的事物,复习表示颜色的单词,遇到没有学过的颜色单词可以通过查字典找到,并教会其他同学。2 用所学的简单交际用语进行日常交流。3 复习本单元,预习下一单元的内容。Step 5 板书设计Unit 2 Nice to meet youThis is/ This is Miss/MrGood morning/afternoon. Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.教学调整 课 题:Unit3Thisismyfather第一课时 教案内容: 教学内容: 1.认识人物:Mr Black,Mrs Black ,Gao Shan. 2.句型:This is my教学目标: 1、能用This is my .句型介绍家庭成员 2、能听,会说家庭成员间的称呼语:father、mother、brother、sister 3、认识三个人物并能正确理解和运用Mr Black , Mrs Black , Gao Shan 教学重点: 掌握单词father/ mother /sister/ brother ,并能用句型 This is my 介绍家庭成员.教学难点:正确掌握father/ mother/ sister/ brother 的发音.教学具准备: recorder pictures photo 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1、Sing songs and act :Hello 、Hi,Nancy 2、Greetings: Hi/Hello,Im Good morning/Good afternoon . Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you ,too 3、Free talk : 用 “Whats your name?”与部分生交流,并复习句型 “This is ”.T: Whats your name?S: Im T: ( 指着该生询问其余学生) This is , yes or no?S: Yes/ No. This is ( 在生否定回答时,相机让生练习句型 This is )4、 进一步复习 “ This is ” 句型. 师出示一些图片,让生用 “This is .” 句型一一介绍图片上的内容,鼓励生用修饰词,如在介绍一只白猫时,鼓励生说 “This is a white cat.”Step 2 Presentation and practice. 1、Learn to say :This is my father . Show the family photo. T:Today were going to learn a new dialogue. Look at this photo of my family.Let me introduce someboday about it . a、T: This is my father ,(师反复重复:father , This is my father )What does“father” mean? Do you know? “Father”means “爸爸”,“my father ”means “我的爸爸”. b、Read after the T,then play a game: T: father Ss: Dad . T: Dad Ss: father . c、T: Show me your family photo ,please introduce your father to me ,You should say : Miss Ji,this is my father. d、 Practice and check. 2、 Learn to say : This is my mother/brother/sister. The same method and then play a game .the T say the word aloud ,but the Ss say it low.If the T say it low ,the Ss say it aloud . 3、Singa song “Family song”把四个单词father ,mother ,brother ,sister 编成歌曲,让学生在歌中熟悉四种称呼。 4、Check. Look at your photo and introduce your family to your deskmates5、Practice Step 3 Consolidation. 1、The T shows the picture 1. T: How many people are there in the picture? Ss:Three. T: Who are they? Ss:Nancy,Mr Green ,Mr Black. T: Mr Black is Nancys father ,Nancy wants to introduce her father to Mr Green ,What are they talking about? 2、生组成三人学习小组,先讨论交流,表演一番后评论。3、Listen to the tape and repeat . 4、ActT: Whod like to act out the dialogue?Three students a group,talk about this picture. 5、The T introduce Gao Shan to the Ss. (This is Gao Shan) 6、Show the picture 2 and act: Im David ,who wants to be Nancy, who wants to be Gan Shan? Listen to me ,please. T:say “Hello, GaoShan ,this is my sister ,Nancy.” Gao Shan says:“Hi, Nancy.” Nancy says:“Hi,Gao shan.” 7、Three students a group make the dialogue. 8、Check. 9、Listen to the tape, just listen and repeat it . 10、Open the books ,turn to page 18 , A Learn to say .Listen to the tape and repeat .Step 4 Homework Listen to the tape and read after the tape . 板书 Unit 3 This is my father Mr Black This is my mother Mrs Black This is my brother This is my sister教学调整 课 题:Unit3Thisismyfather第二课时 教案内容: 教学内容:B部分单词:bananas.watermelons,peaches,pears.apples,oranges,mangoes,pineapples. 教学目标: 1.认识分清所学过的人物名字,称呼。 2.更熟练的运用所学对话进行交际。 3.能听懂,会说以下水果类单词: bananas ,watermelons ,peaches, pears ,apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples 教学重点: 口语交际对话 教学难点:能听懂,会说以下水果类单词: bananas ,watermelons ,peaches, pears ,apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples 教学具准备: recorder picture 教学过程: Step1. Warm-up. 1 Greetings .(同位之间练习)Hello /Hi, Good morning/ Good afternoon. Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too. 2 Introduce . Please introduce your family members to your partner .Practice in pairs . Step2 Presentation and practice . 1.Learn to say the new word: bananas. a. Show the fruit .(bananas) T: Look, have some bananas , Please show me your bananas and say bananas . Ss: bananas. T: I have a banana . Show me your banana and say “a banana”. Ss: a banana. b. Practice . Pass the bananas and say “bananas” one by one. Show a banana and say :“this is a banana”. 2. Look and say the other words . The same method. 3.read these words in pairs4.checkStep3 .Consolidation . 1. game 1. T: Lets play a game ,ok? There are some fruits in my bag ,Iwant one student to come to the blackboard ,touch and guess,If youre right ,Ill give yousome fruit. e.g S1: apples ? Ss: Yes .(or no) 2. game 2水果游戏 这里有10幅图,都是一些水果,猜的时候要有三个部分:水果的名称,水果是一个还是很多个;水果是什么颜色的。比如,你觉得第一幅图是一个香蕉就说:a banana, yellow;如果你觉得有几个香蕉就说:bananas, yellow. T: Now lets begin. 猜测可以以4人为一小组,教师可以给每个小组一次机会,进行猜测,猜完后教师揭晓谜底,猜对的小组可以加分。最后分数最高的一组可以给每个同学一盆水果。 由于这个游戏可能耗时较长,因此在做完5个题目后就终止,留到下节课继续进行。 3. Listen to the tape and repeat . Once: Only listen . Twice :Listen and repeat . 4. Do the workbook : B Listen and draw . Step4 Homework : 1. Read the words three times and read these after tape. 板书Unit 3 This is my father bananas watermelons peaches apples pineapples pears oranges mangoes 教学调整 课 题:Unit3Thisismyfather第三课时 教案内容: 教学内容: 1 C: Look and say 2 补充习题 :A Listen and respond . B Listen and number . 教学目标: 1、更熟练地运用“This is .”介绍人物,及用“Nice to meet you ”来问候 2、完成补充习题 :A Listen and respond . B Listen and number . 教学重点难点: 重点:熟练地运用所学句型交际. 教学具准备及辅助活动: 图片,录音机 教学过程: Step1: Warm-up: 1.Greetings .Listen and sing a song family song 2.Free talk。围绕两人初次见面的所需进行问候练习. 3.Guess: Whats in my basket?(猜水果篮里有什么?) 利用感官. 4.Listen and imitate .听音模仿练习.(复习巩固A部分会话) Step2. Presentation 1.Show the pictures (Mr Black, Mrs Black, Mr Green ,Miss Li) .Please say :“Good morning/afternoon to them.” 生来分别扮演这四个角色,分成四个小组,进行互动式练习。 2.学生用 “Good morning /afternoon Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too .”练习 3.Show the wall pictures .(c Look and say) Look at the pictures. Questions :a. How many people are there in the picture ? b. Who are they? c. What are they talking about? 4.同桌讨论5.Practice e.g (1) Mr Green :Good morning ,Mr Black. Mr Black: Good morning,Mr Green . (2) Mrs Black: Good afternoon /Nice to meet you , Mrs Li : Good afternoon /Nice to meet you ,too . (3) Helen: Hi ,Li Tao ,This is my brother ,Mike . Li Tao: Nice to meet you , Mike. Mike: Nice to meet you ,too . (4) Mike : Hello,Gao Shan ,This is my sister ,Helen . Helen : Nice to meet you ,Gao Shan . Gao Shan : Nice to meet you ,too .B: Can you make a dialogue like these .Try to act . Step3 Do the workbook . 1.Page 7: Unit 3 This is my father .A Listen and respond .Listen to the tape and look at the pictures . e.g (1) Miss Ji: Hi ,Im Miss Ji. S1: Hi, I m KEY: (1) Hi,I m (2) Good afternoon . (3) Nice to meet you ,too .(4) Nice to meet you, Mrs Black . 纠正好答案之后,学生可以自由进行练习,以巩固所学,扩充知识面。 3.Turn to the next page : B Listen and number . 先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。 Step 4 Consolidation Listen to the tape and repeat (PartA, PartB) Step 5 Homework Listen to the tape and read after it three times about A Learn to say and B Look and Learn .教学调整 课 题:Unit3Thisismyfather第四课时 教案内容: 教学内容: D部分1 Listen and judge . 2 Play a game . 3 Say a rhyme. 教学目标: 1、熟练运用对方进行交谈相关练习 2、能正确读出八种水果的名称并完成相关练习 教学重点难点: 学生更熟练地说和做 教学具准备: 录音机 教学过程: Step 1. Warm-up 1 Greetings. 2 Sing songs :Hello ,Nancy,Family songs 3 Free talk :围绕将别人介绍出去之类的交际进行交流。 4 P


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