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Practiceinclass 1 isnoteasytospeakgoodEnglish A ItB ThatC ThisD He2 seemeduselesstocry A ItB ThatC ThisD He3 isnotahabittowastemoney A ThatB ItC ThisD He4 alieiswrong A TellB TotellC Tells A D B B 5 Howlongdoes taketogofromBeijingtoShanghaibytrain A thatB itC thisD you6 willnottakehimanythingtobepolite A ThatB ItC ThisD They7 Didn tyouaskthem that A nottodoB notdoC notdoingD tonotdo8 Idon tknow withthebox A todowhatB whattodoC whatbedone9 Heforgot A togowhichwayB whichwaytogoC Whichtogotheway B B A B B 11 Togiveupis A failB failingC tofail12 Iwantsomewater A tobedrunkB todrinkitC todrink13 Wemusthaveahouse A toliveB toliveinC tobelivedinD toliveinit14 Hereisanewbookforyouto A bereadB readC readit16 Istoodup better A andseeB toseeC forseeing C C C B B 17 Itoldhim it A don tbreakB nottobreakC notbreak18 Isawhim footballontheplayground A playedB playC toplay19 Johnseems it A knowsB knowC toknow20 Mary sbusinessis careofchildren A TakesB takeC totakeD totaking21 Whatafoolheis suchathing A DoesB didC todo B B C C C 22 Ifound hardtomakeaspeechinEnglish A it sB thatC itD this23 Heshowedthechildren A howtodoB whattodoitC howtodoit24 Imustgetsomeone itforme A carryB tocarryC carriedD carrying25 Iwantedhim doitforSavetheChildren A todoBdoingC doD does C C B A 26 Theykeptthefire tokeepthemwann A tobumB burnC burntD burning27 Who stheboy underthetree A standB tostandC standingD stood28 Idon tliketosithere noting A doingB doC todoD does29 Thegirlstudentenjoy Englishsongs A singingB tosingC singD sung30 Thankyoufor ussowell A toteachB teachesC teachingD taught D c A A C 31 Ioftendosome onSundays A washedB towashC washD washing32 Theboy LiHuainClassOneishisbrother A calledB callingC tocallD call33 Itoftentakesmehalfanhour home A walkingB towalkC walkedDwalk34 Don tforget hercleanwatereveryday A togiveB givingC givenD give35 Ithinkitimportant Englishwell A learningB learnC tolearnD learned D A B A C 36 Thefunnystorymakesus A laughB laughingC tolaughD laughed37 Ourteachertoldus hard A toworkB workingC workedD work38 Couldyoutellme thisword A tohowreadB howtoreadC howreadD howreadto39 Idon tknow A whenstartB whentostartC tohowstartD howstart A A B B 40 Remember lateforclassagain A nottoB nottobeC tobenotD benotto41 Stop please I vesomethingtotellyou A toreadB readingC readD towrite42 MissLilikesthestudents questions A askB askingC toaskD asked43 44 Youdon tlookwell Why toseethedoctor A nottogoB youmottogoC notgoD didn tgo B B C C C 45 Haveyoureadthebook It sworth A readB toreadC readingD toreading46 Youhadbetter homeatonce Don tkeepyourmother A to waitB going waitingC togo towaitD go waiting47 inthesunisbadforyoureyes A ReadB ReadsC ReadingD Toreading48 Whenthelittlebabysawhermother shecouldn thelp A coming laughingB come tolaughC comes laughsD came laughing49 I dlike awordwith you A hadB havingC tohaveD have C D C A C 50 Hurryup It stime A forhaveclassB havingclassC haveclassD tohaveclass51 Canyoufinish anelephantintwominutes A drawB todrawC drewD drawing52 Thedoctorwasbusy ontheboyatthattime A operateB operatingC tooperatedD operated53 Itwasverylateatnight butMr Brownstillwenton A worksB workedC workingD work54 OnSundaysIprefer athometo out A tostay goB staying goC staying goingD tostay going D D B C C 55 Theteacheragreed lessonstohisstudents A giveB thathegiveC togiveD thathewillgive56 Allthestudentslearned upwordsinadictionary A lookhowB howtolookC howlookD tohowlook57 Nobodyknew alivinginthatcountry A gotoB tomakeC howtogoD howtomake58 Thebabystarted Try itquiet A cry keepB tocry tokeepC tocry keepD cry tokeep C B D B 59 Remember thebookintimewhenyouhavefinished it A toreturn readingB returning readingC returning toread Dtoreturn toread60 Doyouoftenseeher forhimatthebusstop A waitB towaitC waitingD beingwaited61 Theboypromised himmorehelp A giveB togiveC thathegiveD thathegive62 63 Thepatientrefused anymedicine A haveB tohaveC howtohaveD tohowhave A A B B WritingB Wearewritingtoaskforyourpermissiontoorganizeafund raisingactivityfor Theorganizationhelpschildreninneed suchas and Themoneyraisedwillhelptheorganizationbuythingsforchildren suchas and Thefund raisingactivityis Students Wewouldliketohaveiton time Canwehaveit place Couldyoupleasegrantusthepermissiontoorganizetheactivitytohelpthechildreninneed Thankyouverymuch SavetheChildren childreninhospital childrenwithoutaparent childrenwithphysicaldisabilities paint story books CDs afoodfair makefoodtosell nextFriday intheschool hall Thankyouforusing


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